‘I had some concerns about the vaccine’ @ first- Premier Fahie

“I had some concerns about the vaccine in the beginning. I researched but I know as the Leader of the territory, you have to set an example and I did it to save my country,” Premier Fahie told talk show host Zoe J. Walcott in the Saturday, April 10, 2021 episode of ‘ZOEJ Says' streamed on JTV's Facebook page.
The Leader of Government business-related that his drive to get vaccinated was to save his family and territory and to set an example to the rest of the VI.
“I did it to save my family, I did it to save the country in terms of our education system so they could get back to school. I did it for the businesses that said, 'well I want you to re-open'.
“I did it so that I could show the others let's do this and give ourselves the best possible chance to reopen and be safe and get back our livelihoods, so that is the example that I see myself have done,” Premier Fahie said.
Gov't with not force vaccination on anyone - Premier
The Premier reiterated that his government will not force anyone to get vaccinated; however, there was a strong urge for the people of the territory to get vaccinated.
Only about 28 per cent of the VI population received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine as of April 7, 2021.
“It's simple, you have your democratic right whether to take a vaccine or not. This government is not going to put any laws in place to force you to take a vaccine; however, just like how you have a right not to take it, there are those who have a right to take it,” he said.
“I will not force anyone, this government will not bully anyone to take the vaccine… but we will strongly encourage [you] to take the vaccine because it is the most credible option, an opportunity that we have to re-strengthen our economy,” he said.

33 Responses to “‘I had some concerns about the vaccine’ @ first- Premier Fahie”
CDC and FDA recommend US pause use of Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine over blood clot concerns
Continuing to wear a mask and following other Public Health recommendations should not be considered a hardship. This pandemic would be much closer to being over if people just came together and did all the things that prevent and contain the spread of the disease.
Being a good Christian and a good Citizen are not mutually exclusive.
I find it very hard to believe that hospitals and medical professionals in hospitals in every country in the world (including here) were told to lie about a cause of death (by who you have not verified) and nobody has spoken out about this - remember, not all hospitals are government run and doctors, nurses, hospital staff ect are not politicians or big pharma with an agenda - so this message is also apparently being enforced in private facilities, and the people you are accusing of lying in this way have also had family and close friends die but again - from what you are saying they are still willing to lie about the cause of death?
I do also find it very hard to believe that Bill Gates is trying to block out the sun. This is my personal opinion, but I would think that he perhaps understands the importance of the sun - I'm not going to go any further into this but I am sure you have verified information to back up this claim?
In all seriousness, you are actively posting on every forum to try and DISCOURAGE people from taking the vaccine based on conspiracy theories and unverified information. This is incredibly irresponsible - please verify your statements as FACT and bring receipts if you honestly believe what you are saying is the truth. If not, it is fine that you do not want to take it and that is your choice, but lets try and stick to the truth when it comes to sharing information. Lying is a sin.
This man gates believe he is some god all because he had money. He need to repent and turn to God.
What you are saying is ill-informed and you are doing a disservice to God and your Community
Who does it take to die in Tortola to say, yes, this is not working? And when someone who took the vaccine do die, guess what, we WILL BE TOLD, "no, it's not the vaccine, the vaccine is safe"
I'm so maddddd to the d.
People are dying from the vaccine. America has something they call flu vaccine. We in the caribbean get flu and cold, and we never in our entire life had to take this flu vaccine.
Why is it everything them do, we have to follow?
We do not need no vaccine. We are not guinea pigs. Fix the vaccine, then come again with it, or better yet, bring something that is not Chinese made, UK made, Indian made, etc.
Done with this.
Yes vaccine has been around for ages, yes I've taken all my vaccine as a child, but please, this 2020 vaccine is just an experiment that was not tested and observed on rats.
Do the right thing and get back to the drawing board.
Please, for your neighbor and yourself, and in God’s name, get vaccinated!
How about a reward for being vaccinated. Say $100 for both vaccinations
It would be cheap really.
Proving the point that proper mask wearing etc... will continue help us all while more people continue to get vaccinated
The difference in reaction to the vaccine shot I find it unusual. For instance my nurse friend took the 1st shot and been getting her arse handed to her with all the symptoms especially fever aches down to the eyeballs hurting. An entire week until she had to go to doctor to make sure she isn't dying like wtf? Her further research revealed that A+ blood Covid attack the lungs more than other blood type. All this from the 1st shot yet you Premier whom I respect seem to not experience a thing. How Sway?