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'I cannot support' Police Bill in current form- Hon Lorna G. Smith OBE

- questions RVIPF's capacity to enforce provisions
Opposition Member Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) was the lone abstention in the vote for the motion for a second reading of the Police (Amendment) Bill in the House of Assembly on January 7, 2025. Photo: YouTube
Opposition Member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) had expressed 'very serious concerns' with the proposed Police (Amendment) Bill 2024 getting three readings in one sitting of the House of Assembly. Photo: YouTube
Opposition Member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) had expressed 'very serious concerns' with the proposed Police (Amendment) Bill 2024 getting three readings in one sitting of the House of Assembly. Photo: YouTube
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI—In a contentious session of the House of Assembly (HoA) on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, the Police (Amendment) Bill 2024 was passed after its second and third readings were conducted on the same day.

The motion to amend the Order Paper and expedite the readings was moved by Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), and passed by a narrow vote of 7 to 5, with At-Large Representative Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE abstaining.

The decision to fast-track the legislation sparked sharp debates among members, with Opposition representatives citing concerns about the bill’s impact on fundamental rights and the lack of public consultation.

Abstention Justified

During her presentation to the subsequent debate, Hon Smith explained her abstention. “I did not abstain because I didn't know whether I supported or did not support this bill. I abstained because, in its current form, I cannot support it. I am fully committed to the passage of this act in a form that this House can live with and that will be in the interest of the people of this country."

Further justifying her position, Hon Smith questioned the Territory’s capacity to implement the provisions of the bill effectively, particularly the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force’s (RVIPF) ability to execute covert operations, controlled deliveries, and manage witness statements as catered for in the amendments proposed.

Qualifying her stance further, Hon Smith pointed to the importance of achieving balance between law enforcement needs and individual rights, saying: "We must make sure that we have the capability and the capacity to carry out this bill. Special attention must be paid to individual rights, oversight, and accountability.”

Opposition concerns

Other Opposition members had earlier taken umbrage with the expedited process, calling for broader public consultation.

Honourable Myron V. Walwyn (R6) at the time of the motion being moved had voiced “very serious concerns” over the bill’s implications for privacy rights under the Constitutional Order of 2007.

According to Hon Walwyn, " is too serious a piece of legislation for us to 1, 2, 3 without the public not knowing all that is involved," as he described the process as an “absolute travesty.”

Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) in echoing similar sentiments, urged caution, reminding that "this Police Act has come to this House in many different forms; We understand the nature of what we are dealing with, but we must be responsible in presenting this to the public."

In defending the decision to expedite the readings however, Premier Wheatley had pointed to the urgency of modernising the Territory’s crime-fighting capabilities, explaining that the bill addresses deficiencies identified in the fourth-round mutual evaluation report of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

7 Responses to “'I cannot support' Police Bill in current form- Hon Lorna G. Smith OBE”

  • lord o. (08/01/2025, 17:39) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
    Just support the famxxn thing..Even if you give police the power to do everything. Nothing will still get done. Use Scooter riders an an example. Speeding through traffic, no Helmet even their lady friend riding on the back and their child infront. That's is a real concern. Nothing. Nada. Is been done..So, Police powers Police is the least of our problem. Police don't like problems. Just their pay. That's all the 15th & 30th.
    • @lord o (09/01/2025, 00:11) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
      The VI is a peaceful place. It could do without police. The only reason they exist is because politicians wish to separate themselves from the dirty blame game of the said laws they pass in the HOA. When cops enforce them the people cry to the same politicians that they eat and drink with. Besides the people in the VI don't break the laws because each criminal is a Sovereign Citizen and make their own laws at their leisure.
  • FIRE (08/01/2025, 18:58) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Lorna is in who's corner?
  • jtv (08/01/2025, 19:18) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Showda please slow down your people will suffer under uk rule
  • Why (08/01/2025, 20:30) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply

    What y'all need support y'all don't support but anything that would be positive is an issue
    If you have nothing to hide and not caught up in ntn or your friends and family ain't caught up what's the issue? Y'all fight down everything except building the country and making it better and safer.

  • Xxx (08/01/2025, 20:59) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    I with Lorna on this one
  • LCS (10/01/2025, 10:55) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can the politicians contribute with how it should be (according to them), propose exact changes? Just be more specific. Provide alternative. Or is it the way it's in the news site?

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