‘I am opposed to having a demonstration’ – Doug Wheatley

According to Mr Wheatley, he believes the people of the territory do not have enough information on the matter in order to support the march
“We do not have the information on this matter. Until we know something about what is happening with the House of Lords, it would seem to me that we are not in a position to say yay or nay or to go this way or that way. So I think we are trying to jump the gun in trying to have the large-scale march and demonstration and having others involved with it. We don’t know enough. We don’t know the future and we can’t say what will happen when the matter is before the House of Lords, so why are we making all this preparations now when we don’t have the information?" the talk show host questioned.
He further mentioned that the organisers are contacting foreign press to come in to cover the march but emphasised that some of the things that the organisers and the supporters are planning might “backfire” on the territory later, while reiterating that the people should wait until they get the facts and figures before going ahead with the march.
“So I say cool it until we have facts and figures. Hold your horses. Let us wait and see and if we have to pray, let us pray for a good result,” said Mr Wheatley.
“There should have been a crisis management plan” - Doug Wheatley
Earlier the talk show host suggested that there should have been a crisis management plan in place or one implemented after hearing the news from the United Kingdom (UK), adding that a committee should have been created to handle this particular matter with Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert at the head.
The social commentator indicated that based on his statement issued on May 8, 2018, he believes Governor Jaspert is very “committed” to do whatever he can to help resolve the situation, but disclosed that he is “disappointed” with Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) for endorsing the march while describing it as “premature”.
“What then should we do if we are not standing up?” – John I. Cline
Meanwhile, Bishop John I. Cline, who is spearheading the committee that is planning the march, called in and expressed that he does not understand why Mr Wheatley is against the march, while asking for suggestions on what else can the Virgin Islands people do to stand up against the UK.
He said, “I respect your position as a BVIslander but I don’t just understand what it is that you don’t understand about the people of the British Virgin Islands wanting to stand up for their economic freedom because this vote in the House of Commons was clearly a violation of our economic impendence and it tramples upon our economic viability. So what then should we do if we are not standing up and saying this is wrong when all the other Crown Dependencies are not being subjected to the same laws?”
In response, the talk show host suggested that the people of the VI should wait to get a report from the Premier, Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and the Governor about what the facts are.
Sharing the same sentiments as Mr Wheatley, a few residents expressed their reasons for not supporting the march.
One caller said, “The BVI is one of the few overseas territories that is fully compliant with international best practices in financial services. However, there are some of the OTs to this day that are laundering money and the thing is the UK know who they are. I believe that we have been caught up in something that is absolutely awful although we are fully compliant. I fully agree with you on the march. Here it is they are asking us to march with some of the same people from the OTs who cause us to be in the place where we are today. I think it absolutely ridiculous and I will have no part in it whatsoever.”
Another caller to the radio show indicated that the organisers of the march are “behaving like the politicians” and excluding who they want while inviting who they want.
Premier Smith and Hon Fahie are currently in the UK to have talks with British officials over the decision by the House of Commons to vote on an amendment to a Bill on May 1, 2018, to make beneficial owners of offshore accounts public.
Meanwhile, Governor Jaspert is expected to join the VI delegation tomorrow, May 17, 2018.

32 Responses to “‘I am opposed to having a demonstration’ – Doug Wheatley”
How is it were not marching to make sure that our kids get a good education and has challenges in their lives that would make them better people
How is it that were not marching to make sure that people in this country are treated fairly
How is it that were not marching for better health care
How is it we did not March when the $7,000,000.00 was given away
How is it we did not March when all this money from the pair park just vanished in mid air and no one can tell you where to find it
How is it we did not March when all those workers from all of those companies were layed off not knowing what tomorrow will bring ,But because the same people who is now pushing for this March might have been loosing money from their nest egg now the poor ones have to to March to give them a voice but who marched for the voice of of the voice less people when they were and is going through the dilemmas ?
I would never put my head on the block unless I have seen clear documentation showing the process and proving that it is or it is not so!
Especially given the fact that a once kindered relationship with the UK is now eroded and we have only seen the behavior of the likes of these people now that we are down to the wire!
All the Facebook rants and all the ones that support the nonsense are the ones that are affiliated with this Government and continue to be placed in positions to take your tax paying money to recreate ideas that had already exist! Stop the nonsense... open your eyes and see the games!
All the talk about them from here! They are not true VI landers... as their roots are from else where... don’t mind the noise... a lot of people will get their feelings hurt in due time!
We live in our society that seems to suffer from selective historical amnesia. We find it very difficult to preserve the memory of those who have resisted and struggled for the ideals of freedom, democracy and equality.
At no time in my life growing up in our country have I seen DW put himself out on a limb for anything with all the intellectual constitutional research he has acquired. His children, however, shows promise.
Courage involves going against the grain at times. Courage is an enabling virtual to put yourself out-there regardless of the fear to make a collective stand against injustices. This is the time to put-up or shut-up. Our country future is being threatened.
After this, it’s on to standing against the injustices of the NDP. We say- “NO MORE ON ALL FRONTS!”
We need to make our voices heard NOW!! Not wait for the House of Lords.
The right to hide corrupt money?
I know, we are the cleanest of the clean and I just don't understand the system, am ignorant, anti BVI, etc etc.
Point is, to the world, this is what your march will look like.
If they want to portray us as a greedy little micro state making noise because Mother Country won't allow us to hide dirty money anymore, they'll find plenty of evidence.
Face it, regardless of the rules and regs now in place and our super clean system that now leads the world, we have a spectacular track record of enabling international corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, terrorist financing, theft of resources etc. - going all the way back to when we started, before anyone noticed what we were doing.
In truth, there is zero evidence that we have ever cared about the ethical issues the financial service industry throws up. We just abide by rules imposed on us by outside bodies that claim to care and threaten our pocketbook if we don't comply.
Also note, we have zero track record of holding our own government to account for blatant corruption, internally. No public anger, just a passive acceptance and lip service on blogs. This sacred constitution you now wish to defend is shredded every year by our own, and directly to the people's detriment, but no one cares to march.
And we have zero track record of popular outrage against shameful, shameful crime statistics, with members of our own community willing to hide the ID of murderers, child killers, drug smugglers, child molesters and wife beaters over and over again. No marching, just a silence that screams "WE DON"T CARE!"
They will say we don't really care about anything - until we can cry 'colonial!' or 'racist!' Then we all dance to a truly righteous tune, regardless of who the piper is.
I say march if you want to, but be aware that while we might avoid self-examination, this is an invite to the world to look very closely at us, the BVI - and its just a fact that from many different angles - we don't look good at all.
We don't need a lecture on how bad 'they' are and always have been, how bad the international finance system is etc etc. But blaming our own total slackness on everyone else's badness is just lame and lazy.
Far from being 'brave' and 'patriotic', I think this march exemplifies how lame and lazy we BVIslanders are. We let our own get away with the most disgusting behaviour, we make our money out of helping international corruption, and yet when someone calls us out on it, we all band together to march against their wickedness,
Please, Bishop, explain.
In regards to the House of Commons vote on requiring a register of beneficial ownership, it is only step 1; the House of Lords (HoL) still needs to act on the bill. In the past the HoL voted against similar and related legislation. As such, the territory should first work the diplomat channels. Of course, residents have the right to peacefully demonstrate and match. But we need to be smart and strategic in how we execute our limited options. We must be cognizant of the unintended consequences.
Secondly, on the HL point, you do not have the information. Understand that this bill is not a BVI bill, it is a UK bill that affects the BVI. The first time around the matter was raised in the HL and not the HC, and the HL voted it down. However, this time around the HC has voted in favour of it moving forward and the UK Government remained silent, so no one in the Government can bring an amendment to the bill at the HL except the same HC parliamentarians that took it there. Strategic? A wrong is a wrong and it has already been done. What are we afraid of. They have us just where they want us, afraif of our own shadow. Why must we wait with bated breath to see what UK decides in correcting a wrong, before we can demonstrate against a wrong that has already occurred. No matter what the UK does next week, a wrong has already occurred. But anyway, the decision is on 21 May, so you can change your view after Monday as to whether we should march on Thursday. I won't change mine (smile).
In regards to Noel Llyodd and Pam and the Great March, at the time of the March, there were no bills currently before either the HC or HL. However, in this instance, there is bill before parliament. IMO the diplomatic track I should a better track. What actions does the BVI have to punish the UK if they approve the bill? THe BVI cannot kick the MPs that vote for the bill to the curb? MPs don’t look to BVI residents for votes. Do most UK MPs and residents probably do not give a rat’s ass about what BVI residents want; they (both government and opposition) dance to the beat of the UK electorate. The countdown is on (5/21). Not averse to my fellow residents voting. Do you think that government errored in publicly embracing the march?
What I know is that the passage of the latest UK mandate to destroy an economy, was made and directed exclusively for the colonies where such financial independence exists and where the Black Gov elected by the locals are Blacks.
What I know is that colonies of other demographics were excluded from this mandate.
What I know is that the blatant racist discriminatory attempt of financial anhilation is a violation of human rights.
I want the world to know, I want the world consciousness to be raised concerning the actions that perpetuates poverty in the Caribbean. I want The World to know that Haiti is a deliberate condition manufactured and diligently administered.
Marching for UK to rescind its order? That is not the reason to march
March as protest against evil. March and not continue to be quiet. March and open the eyes and consciousness, March in unity with and for ourselves and all the other Caribbean countries.
But we must also stand up to these political parties we elect year after and out in power.
I will march against what the UK is doing to us but I will encourage my people to demonstrate against our leaders who are stripping revenue from the people of the VI. Enough is Enough...