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‘I am not leading the country to independence’- Premier Wheatley

- said it will be up to the territory to decide on its options but decolonisation is inevitable
Stating that decolonialisation is inevitable, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said the Virgin Islands will have to decide collectively on its options going forward. Photo: GIS/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, addressed the matter of independence while on Honestly Speaking with Claude O. Skelton-Cline, left, on ZBVI 780 AM on October 15, 2024. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), right, addressed the matter of independence while on Honestly Speaking with Claude O. Skelton-Cline, left, on ZBVI 780 AM on October 15, 2024. Photo: Facebook
It was in March 2022 that International Advisor on Governance and United Nations expert, Dr Carlyle Corbin visited the Virgin Islands and pointed out that while the VI has more preparations to make as it relates to seeking independence from the UK, the territory is already systematically prepared for self-governance. Photo: Internet Source
It was in March 2022 that International Advisor on Governance and United Nations expert, Dr Carlyle Corbin visited the Virgin Islands and pointed out that while the VI has more preparations to make as it relates to seeking independence from the UK, the territory is already systematically prepared for self-governance. Photo: Internet Source
Today, there are 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories remaining and fewer than 2 million people live in such Territories. The United Nations monitors progress towards self-determination in the Non-Self-Governing Territories. Photo: UN
Today, there are 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories remaining and fewer than 2 million people live in such Territories. The United Nations monitors progress towards self-determination in the Non-Self-Governing Territories. Photo: UN
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Stating that decolonialisation is inevitable, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said the Virgin Islands will have to decide collectively on its options going forward.

The Premier addressed the matter of independence while on Honestly Speaking on ZBVI 780 AM on October 15, 2024.

“One of the critiques people offer against you and I want to give you a chance to respond is that the matter of independence appears to be a priority of yours, a core value that you hold to. Share with us, if in fact that is your position, and where are you intending to lead us, meaning the country, and how relative to this matter of independence?” host Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline asked.

Colonialism must end- Premier

Dr Wheatley said he was grateful to be given the opportunity to clarify his position, because his “position is that I am not leading the country to independence, so to speak, because it is not something that I can decide for others. It is something collectively that we have to decide for ourselves.”

According to the Premier, the United Nations Charter, which the UK is a signatory to, has set timelines for all nations to be decolonised and it is an obligation for both the VI and the UK to follow through on. He said decolonising means to end the colonial relationship that the VI has with the United Kingdom.

VI has ‘options’

While noting there may be different paths to take on deciding on how the territory moves forward, Premier Wheatley said generally it has to do with having a referendum where persons express their wish to have one of the three options available to it.

“We can be independent but if we don’t want to be independent we don’t have to, we can have a free association with the United Kingdom or we can have a free association with any other independent country that we wish, based on mutually agreeable terms and conditions or we can decide that we want to be absorbed into the United Kingdom in the same way Martinique and Guadeloupe have been absorbed into France.

“Those are the options before and it is up to the people of the Virgin Islands to choose,” Dr Wheatley said, adding that his preference would be independence.

Decolonialisation Commission

Asked if it was his intention during this tenure of his administration to put a process in place that leads to a referendum, Dr Wheatley said the process has already been started, beginning with the Constitutional Review Commission.

“They have taken a look at the issue, because it actually showed up in the Commission of Inquiry Report and recommended a Decolonialisation Commission.” He said that Commission could be responsible for providing education on the issue.
He also said there was a UN visiting Mission on Decolonisation this year and will be producing a report which he believes will be “informative of the next steps moving forward.”

VI ready for ‘self-governance’

It was in March 2022 that International Advisor on Governance and United Nations expert, Dr Carlyle Corbin visited the Virgin Islands and pointed out that while the VI has more preparations to make as it relates to seeking independence from the UK, the territory is already systematically prepared for self-governance.

Dr Corbin said the VI must now explore whether it wishes to proceed to independence and how to proceed, which are all issues to be determined, “but certainly the society is prepared,” he said.

Premier Wheatley also informed that Dr Corbin did point out that a colonial relationship exists between the UK and the VI. According to the Premier having an unelected governor in Cabinet and also being in charge of the public service are examples of colonialism.

“And the power that the United Kingdom has to suspend the constitution if they wanted to et cetera, these things are colonial and the United Nations says these things should not exist. And the United Nations has decades to eradicate colonialism. We come to the dates and we miss the dates. The next date is 2030.

“And if we want to truly abide by what the United Nations has said and what the United Kingdom has signed on to, we have to abolish colonialism,” Dr Wheatley stated on Honestly Speaking.

Education the key

The Premier noted that educating the people on the issues is key.

“But during my administration, I would hope that we would have a sufficient amount of education to be able to make an informed decision about the direction we want to go, if not in the immediate future, in the near future,” Premier Wheatley stated.

36 Responses to “‘I am not leading the country to independence’- Premier Wheatley”

  • FACIAL EXPRESSION (25/10/2024, 10:07) Like (1) Dislike (14) Reply
  • local boy (25/10/2024, 10:08) Like (7) Dislike (55) Reply
    Idk why they trying to mislead the nation. The Hon. Premier has been a great leader, yet they dont respect him after he saved us from direct rule.
    • LOL (25/10/2024, 11:27) Like (29) Dislike (13) Reply
      He certainly did not, Marlon and Mitch deserve more credit for this
    • NB (25/10/2024, 14:48) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      May I please have some of that high quality stuff you just inhaled that made you make such a comment! Please Saar
    • Juniie (25/10/2024, 17:30) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      @ local boy. : if he had saved us from Direct Rule there us no way the Order in Council would be hanging over our heads still.
    • Ooh Girl (26/10/2024, 00:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Stop talking rubbish he save heself, see that greedy bill we want it gone; those son of a!
    • Eldread (26/10/2024, 03:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ local boy: in your dreams, what save what from constitution suspended, all the Caribbean countries are given a white man documents as children except Haiti, so suspended or live by it is the same, it means that you live by British formalities like governor general and police system with British technocratic functions and school curriculum and even Christianity had to be decolonize, your body is not free when your mind is captured by white fables or religion and deity, so your former slave master has elongate colonialism that you will never escape, the politicians only working out the area of his escape from prosecution by the law, for him to be untouchable, he not going to do a thing to improve the people life, once he or she is elected, they become diametrically opposed to the people who elect them, chauffeur driven with police guarding them from you the people until next election they all up in your face with pitiful looks begging you to vote for them, and they will even through party so you drunk and vote for them, but in that British Westminster politics, once elected you assume the role of a slave master and use the power of the state against the people and live high off the hog ( tax payers that is like how slaves provide the master with a luxurious living) none of the black countries intend to see it's people free, and I don't think free mean to can just be free to smoke and gyrate and curse profanity, but freedom to resources to own lands to generate wealth, but no our land is held by the crown which is the queen who jokingly told the Africans she was holding it for god, and guess who enforces that rule, the black politicians, if they go independent they will not change that because they wouldn't have power as a white boss, in the white countries like the USA and UK, they went to america and Australia and new Zealand and killed the aborigines which is colonial description for the rightful owner, and ask there white pirates to occupy the lands, they claim plots of lands as far as there eyes can see, why do you think the virgin islands have all these days of island out there unoccupied? And you all catching like sardines on Tortola? And those islands are made available to Richard Branson and other rich white folks, that's your politicians maintaining colonial gentrification by keeping you one place as colonial white masters did, they will never say they have a four acres for you on scrub island or Norman island, no way , you will get a tiny plot in long bush, if Tortola was or the black man was ever intended to be free, we would a occupy all these lands and develop real estate and agriculture and mining, but that same religion that colonized us brainwashed us with superstition so we are afraid and live close together forming ghettos. And to occupy the lands the land system will have to be changed and localized banks to aid with development, so you see none of these politicians ever mentioned this to you, they are looking political autonomy or self power to live as gods over the people, so when premiere Wheatley make a Vybz Kartel money move no dog bark, and with full independence like place like Antigua where crime is in full sight but the police and judiciary had to look the other way, only white people give themselves true independence like how Haiti did, no other black nation even in Africa is independent, it's colonial borders in Africa or else it would have been one contiguous state like the USA and one president and become more economically powerful, so lies! Lies about independence for people, no it's for politicians to have free hand rain over the people, and Tortola will never be independent because the more rich white people you give the lands to, the UK will protect it's white citizens dignity of not been under the rule of a black man, on the other hand the black politicians will give that white man land and resources as investors to rule over the black people as employer, giving us maids and gardeners jobs. Let real love come for our people first by foundational wealth bequeathed by our own black people, all other talks premiere Wheatley and others do is poetical.
      • @Eldred (26/10/2024, 11:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Eldred, mehson, give us a likle white space so we can catch a breath, smooth transitioning paragraphs. Give us likle break nah!!
  • bvibuzz (25/10/2024, 10:09) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    don't tell me this man is getting soft???
  • A so it go (25/10/2024, 10:10) Like (30) Dislike (10) Reply
    You could have ended you statement at "‘I am not leading the country"
  • simple (25/10/2024, 10:50) Like (27) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Real (25/10/2024, 11:29) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
    Tell yall he done sold us out to the U.N
  • ... (25/10/2024, 11:48) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    As long as you work on what a country needs to exist. Border security safety prosperity naturally we will be independent.

    The reason we can not be independent is our modern lifestyle... instead of a group effort to hunt around the third largest barrier reef in the world using modern technology and provide for the country all collectively we have a attitude of its there... go do it on your own. Most of if not all the infrastructure, taxes, revenue streams and laws leans on that flaw. We think there is one way to live where money is a resource.

    France does not want to give up anything concerning Africa & colonial times not a good example!
  • the way it is (25/10/2024, 12:12) Like (27) Dislike (5) Reply
    This man’s ego is way bigger than his performance. Anyone with good eyesight could see this. The good thing is that nothing lasts forever.
  • (25/10/2024, 12:24) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am not leading the Virgins to independence because I can't find enough Virgins to support my mandate !
    • (26/10/2024, 00:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If the BVI was taking care of its people over the years , they would have stayed and fight the good fight!
  • Imhungry! (25/10/2024, 12:39) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • time will tell (25/10/2024, 13:19) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man understand that we don't trust him and anything he says? Nothing he says gets done unless he feels it is a direct threat to his continued power.
  • Like what’s good/up (25/10/2024, 13:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Premier and the Governor is mighty CHUMMY CHUMMY.
  • King liar (25/10/2024, 14:19) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
    Boss you repeating the same rhetoric that was indoctrinated in you by Dougie and instilled by ole Willard when he was head honcho.

    It’s seems as this is a family legacy that you and your siblings have been pushing hard to achieve irrespective and irregardless of the consequences and desires of the public.

    You ate not good for these BVI’s.
  • Some might say (25/10/2024, 14:44) Like (48) Dislike (0) Reply
    He’s not leading at all
  • E. Leonard (25/10/2024, 14:55) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    I have wondered why some of my fellow Virgin Islanders came to the conclusion the Premier or any other elected member individually has the power to take the Virgin Islands(VI) (British) into independence. If the VI were to go independent or pursue some other self-determination status, it would be because a majority of Virgin Islanders have decided through a referendum to do so. It is commendable and important that the Premier cleared the air on this, outlining that is a process with a majority of Virgin islanders having the final decision..In 1945, the UN compiled a list of 72 Non-self-governing territories(NSGT), including the VI and its close westerly neighbor, the USV; 17 NSGTs remain, including PUerto Rico, Vi and USVI. The UN tasked the UK with being the ‘ Administering Power’ for the VI to guide it towards a full measure of self-governance. Thus far, it has attained a measure of self-governance with a dependency-modeled constitution and the UK having unilateral power. The constitution provides the UK a) reserved powers, b) assent power over legislation passed by the House of Assembly(HoA), etc. What self -determination options are available to the VI?

    The self-determination options include independence,integration, free association, status quo, etc. I find it interesting that the British Empire was the largest Empire in history, covering approx 25% of the globe on all continents. The mighty British Empire suffered the fate of all empires—-Rise and Fall. The mighty empire has fallen and is just a footnote in history. The Overseas Territories (OT) and Crown -dependencies are last remaining remnants of the once mighty British Empire. Even more interesting is not even a square inch of a former colony has been integrated into the UK. Free Association status similar to the status the Cook Island has with New Zealand, and Marshall Islands, Palau, and Federated States of Micronesia have with the US is a viable option for the VI.

    Moreover , Virgin Islanders must be educated on the pros and cons of any political status change for the VI. The Premier spoke about education but action is needed. Action(s) is more important than the words spoken , print written on paper or stored in a computer file, etc. Words in action speak far greater than just the spoken or written words. A referendum should be held but much preparatory work is required. Does the VI has to reinvent the wheel on putting on a referendum??

    No. The VI sister OT Bermuda held a referendum on independence on 15 August 1995; a majority of Voters who participated in the referendum voted to maintain the status quo. Similarly, Scotland also held a referendum to secede from Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 2014 and pursue independence ; the majority of Scots voted to maintain the status quo.
    • La Familia (25/10/2024, 17:55) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      The Premier, Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru, is getting some support and push on this independence thing from family. Fam. is pushing the independence thing under the guise with slick talk. But we got you.
  • LOL (25/10/2024, 15:37) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Absorbed? The Crown Dependencies have a different status to the Dependent Territories, based on their historical connections to the Crown rather than the State. There are some fundamental differences which limit the control of the UK vs their controls for dependent territories. Further the four nations of the UK have a different federated status. The options are not so clear cut as independence, free association, and "absorption".

    The rhetoric on this topic has softened recently however the governance reforms following the COI and the UK have been consistently used as a bogeyman and an excuse for internal failings and independence as a panacea. The public remains unconvinced and most of their concerns can be distilled down to an underlying lack of trust with the ruling class of the Virgin Islands over the years.
  • bvi (25/10/2024, 15:51) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    OK Mr Party man
  • How I see it. (25/10/2024, 16:23) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    With in the next 6 months one of these 2 things will happen, either back to the poles, or a suspended constitution...Remember that, Instability is real and its going get worse..
  • GOVERNOR (25/10/2024, 18:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    audits relating to the COVID-19 assistance grants and government contracts over one hundred thousand dollars unveiled irregularities.
  • Josiahsbay (25/10/2024, 19:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is it too difficult to poll every election cycle to know what the people of the VI want before a formal referendum? It can be an extra box on the voting form to check off.
    • Rattler (25/10/2024, 21:28) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Josiahbay I hear you. IMO, though, the first order of business is to educate the public on the pros and cons of independence and on other self-determination options. Secondly, a referendum needs to be scheduled..Voting on a political status is a significant and important event. As such, the referendum needs to be a stand alone event..Voters can have a single choice or an array of choices to choose from, and approval can be by a plurality of the vote.or a supermajority,, ie, 60% of votes cast. This independence or free association or integration or status quo needs to be settled so the country can plan on the way forward. Some are worried about retaining the US dollar as the legal tender currency? It will not be a problem—-dollarization. Another concern is how the BVI will support itself if it were to attain independence..The BVI weined itself off UK grant-in-aid in 1979 under former Chief Minister Willard Wheatley Administration, self-supporting ever since. The UK partially funded the New Government House, and funded the HMP but no high school. Virgin Islanders as people elsewhere has a right to pursue a self-determination option of their choice.
      • NPolitico (26/10/2024, 09:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @Rattler, good read. I like the following quote, particularly the section on HMP.:” The UK partially funded the New Government House, and funded the HMP but no high school.” Willingness to fund Prisons, not schools have always been a priority of the UK. Lock the brutes, heathens , etc up, not educate them. Show me the Her/His Majesty High School in the BVI. The old HMP on Main Street is a model one can find up and down the Anglophone Caribbean region.
        • @NPolitico (27/10/2024, 11:12) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          Why would the UK financially support BVI Schools when students are being taught that the UK is not a partner, but an enemy responsible for all wrongs in the territory
  • Lb (26/10/2024, 03:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ain’t nobody following you anyway Slowande
  • Independence? (26/10/2024, 04:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a great idea. We would lose:
    1. Emergency support from the UK
    2. International assistance with Border Security
    3. The US as a partner in controlling drug/firearm/people trafficking
    4. Use of the US Dollar as the main currency
    5. Much of the Financial Sector to the Caymen Islands
    6. A lot of the Yacht Charter business currently run by UK Expats
    Without big brother keeping an eye on things, corruption would boom, and the economy would totally collapse. I am in no doubt however, a few select people would benefit greatly.

    • Truth! (26/10/2024, 11:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      It's not gonna happen.

      All of the financial sector would leave without the UK.

      The financial sector is current 60% of the BVI's GDP.

      The BVI Government is dumb. They are not that dumb.
  • NEVER! (26/10/2024, 09:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    independence no sa!..... our passport cant even travel directly in to Puerto Rico or Us without going to St. Thomas and we talking independence.. stop the nonsense!! Thank God for UK support and passport.. this place to small and family favoured to be independent.
  • Eagle & Buffalo (26/10/2024, 13:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    “ ‘I am not leading the country to independence’- Premier Wheatley.” This is an opened statement, which can be interpreted in different ways.. The Premier should stated that “I individually cannot cannot take the Territoryibto independence, for that is a role a majority of Virgin Islanders through a referendum.” The direct quote from the Premier was inartfully stated. My suggestion the Premier is to be circumspect on what he says and how he says. Words, style, tone, timing, etc matters greatly. Words can sink a polical ship.

    [Let’s as eagles lead, not careen off the cliff as buffaloes do]

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