I am not going to sit down & take 'criminal label’– Hon Mark H. Vanterpool

Hon Vanterpool made the comments during the continuation of the Fourth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly on July 14, 2022.
'Entire HoA labelled hooligans'- Hon Vanterpool
“When you are trying to do your best to move your country forward, they are condemning you and putting you as if you are some criminal,” he said.
“I ain’t going to sit down and take it, I ain’t taking it like that, Madam Speaker… excuse my language,” he added.
Hon Vanterpool said as a result of an unfortunate situation with the VI’s ex-premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and his arrest, all of a sudden the Members of the HoA are being labelled as hooligans.
"A CoI comes and we must drop everything and put everything in place whether you like it or not, no chance to debate it, no chance to discuss it,” he added.
Hon Vanterpool said there are people who have served the country for several years honestly and fairly and "we want to lock them up,” he said.
No labels
He pointed to the leadership of then Premier Dr D. Orlando Smith, whom he said did many great things and all of a sudden, "they want to lock him up" over an airplane.
Hon Vanterpool in his presentation said as it related to him and the ports project, he will not sit down and take any labels regarding crimes of corruption.
“They build a wall and everybody all of a sudden believe that this wall, everything went wrong and the Minister for the wall has to go to jail, what he do? Let us see what he did before you start condemning him,” he said relating to the $1.6M Elmore Stoutt High School wall, which is now the subject of a criminal investigation.

26 Responses to “I am not going to sit down & take 'criminal label’– Hon Mark H. Vanterpool”
This is making a case that everyone is delusional, sounds like someone who has a lot to hide about their questionable decision that was made. This kind of sh88 has been going on for years.
They should also not be getting rich at the expense of the infrastructure and average tax payer. They are supposed to be serving the people.
And the rats will be back in the cheese shop.
I believe the register is just the first test. A long noose, if you look at it that way. I suspect if they "miss" another 2 or 3 deadlines in a short time then you may see a different governor.
Because of the unevenness of implementation of our law justly, we are in the mess, that we are now in.
"says entire HoA labelled as ‘Hooligans’ "
Yea now you know how it feels to be a black man relaxing under a tree. Even though its part of your culture & a legacy of the seasonal work the liberated slaves participated in, you never fought for them did you? ZZZZzzzz I dont recall hearing you debate or contribute to the cannabis licensing bill, wasn't he absent?
Corrupt ***ks all over.