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‘I am not a prophet'- Skelton-Cline

- Pastor adds disclaimer to prophecy that a woman will be next Premier of VI
Pastor and talk show host, Claude O. Skelton-Cline had added a disclaimer to his prophecy that a woman will be the next Premier of the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Pastor and talk show host Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline has added a disclaimer to his prophecy that a woman will be the next Premier of the Virgin Islands.

Skelton-Cline gave the original prophecy during the Tuesday, June 14, 2022, edition of his Honestly Speaking talk show broadcasted on ZBVI 780 AM, where we noted, “There’s a woman that is going to rise to power in the Office of the Premier in the next general election,” he said. 

The pastor, during yesterday’s June 21, 2022, edition of the same show, said; however, that despite the prophecy, he is not a prophet.

“After last week, I get several messages telling me I am prophesying… I am not a prophet, I am not the son of a prophet, and I used to work for a non-profit,” he said.

He said, however, that his instincts are clear that a woman will be the voice to lead the VI as the embodiment of a Virgin Islander. 

No names yet - Pastor Skelton-Cline 

“I want you to think. I have my own inclinations, I am not prepared to share any names yet, but that’s beside the point,” he told his listening audience.

On June 14, 2022, the pastor after making the prophecy called on members of the community to pray towards making the prophesy a reality so the individual can come forward. 

“She will not be one of the usual suspects… Most of us, when she comes, will probably ask where she come from…. But your spirit will know that when she comes, your spirit will affirm, yes,” he added.

Skelton-Cline detailed, “You don't have to believe me, and you don't have to agree with me today. But just as sure, as I am sitting in this seat and just as sure as I am a man of God, and I know that for myself… I am sitting here, and I am saying to you that there is a woman who is going to come to power, specifically in the Office of the Premier in the next general election.”

25 Responses to “‘I am not a prophet'- Skelton-Cline”

  • resident (22/06/2022, 11:09) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    • Rubber Duck (22/06/2022, 16:16) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      He is a profit though.

      At our expence.
    • STOP Playing with God (22/06/2022, 19:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ohhh no doubt you’re not so STOP playing with God and manipulating people into believing your prophe-LIES.
    • NezRez (23/06/2022, 08:02) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      We know you are not a PROPHET. You are only in this religious relationship for “PROFIT”. Let’s not mix up the two. I put no faith in another human being, especially those who work under the pretense of being godly. Red flags popping up all around you. STOP misleading the people who don’t know better and believe you are some kind of link to heaven.
      • Sylvia (24/06/2022, 09:25) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Why do grown people who have been going their entire lives still go? Have they not gotten their lessons yet? This has become a club that controls you and will shame you for dropping out. I pray at home, i treat people kindly and use common sense to guide me. You cannot imagine the backlash I received for making my own decision not to attend anymore. It was then I realized it was only about the money they missed every weekend because they shunned me, then kept trying to convince me back. I am grown and refuse to be controlled and can see the world clearer now. Mind control have people in a continual fog making you forever turn the other cheek and not make decisions that are best for YOU!
      • grace (24/06/2022, 09:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        INDOCTRINATION says it all. Cults are very scary.
  • Lip Service Pastors (22/06/2022, 11:23) Like (47) Dislike (0) Reply

    Mr. Cline, please tell me what contribution are you making toward the community besides coming on the media blabbing your mouth every second ???? Please do something that would impact the community in a positive way
    for example, go to the Elmore Stoutt High School and talk to the young men especially about all these violent fights that are happening, sometimes twice a day. The ESH has become a breeding ground for future criminals, so Pastor if you really want to make a change please start preaching to the young men on campus. It seem as if the UK will have to come and take care of that problem for us also. Those two p******s don't care anything about our future generation, yet they call themselves educators...MY GOD

    • am (22/06/2022, 13:03) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
      Respectfully, I'm neither young, nor a man, but I wouldn't want him to be preaching to me. Teach me how to sc@m or something, but save the preaching and prophesying for the talkshow. Young men (and women) need mentors, apprentice leaders, wise counsel, literal role models to model good leadership, business savvy, money management. Save all the other bs and drivel.
  • We already know (22/06/2022, 11:25) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tell us something we don't already know. You are no prophet we know that yet you are making predictions. We also know that you are no man of God. Tell me if you weren't a Cline would you still be at a certain church.
  • Guest (22/06/2022, 11:30) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    There are quite a few other things you can add to the list of things you are not……………
  • Silent Majority (22/06/2022, 12:05) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    No you are a fool.
  • How I see it (22/06/2022, 13:05) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Cline i think you need to make some meaningful contributions to the BVI. Your business establishment prices are sky high yet you on the radio talking about price control. you want to know if working on an island for certain years merits a person rights in that island or country. do you Mr. Cline holds an American passport. Are you an American citizen or should i ask do you hold American citizenship? No one wants you to give your island to expats but what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
  • Secret Bear (22/06/2022, 13:06) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    All together now: NO SH*T
  • Hmm (22/06/2022, 13:36) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    i wonder if you're a man of God...but that's between you and him on judgment day.
  • DAVIE (22/06/2022, 14:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now you are talking the truth you are not a propthet but you are still missing a lot of things that you are not for example man of God, honest individual and the list continues.
  • hmmm (22/06/2022, 16:04) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    You definitely are not that sir. But there are definitely alot of things that you definitely are.
  • I Ain doubt U. (22/06/2022, 16:06) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not none of those living here. Heritage said it best.. most of them just want to smoke weed, drink rum and ride on the back of Moped.. I believe a return citizen with good morals, courage and character will one day be the Prime Minister. If not the first Prime Minister at that time we will be independent...
  • Son of turnip (22/06/2022, 16:51) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    “There’s a woman that is going to rise to power in the Office of the Premier in the next general election,” he said.

    He sounds like one of those American false prophets that were popular in the 1990's. I think most of them have died or are now too old to continue spouting nonsense. This guy must have been watching and believing them.
  • Yup (22/06/2022, 16:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not a prophet, a profit.
  • quote (22/06/2022, 17:46) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" applies to this false prophet.
  • island man (22/06/2022, 21:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    no news here. we know that long time
  • gender change (23/06/2022, 01:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    maybe he's decided it's time to get the chop and change his gender !
  • And Strike (23/06/2022, 04:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And strike, and strike, and strike, and strike... Another one.
  • hmm (23/06/2022, 07:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is it that every non sensical thing that this cline say and the other cline say have to be reported in the media. What kind of power or authority do they have that you all must report every thing they say. It is ridiculous. Stop reporting what they say and they will shut up.
  • Con Talk (23/06/2022, 10:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    These blogs mention going to heaven and judgement day. This is the kind of "Captured Mind" psychosis that this nonsensical blah blah is meant to perpetuate so that it results in generous donations and offerings. This is at the bottom of all the problems and chaos that is rocking the planet and causing its imminent destruction. There is no need for prophesying....I believe would be the honest approach.

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