'I had hoped to see @ least one year’s increment in budget’- Hon Maduro-Caines
The 2023 Budget of the Virgin Islands (VI) was passed to the tune of $412,971,110, at the Ninth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola on December 21, 2022.
The budget will comprise of comprise of $340,872,400 for recurrent expenditure; $49,428,600 for capital expenditure; $7,148,810 in contribution to various statutory funds; and $15,521,300 towards repayment of the principal on debts.
Hon Maduro-Caines suggests a way to pay increments
According to Hon Maduro-Caines, during her brief contribution to the debate on December 20, 2022, she had hoped to see at least one year’s increment included in the budget.
“No, we as Ministers we don’t get increments but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t want any for the civil servants."
“But I am hoping that if the budgeted money can come in over our expectations that would be an option, to use the money to pay the civil servants at least another year of increment,” Hon Maduro-Caines stated.
The payment of outstanding increments to civil servants was a campaign promise that was being kept by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) under former Premier Andrew A. Fahie.
19 Responses to “'I had hoped to see @ least one year’s increment in budget’- Hon Maduro-Caines”
We hear hopful promises, that surely miss. We often read flattering speeches, but the expecting hope for good governance is yet to tangeble experience by the majority, by far of our citizens, ànd others people that are living among us, facing the same high cost of needful items as do highly paid ivil servants workers.
You expectations may or may not come to past, but keep hope alive. Understand this truth, though, you are position between a solid rock and a hard place, in reference to your topic issue expectation.
As people, worldwide, think in their mind, so do they speak, and act, daily. Your thougts are improving. Your words, your speech, and your actions are, too. But don't for my above words to you; you are position between solid rock, and a hard place. You figure it out in your own mind. I hope that you do sooner rather than later.
Accept this truth, Alvera Maduro-Caines, Rep. D6, there is no such a thing as a good government lead by humans nl where on this earth, but there were, ther are, and there will be good decisions that will be made by some government leaders, that will foster a better balance of economic distribution of our finances to all the citizens of the British Virgin Islands, we hope.
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These politicians sat raised their salaries, padded their future and now coming to talk rubbish The budget is prepared by the ruling govt! You must have known this before the budget came to light
Some statuary bodies haven't gotten a raise in over 10 years. At least where I am not as bad as the college. 15 years and counting. A damn shame. I expected better from Georges. Then again, he have his aunt up there c****ing like a hood rat, can't expect any better.