‘I believed & Invested in me & I made it’ – NJAR

The name of the CD is ‘The Time is Now’ and every last dollar spent to make it a reality came out of his own pocket.
NJAR as he is popularly called was very emotional when speaking with this news site about his success thus far in compiling, composing and releasing his first mixed tape. “I did it for me. This was one of my biggest dreams and I did it for me,” he told this news site.
In an emotional state he said, “Nothing worth having comes easy. People use to laugh at me. I use to get turn away from radio stations yes they use to do that turn me away but I stick with it.”
“Today I humbly want to shout out people like Ah Milli Soundz, DJ Dre, Gadiethz, people who use to believe in me because as a young artist coming up is very hard,” he said. Others who helped in paving the way for him are DJ Dallaz, Darrel Fahie, Laura Thomas, Cecile George, Eon Jarvis and Jugo.
“The Time Is Now is more than just a mixed tape; it’s a mindset we as Virgin Islanders need to develop,” he said.
With his CD ‘The time is now’ out on the market he said that persons are now showing greater support for him and his talent. “The CDs are doing tremendous but I want them to understand as a local artist if you don’t take your craft seriously, if you don’t invest in yourself, if you don’t push your own self nobody is going to invest in you,” he advised.
He said that self investment is one of the first steps that are necessary in pursuing one’s dream. He said that he had knocked on the doors of many businesses for assistance in the form of sponsorship and was turned away at every instance.
His sacrifice was to the extent that he had to make a choice between holding his day job and producing his music. He explained that prior to completing his project he was employed at one of the local commercial banks which saw him working extensively long hours even into the night. That situation was depriving him of the opportunity of working toward the success he now boasts today.
“To achieve this I had to make a decision; it was either I stick with the job and forget my dream or I leave the job and get to focus and complete my mission and passion. I left the job. I will return to a normal 9 – 5 job so I can get the time to still follow my craft,” he told this news site.
Today NJAR’s CD is on the shelves of a number of stores including Variety Store Road Town, Swag Crew Botanic Station, Rena’s Boutique Jost Van Dyke, Unique Blends Fish Bay and Bitz and Bites Road Town.
Samples of his work can be heard by following these links: http://www.datpiff.com/NJAR-The-Time-Is-Now-mixtape.599858.html, WWW.NJARMUSIC.COM

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