‘I am not under investigation for theft’- Hon Vanterpool
There are unconfirmed reports that he was asked not to run for office, however, those rumors were dismissed by the minister himself.
On a radio show last evening Monday, October 1, 2018, on ZBVI 780 AM, Mr Vanterpool cleared the air. The Minister was at the time responding to a caller question about whether he was under investigation for theft and is to be indicted.
Hon. Vanterpool noted, “No! I am not under investigation for any theft or misappropriation of Government funds”. The embattled Minister said also that he is opened for scrutiny “I am prepared to show my bank accounts for scrutiny in the event of such an inquiry.”
Where is the Ports Audit?
Meanwhile, the long-awaited audit of the ports project to account for the $40M overrun is yet to be made public, as many are still sceptical that the Government will investigate itself. A few weeks ago Minister Vanterpool also assured the public that he or any Ministers have not stolen a dime from the project.

13 Responses to “‘I am not under investigation for theft’- Hon Vanterpool”
Situations that leave an opening for corruption include the principal/agent situation, poor transparency, weak systems, incompetent officials, conflicts of interest, urgent tenders (for example, when preference can be given by an official by requesting a supplier to quote – a verbal request, sometimes at the last minute), seeking justification to bend the rules, multi- jurisdictional corruption (deals between parties in two different countries, for example, arms deals), weak accountability arrangements, and weak internal controls...
Are any of these factors found in our government???
Moreover, a politician’s performance, behaviour, trust and confidence factor, credibility, image, reputation.......etc normally stops some questions from rolling off the electorate’s lips. And if they do, the majority of people will rally to polician’s defence. However, when the people power is lost, we are in a sad state. What would bring a resident to publicly ask a politician if he is under investigation for thieving? Did the politician action(s) evoke that question? Was the questioner malicious or mischievous? Are there many other residents with the same view? Did poor understating project cost brought us to this point? Did the staff let the MCW down or he engineered this debacle? Where was the Premier? Is an independent investigation needed to earth the truth on the TPP issue? Yes. A government cannot investigate itself. The BVI needs action to disinfect this stench that it is in.