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‘I am not encouraged by this budget’- Hon Walwyn

-2025 budget debate resumed today
Opposition member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) has said he is not encouraged by the 2025 budget as a citizen of the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: YouTube
The 2025 budget debate began on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, during the continuation of the Twenty-first Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth HoA. Photo: Internet Source
The 2025 budget debate began on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, during the continuation of the Twenty-first Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth HoA. Photo: Internet Source
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) presented a $488,699,871.00 budget for 2025 in November 2024, under the theme ‘Laying the Blocks of Success’. Photo: GIS
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) presented a $488,699,871.00 budget for 2025 in November 2024, under the theme ‘Laying the Blocks of Success’. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Opposition member Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6) has said he is not encouraged by the 2025 budget as a citizen of the Virgin Islands (VI).

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) presented a $488,699,871.00 budget for 2025 during the Twenty-first Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA) on Monday, November 11, 2024, under the theme ‘Laying the Blocks of Success’.

The budget debate began today Wednesday, December 18, 2024, following the conclusion of an over three weeks exercise called Standing Finance Committee (SFC) on December 12, 2024. The FSC comprised the whole HoA where the proposed 2025 budget was examined clause by clause and engaged Legislators, Heads of Public Bodies, and Central Government along with Permanent Secretaries.

Hon Walwyn gave his contribution to the 2025 budget debate today during the continuation of the Twenty-first Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth HoA.

Expenses surpass income

Hon Walwyn expressed disappointment in the fact that the proposed recurrent expenditure surpasses recurrent income in the Virgin Islands as outlined in the 2025 budget.

“You have a total revenue of 410 million dollars, but you have a recurrent expenditure of 411 million dollars...that is a problem,” he said.

While Hon Walwyn said he can be corrected, he cannot recall a time in modern VI history when a budget was presented, and the expenditure was more than the revenue.

“It has never been the case,” he said, “That will be the legacy of this Premier and Minster of Finance, the first minister in so many years...that caused this country to have more expenditure than revenue in a given year.”

‘I am not encouraged by this budget’- Hon Walwyn

Meanwhile, Hon Walwyn went on to admonish the government as a citizen of the VI adding, “I am not encouraged by what I have seen, I am not encouraged by this budget in many respects.”

The opposition members said he remains concerned about the economy of the Territory.

“The economy is flat on its back, and I don’t see a plan, Madame Speaker, to get us out of what we are in,” Hon Walwyn lamented.

24 Responses to “‘I am not encouraged by this budget’- Hon Walwyn”

  • FAKE HAIR (18/12/2024, 16:42) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
  • ... (18/12/2024, 16:46) Like (9) Dislike (34) Reply
    he always grandstanding talking piss
  • Myoldlife (18/12/2024, 17:09) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    If your operational (infrastructure) budget outwieghs your capital (new inititiatives) budget needs, this is PROOF POSITIVE that infrastructure needs MUST be met. Otherwise our tourism industey WILL implodeonto itself.
  • .... (18/12/2024, 17:43) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    short that million he spend on parties
  • room (18/12/2024, 18:15) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Ooh. Let us go. .INDEPENDENT.. and the additional urgent and necessary necessities
    A neww nd improved larger prison with;
    A civilian staff and additional salaried policemen and also additional judicial staff and Courthouse.
    We deserve the Independence to our deserved detriment..UK given the last laugh along with previous Governor Jaspert still laughing

    Wee will have additional expenditure
  • Salaries (18/12/2024, 18:46) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where the money for salaries in this budget well nothing for the workers
  • Dolly (18/12/2024, 18:50) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    I agree with Walwyn. I look over the budget and wonder how government cant put so much money into things that benefit no one. Can someone explain why the budget on line 36 its allocating $8 million to Thaumaturgy. Who even knows what that is?
    • @Dolly (19/12/2024, 09:00) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      look up the word, and you would be surprised.
    • @Dolly (19/12/2024, 09:18) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply

      Well, they are just continuing what their former leader, AF started. An entire $8M on that. Really? This is unbelievable. I have to check the Budget for myself because i believe you are being sarcastic or just plain lying. There's no way that was included. Thamaturgy is the application of magic to effect change in the physical World. Why would the Territory require such nonsense then again i might be missing something? How long are we going to idly stand by and let this Government take us down a rabbit hole then off a cliff. Its time we stand up and make them accountable for all this #$$%^&$@. We deserve better so we should ensure they do better.

    • @Dolly (19/12/2024, 09:44) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Thaumaturgy is the practice of using magic to change the physical world, and can also refer to things that seem miraculous:
      Definition: The performance of miracles, especially through incantation. It can also refer to things that seem unexplainable, like a movie illusion or a sports team's comeback
    • @Dolly (19/12/2024, 12:45) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Wow that word's in the budget for true with money attached????
    • what (19/12/2024, 13:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      Tell me you are joking because there is NO WAY.
  • OB (18/12/2024, 21:17) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    Who cares for his opinion!!!
  • the wall (18/12/2024, 21:26) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    Only in bvi politician don’t do prison time
  • Well daw (18/12/2024, 22:56) Like (8) Dislike (14) Reply
    Ok mr. Walwyn what's your solution to the problem as you see it? or you just want to pretend like you doing something so you could get reelected.
  • Really (19/12/2024, 04:30) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
    What happen he wants to hold all the money so he can buy another restaurant. All these politicians are getting rich on our tax money. You all shouldn't even buy anything from them at ALL. I don't shop in their store or eat at their restaurant. They need to be boycott
  • Stealth (19/12/2024, 10:17) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    The Hon Walwyn needs to stop the political grandstanding. The HoA is the province of elected members who are tasked with legislating, ie, passing laws through which the territory is governed. The Hon member is saying the budget is what? But as a legislator what is he proposing to make the budget process better. Historically, the Opposition can cry wolf, the sky is falling,,etc. Stop being chicken little and be part of the solution. I have no dog in this fight.

    Moreover, does the constitution require passing a balanced budget? Does governnents past and current run budget deficits? What is a budget? A budget is an estimate of expenses, revenues, etc. It is a fiscal road map. It is a political document. It has aspects of a game theory. Nonetheless, Virgin Islanders and other residents should expect maximum budget efficiency.

    Further, where does government revenue comes from?? Taxes, fees, fines, etc. Does government have to prudently borrow to meet citizens and the territory growing needs? Yes. Is the government Debt to GDP healthy enough to prudently borrow to meet its needs?Yes. Are citizens crying out for more and better services but showing a screaming disdain to pay a cent more in taxes to pay for increase serves? Yes. Is the refusal earned? Yes. Government is behaving like a bird which messed in its own nest. It is not maximizing efficiently its limited budget resources.? Yes. Is it putting priority on expenditure? No. Are concerts funding a priority? …. Stealth out…????????????????
    • @ STEALTH (19/12/2024, 12:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Stealth, a balance, sensible comment,, taking the ‘whooping stick’ to both Walwyn for grandstanding to governments for budget inability to execute maximum budget efficiency. While we asking questions, why our competitors Bermuda and Cayman having $$$B budgets and have higher debt to gdp to invest in infrastructure and other things? ??????????
  • Profilr (19/12/2024, 12:23) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thamaturgy: In plain language,obeah.
    Moneys for the Senagalese retained and installed within the Gov by the dishonorable and disgraced Andrew Fahie.
  • 2024 (19/12/2024, 16:51) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    It is amazing over the many years some of our political leaders have such great ideas upon becoming the opposition members; but while those same politicians were the governing administration not much policies and advancement were established for the people of this country

    Upon voted out of political office and placed on the other side of the fence, look at finger pointing rather than the 13 of them we elected work hand in hand for the great good of the people and the country

    • Fed Up (25/12/2024, 18:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You couldn't have said it better.
      The same ones who were there for years.
  • @ REALLY - @STEALTH -- (19/12/2024, 17:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • @2024 (20/12/2024, 19:29) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The VIP government needs to thank NDP for having the foresite to extend the cruise dock and construct Pier Park.

    Now they want to brag about cruise ship passengers. Let me refresh your memory as well, VIP was against this project. The only thing the have accomplished is to build a match box up Trellis Bay.

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