‘I am not saying I will never make a mistake again’- Premier

“The four years which have passed were very much a learning experience, very instructive just about anything that could have happened did happen,” the Premier told journalists at a May 2, 2023, press conference on matters in the Territory.
He added, “and that institutional knowledge that I now have will be brought to bear in the position that I am in now, to give the people of Virgin Islands better leadership and better governance,” he said.
While in office, the VIP government was faced with not only the COVID-19 pandemic which spanned about two years, but a simultaneous Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into Governance.
Pandemic & simultaneous CoI
Over the term, the VI also saw the arrest of the then Premier Fahie on drug conspiracy charges and a threat to democracy and the local constitution being suspended over the findings and recommendations of the COI.
“We've learned a lot about what happened for the past four years, and if I had to go back and do certain things differently, I would,” Dr Wheatley added.
He however noted that although he wants to, he cannot go back so the only thing to do is to move forward in a way that he believes is right for the territory.
During the campaign trail, Dr Wheatley admitted mistakes were made by the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government and his admission caused his political opponents to have a field day lambasting him and the party.
"I am not saying I will never make a mistake again...because I am not perfect," Dr Wheatley stated at the recent press conference.
“And based on those experiences, I have a great deal of confidence that a lot of those mistakes we won't repeat and whatever mistakes we do make because we're human beings, we will try our best to correct,” the Premier added.

29 Responses to “‘I am not saying I will never make a mistake again’- Premier”
But there is a perfect God
As stated u can only do your best and be better than yesterday.
Paraquita bay has water. Stop b*t£hing. If farmers want water p!$$ on their ungrateful @$$.
You already made a mistake with this same sex marriage bulls***. We don't want to even hear about it.
I think that you are being unfair and unreasonable. In the end, some is going to be mad and some is going to be happy whichever way it goes. I do not see a problem nor do I have a problem with legalization of same sex marriage in the BVI. What exactly is the problem? If it dosen’t concern you then stay the ##$%& up out of it. Can you imagine how much legal revue will be coming into the Country if same sex marriage was legal?
Election gone. Let’s work
Thomas Edison, inventor, penned: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. “ And for quitters Edison penned: “ Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they give up.”
Moreover, in governing mistakes will be made, especially among new or green elected and appointed members. Nevertheless, leaders must lean and fail forward, learning from and capitalizing on failures. Take sensible risks. A common saying is that if you are not failing, you are not doing anything or doing very little out of fear of failing. Failures will happen. If you are not learning from your failures, then you are hopeless, hapless.
“ The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”——
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt in First Inaugural Address. The quote means great things can be accomplished if the problem is attack head on rather than dithering because of doubt or fear.
The First time - is a Mistake
The Second time - is you did not Understand
The Third time - is Willfulness or not taking Heed
The Fourth time - is Rebelliousness and Disregard
The Fifth time - is a Reprobate Mind
The Sixth time - is due for Punishment
The Seventh time - is the Wrath of God
you making yourself look small bro