‘I had to never open my legs’ for promotion- Cindy Rosan

The show was subsequently discontinued and taken down from Facebook and its future at ZROD 107.3 FM may be in jeopardy. Rosan recently started her own show after breaking away from the popular ‘The Morning Braff’ show on Tola Radio VI.
Ms Rosan was at the time speaking about the sudden resignation of Dirk L. Walters as Events Manager of the BVI Tourist Board in the season of the Virgin Islands' 70th Emancipation Celebrations.
“We don’t know the circumstance…I could only write the facts and then, I don’t know, we could gossip on ZROD,” Rosan stated, adding that “two man crab can’t live in the same hole.”
Rosan then went on to say that the BVITB is going to implode and that the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) administration would suffer the same fate. “So, I can’t say I wake up feeling sorry for nobody because I don’t. Everybody know what they do to get positions, you know, like all the snake-like behaviour and so forth. Who don’t want to hear it that’s their problem, I don’t really care.”
The controversial Rosan then stated that Mr Walters had a failed tenure that started in 2023. It was last year, around March 2023, that Mr Walters was appointed as Events Manager, replacing Rosan who was fired by the BVITB in December of 2020.
Continuing her rant, Rosan also suggested that the BVITB could face a lawsuit over the departure of Walters and that the government could lose money and the BVITB would not care.
“We continue to hear about the chaos happening in there anyway,” Rosan said, and then proceeded to refer to one male member of the BVITB as an “ass” and an “idiot” and referred to a female member of the Board as “useless” and “micromanaging” and “harassing people.”
She added that the BVITB is being run “horribly” and “mismanaged” and said she would like to see an audit of it.
‘I had to never open my legs to ascend yet’- Rosan
Rosan then accused persons from the BVITB and the sitting VIP government of talking her name “every chance they get.”
“I had to never open my legs to ascend yet,” Rosan said before a person believed to be a staff member of the radio station then interrupted by objecting to Rosan’s conduct on air.
Rosan then leaves the set in a manner to address the issue and the show ends shortly after. The live link was subsequently discontinued and taken down from the ZROD 103.7 FM’s Facebook page.

74 Responses to “‘I had to never open my legs’ for promotion- Cindy Rosan”
Any chance we can know what that manner was?
love her home and if we don't speak up for truth, you are called all sorts of names. She knows exactly what she is talking about, but you all will rant and rave behind close doors, stab each other in the back, then go to church on Saturdays and Sundays take holy communion, said out daily prayers and are evil in the site of God. Leave Cindy alone. She dont know me but i listen to her and Kishma for years and the two are the SMARTEST persons living in the BVI.
Cindy. I pray the All Mighty cover you and your family from the VULTURES.
This is all ZROD had to do. Different opinions helps you see issues from a different angle and be more inform on issues.
Not a fan of hers BUT sometimes she does make you take a second look and and go hmmm that don't sound right.
Their grievances to the Board have gone unaddressed with more resignations to come.
This is not someone fighting for the country more like fighting for self
Improprieties.. The Devil always attends (Church).. Never the Dance Halls..??
The Prestigious Pedagogues..Behind the The (Pulpit)Are now also Persons of interest to the (COI)..So Who are
The Saviors... Saving..???.??????????????
Those guys in the shipping business can say they almost never bring in 100 kies. So police can’t do anything, ????????????