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‘I cry for those who are colonised around the world’- Dr the Hon Wheatley

irgin Islands Deputy Premier, Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries, and Agriculture, Dr The Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has reiterated calls for the end to colonialism around the world, especially for places like the [British] Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
The Deputy Premier juxtaposed that H. Lavity Stoutt was a warrior for freedom and thus, he recognized the fundamental conflict in the world between colonizer and colonized and sought to fight for the aged old prize of liberty and justice for his people. Photo: GIS
The Deputy Premier juxtaposed that H. Lavity Stoutt was a warrior for freedom and thus, he recognized the fundamental conflict in the world between colonizer and colonized and sought to fight for the aged old prize of liberty and justice for his people. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries, and Agriculture, Dr The Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has reiterated calls for the end to colonialism around the world, especially for places like the [British] Virgin Islands.

The Minister’s calls came in a statement Celebrating the birth of VI’s first Chief Minister,  H. Lavity Stoutt and released by the Government Information Service (GIS) in its entirety on March 23, 2022.

“I cry for Ukraine, but I also cry for the BVI and I cry for those who are colonised around the world, whether formally or informally, and I cry for freedom because colonialism is a relic of the past,” he said.

Dr Wheatley added, “and we must build a world with equality among nations, no matter how big or small, and no matter their race, language, or geographic position."

The Deputy Premier stated that H.  Lavity Stoutt was a warrior for freedom and thus, he recognised the fundamental conflict in the world between coloniser and colonised and sought to fight for the aged old prize of liberty and justice for his people. 

“He fought for the freedom to grow and develop in the world and meet your full potential existing among a community of nations living in harmony. Those accomplishments have relevance and value based on what they represent for our burgeoning nation.”

We should be 'champuons of our autonomy'- Dr Wheatley

Dr Wheatley remarked that the late Lavity and others have therefore become a symbol of what we the VI should aspire to be as champions of our autonomy.

“And that is why we have taken the bold step of creating additional holidays, such as ‘the Great March and Restoration Day’ and ‘Heroes and Foreparents Day,’ so we might acknowledge and celebrate others who are champions in this fight for self-government, for economic development, for social upliftment, and ultimately, for freedom."

He admonished persons to study the life and work of H. Lavity Stoutt and other nation builders and freedom fighters, “And we must perpetuate that which we praise.  We must become what we celebrate today.  You must be Lavity.  I must be Lavity.  Be Cyril. Be Ralph. Be Willard. Be Orlando,” he added.

27 Responses to “‘I cry for those who are colonised around the world’- Dr the Hon Wheatley”

  • cry cry baby (24/03/2022, 19:29) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well you are crying a lot for the bvi
  • pat (24/03/2022, 19:52) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    He is good on this stuff but allowing the ndp slaves in his ministry to run rings around him
  • Madussa (24/03/2022, 19:53) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
    Yes, we were colonized. Our forefathers started our freedom marches, but you all in control choose not to do anything further about it, by not getting our independence and having self-governance. I guess you like having them always breathing down your necks. Let's talk about that!!! Why are we so afraid of breaking away from the UK? Are we afraid of becoming like Haiti and other islands? I respect them more for their bravery. Isn't it better to be free on our own instead of always having to please our colonizers? Do something about t it now before it is too late. They are already putting their people in place for a complete takeover, and you can't seem to see it and get it through your thick skulls.
    • @madusa. Ur half right. (25/03/2022, 07:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      The people already in place for a Britain take over now that's a popular wish. Ur right with that..
  • hmm (24/03/2022, 20:37) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    We cry for this inept government
  • WHAT ELSE (24/03/2022, 21:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • If the blind lead the blind.... (24/03/2022, 22:05) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crocodile like tears wouldn't get you reelected next time Hon. Dr. Natalio Sajande Wheatley. You have already failed to represent us unselfishly. You don't even know that small countries can flourish under the protection of a global power: Uk. You are to colour sensitive for you own good, much less ours.
  • NB (24/03/2022, 22:22) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    Natalio you really need a new perspective on life. You are trapped in a horrible space where no growth and liberty can be felt. I am truly sorry for you.
  • Yessss (24/03/2022, 22:51) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes yes Heaven is to become Independent of the UK and become "free" like the ones we pick up like litter as they flee their free,independent island nations drowning in the waters and roaming in wild bushes praying to remain alive and be blessed to become the scum and rejects of a foreign land. We hate ourselves and so,,we cannot be free.
  • Wha? (25/03/2022, 01:32) Like (28) Dislike (4) Reply
    If the BVI is still colonized, how come you are in a position of power? Do you understand how tired people are of hearing this same BS constantly repeated?
  • Earl (25/03/2022, 03:24) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    Instead of talking about schools,, education,, youth's,, agriculture and fishing, all we hear from you is about slavery, colonialism and the bad UK.
    We should make you the minister of complaining!
  • Fair Ground (25/03/2022, 05:18) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Puppet for sale. Unfortunately no strings attached
  • E.Leonard (25/03/2022, 06:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Virgin Islands(VI) (British), popularly known as the BVI, has been under British control since 1672, changing status from a presidency to colony to dependent territory to currently the politically correct overseas territory of the UK. The VI got a Legislative in 1774 or there about; the Legislative Council suspended in 1901 and reinstated in 1950. With the suspension of the Legislative Council, the VI fell under the purview of the Leeward Federation, which was disbanded in 1956 with the office of Governor (Leeward Islands) being dissolved in 1960. Following this action, the VI became a separate colony of the 1960. The VI decline to become a member of the short-lived West Indies Federation ( 1958-1962).

    The VI was a little sleepy hollow and by some the poor house of the West Indies for much of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Century. Dissatisfied with the state of the territory and frustrated and disappointed with lack of availability and inequitable distribution of resources and services, Anegadian and national warrior/hero Theodolph Faulkner led the charge for change, improvement, and progress by leading a massive march (The Great March of 24 November 1949) through Road Town, the VI capital city, from the Band Stand to Government House to protest and seeking redress of a myriad of simmering issues. The Great March resulted in a)reinstating the Legislature (1950), b)1st modern constitution, c)direct voting for some members of the Legislative Council and d)universal suffrage (prior to 1954, voters had to own property and pass a literacy test).

    Moreover, Theodolph Faulkner and others started the race and passed the baton to the former and 1st Chief Minister Hamilton Lavity Stoutt, former Chief Minister Dr. Williard Wheatley, national hero Noel Lloyd and Positive Action Movement (PAM) , former Premier Ralph T. Oneal, among a host of other unsung heroes. These heroes advanced the VI from a little sleepy hollow and poor house of the West Indies to having one of the highest standard of living, quality of life and per capita income in the region. The race is still in progress. And this generations of Virgin Islanders like their predecessors have the burden and responsibility to pass the baton to the next generation(s) in a good position to continue the race. This current generation of Virgin Islanders have a number weighty issues to address, ie, self-determination, constitutional review, economic strengthening and diversification, environmental protection and preservation, climate change, disaster preparedness and readiness, effective governance, historical preservation, health and education change and improvements, Ist World infrastructure improvements(water, wastewater, stormwater, roads, telecommunications, ports, social services, natural resources and land use management, recreation and sports, public safety (police, fire), food security, rising cost of living, housing, etc.
  • the rock (25/03/2022, 06:33) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Did you cry for Ukrine when they turned they back on our brother and sisters who wanted to leave? Stay out of the big boys business!
  • jah know (25/03/2022, 07:12) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    We the ppl do not feel hardship from the UK and we are not crying for independence. It's you ministers is who are pushing this self governance and independence on us instead of focusing on the real problems. Ayo only want self governance and independence for yourselves to do as you please with this territory while we the ppl continue to suffer because of you all selfishness and greed. We can do just fine under the UK if you guys just focus on priorities and getting it done the right way but no you want to spend the money how you want on projects without having to answer to no-one when asked "why did it cost so much?"
  • musa (25/03/2022, 07:12) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good bye from politics hlscc need you and I am confident you will do a better job with the standards you implemented in high school GPA.
  • Is xtray holidays economically wise.. (25/03/2022, 07:23) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree 100% that Lavity was a champion, wise way ahead of his time..His diplomacy skills was of high standard, No leader after him ever had those qualities are seek to attain those qualities.. Since his passing the BVI been on a decline Starting with RTO who met a treasury full of cash...He had no leadership skills. .Hence misuse of public funds and corruption were born..and continue to live and grow beyond control...Then I asked. Have the economical impact on businesses and our treasury have been given serious consideration when considering all these holidays..?
  • Common Sense (25/03/2022, 07:44) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Perhaps this gentleman needs to get out and live in the wide outside world, where, he might get educated on racial statistics. Today, in the UK Black society represents 42.3% of all employees at all levels in Public Administration, Education and Health. In comparison, only 30% are white in this field. Additionally, there are 20 Black politicians and 3 Black Peers, not bad for a race that represents only 3% of the total UK population. This writer would suggest that these statistics prove that Black society can more than punch it’s weight if it stops listening to the likes of this gentleman.
  • @ mr LEOnad (25/03/2022, 07:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    • E. Leonard (25/03/2022, 12:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @mr LEOnard, the VI is a parliamentary/representative democracy with freedom of the press and freedom speech as hallmarks. Nevertheless, freedom of speech is not totally free. The VI is a small, bedroom community so sometimes exercising the free speech right can come at a high to an individual, his/her family and friends. As a practice, I selectively respond to bloggers who refuse to give their name in responding to my posted folly(s). I hear your point on the increase of violent crimes.

      The rise in violent crimes is alarming and concerning and it must be such to all VI residents. Crime is a quality of life and standard of living issue that is not going to be solve solely by politicians and the RVIPF; it must be solved by the community. And it is not going to be solved by just treating the symptoms; the root cause(s) must be identified and rooted out. Additionally, though jail is a method for punishing people who violate the laws of the territory and violators should pay for their crimes. iIn my view, the territory cannot jail its way out of this sordid problem.

      Moreover, not too longer ago, the VI was a low/no crime community. Locking homes, cars, etc was rare. It was relatively safe to walk out late at night. The jail, for most part, was relatively empty save for the few habitual offenders. Something change.

      To solve/lower the rising crime rate, the community must identify what changed and take action to address it. It will be a heavy lift, for in my view, a number of factors contributed to and influenced the change. There is no one panacea for solving this weighty problem that is impacting the whole community, ie, black and white, upper class and working class (poor), locals and expats, residents and visitors, Tortola and sister islands, etc. The whole community, ie, government, law enforcement, schools, churches, NGOs, social clubs, parents and guardians, etc, must work collectively and collaboratively to addressi the crime issue. Committees are too often overused in addressing problems. When used as delaying tactic, they often result in poor outcomes. Nonetheless, for the crime issue, I suggest commissioning a cross functional add hoc committee to assess the crime issue and provide short/term and longer term recommendations. There is an urgency of now so the ad hoc committee must report out in short order no later than 6 months. In the interim, if one sees something, one should say something. But be smart and safe.
      • Eagle and Buffalo (25/03/2022, 16:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        @E. Leonard, thanks for taking the high road. Indeed, I agree with finding the root cause for the surging violent crimes. Too often, we focus only on the symptoms of problem as a solution only for the problem to resurface in short order. The population, the culture, mindset, etc, of BVI residents have changed. BVI residents are focused on assets and materialism. Disputes are settled by brute force. No one to be punted. As a result, Balsam Ghut is full to the brim and running over. It takes a village to raise a child but in the BVI, the Village has disappeared. And we are paying the cost for it.

        [Let’s lead like eagles, not careen off the cliff like buffaloes]
  • BS! (25/03/2022, 08:33) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Charity begins at home you MS - Fix the high schools and the others and maybe then you can spare some tiem for the rest of the world.
  • ? (25/03/2022, 12:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Are they the same 'colonizers' you just accepted the medical equipment from?
  • Army? (26/03/2022, 07:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You wish us to be an independent nation? So then we would have an army? A navy? Would our children have to do military service?

    I imagine you will then say “no Uk will be our protectorate” .. are we then independent?

    It’s easy to say these words but the consequences are large and you will be crying then for sure.
  • "Parliament of Law" (26/03/2022, 16:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The British Nationality Act 2002,as Amended, expressed that, the BVI is ["British Overseas Territory"].

    The Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007,expressed that a [born-here] person belong to the Virgin Islands, if that person is born in the Virgin Islands, or born outside of the Virgin Islands, and at the time of the birth his or her father or mother was a British Overseas Territories Citizen by BIRTH]".

    We are not colonized by UK.

    We are British Overseas Territories Citizens, with our own Constitution, and we are now full-pledge British Citizens.

    It is people in public offices, in the BVI, who do not want to manage public offices, according to law, and in accordance with the Constitution.
  • Hazle E Roberts (27/03/2022, 09:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You mis-understand coloniza0my friend, because even christianity has to decolonize and the school curriculum etc. While i dont ever subscribe to white rule at all. Dome politicians fight the colonials to hrt the freedom to take the spoil and never improve their black people life. But just start stealing monies to put on off shore banks that strengthen the financial system of the colonials to provide cheaper onterest rate for white monopoly capitals to flourish ftom our black politician thievery. So when does colonialism ends?

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