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I am happy to have served- Justice Redhead

- Judge’s tenure in VI has come to an end
July 25th, 2013 | Tags:
Justice Albert Redhead first came to the Virgin Islands in 1994. His tenure ended on July 24, 2013 at which stage he was serving as the Justice in the High Court and was known as the 'No nonsense' man. Photo: VINO
Justice Redhead expressed his gratitude to the staff that was assigned to him during his tenure at the High Court of the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO
Justice Redhead expressed his gratitude to the staff that was assigned to him during his tenure at the High Court of the Virgin Islands. Photo: VINO
Justice Albert Redhead was also very appreciative of the many members of the BVI Bar Association who would have represented the Crown. Photo: VINO
Justice Albert Redhead was also very appreciative of the many members of the BVI Bar Association who would have represented the Crown. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – “I wish to state publicly that Albert Redhead can’t always be right but Albert Redhead believes he is always right.” Those were the opening words of Justice Albert Redhead in his closing address to the High Court of the Virgin Islands yesterday, July 24, 2013 when the July assizes was brought to a close.

“I am happy to have served. I hope I have made a difference. Good bye,” said Justice Redhead.

During his closing address, he commended the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for the evident significant changes for the better over the past year since Mr Wayne Rajbansie arrived as the new director. Mr Rajbansie also alluded to that change when he said that since taking office here in the Virgin Islands the DPP has never sought an adjournment of a single matter as it was always in a ready mode to proceed.

The court was filled to capacity with jurors of the assizes, lawmen and women, court staff and members of media when Justice Redhead delivered a very humble speech for the most part. He took time to express his gratitude to the people of the Virgin Island who he said had expressed profound appreciation for the work he has done in reportedly reducing crime in the Territory and prosecuting those elements that violated the law.

“I do not read the blogs but sometimes it is brought to my attention. I read recently that there is an outpouring of support for me in the BVI.” This was authenticated by the loud rounds of applause and echoes of ‘yeas’ by those present. He continued, “I am humbled by those expressions. I wonder if those expressions are not a result because you think I am hard,” he said as someone in the audience belched out, “Most definitely.”

Justice Redhead noted that sentencing is the most difficult job because of the many factors that have to be taken into consideration. “I am of the uncompromising view that criminals should not be given a slap on the wrist because in my mind that would encourage those breaking the laws to continue with criminal activities.”

He also spoke very strongly about his passion to see women and young girls respected in any society. “I say here and now without any hope of retracting what I say, I am not in this jurisdiction anymore but so far as I am concerned women must be respected in society and anyone who is convicted of any sexual offences, wounding, robbery is a menace to society.” He noted that the young women of today are the mothers of tomorrow and if they are abused they cannot produce healthy, well balanced offspring.

“This to my mind would impact negatively on the next generation,” he stated. His position was endorsed by Mr Rajbansie, who noted that children are the most valuable resources of any society and much more must to done to protect them from the elements of society and also from themselves.

Justice Redhead commenced working in the Virgin Islands in 1994 at a time, he said, criminal activities were few and far apart but damned the day things changed for the worse. He noted that over the years there has been a significant increase in the amount of criminal activities and during his tenure as Justice he has positively influenced a stabilisation or reduction in the number of criminal activities.

He stressed that his principle in sentencing was to send a message to others who might have intentions of committing a crime to “don’t try it!”

Attorney at Law Michael Fay expressed his appreciation for the time Justice Redhead served the VI and so did Senior Crown Counsel Valston Graham and Principal Crown Counsel Tiffany Scatliffe. Graham described Justice Redhead as not harsh but rather a person who instituted appropriate sentences. He said Justice Redhead would also be remembered also for his efficient management style. He was a man to call a ‘spade a spade’ and was never afraid to speak his mind, Graham said.

Fifteen cases were assigned to the July assizes of which eight were completed. It is estimated that another fifteen cases will be assigned to the October assizes. This news agency was unable to confirm who will preside over the next assizes.

74 Responses to “I am happy to have served- Justice Redhead”

  • soil of the soil (25/07/2013, 08:19) Like (1) Dislike (698) Reply
    He wanted to put away more locals but he time up.
    • Forbidden Truth (25/07/2013, 09:25) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
      He put away who came before him jack A$$
    • vi (25/07/2013, 10:38) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      your @$$ should have been put away too, with your local nonesense, what happen, locals deferent than any other being, wait until the other judge arrive, more fire in your tail.
    • Cecil (25/07/2013, 13:22) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      He wanted to put away criminals regards of where they are from. I appalud Justice Redhead. He will be missed by all except for the criminals who are intent on destroying our once peacefull society. I personally feel that getting rid of capital punishment was a grave mistake. Murderers should be treated the way they treated their victims. No dignity should be afforded to persons who take the like of others with malice.
    • @soil of the soil (25/07/2013, 13:55) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      You should record that statement and replay it to yourself to hear how stupid you sound. He served the BVI well.... local or expat was given their judgement. We need more people like him.

    • HAHAHA (27/07/2013, 08:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      You glad that Redhead time is up... Prepare ur a** for the next rough ride ah life, damn fool, only den more locals will be put to penetary confinement, yo dumb a**
  • . (25/07/2013, 08:20) Like (4) Dislike (78) Reply
    The longest rope has an end.
  • :) (25/07/2013, 08:22) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
    JJ and rest the rest of those boys have a sigh of relief now.
  • yada yada (25/07/2013, 08:37) Like (3) Dislike (43) Reply
    yo pocket fat-up!!!! You must be happy u served.... Job well done, never-the-less.
  • wellsa (25/07/2013, 09:04) Like (9) Dislike (30) Reply
    • +++ (25/07/2013, 10:11) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      SINCE WHEN DOES A JUDGE LEGISLATE FROM THE BENCH ON A CASE WHERE THE DEFENDENT HAS NO REPRESENTATION? Redhead by his own admission, uses sentencing as examples for others not to try the crime. But what about those who are fighting for their lives?
    • Well said (25/07/2013, 11:59) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply

      Although you were stern and a great judge, you should have heard Mr. Penn's case. That was a real mistake as Penn allegedly fooled the court and you all the time.
      Also, you did a good job but I differ when you say you are always right. Not even the Privy Council is always right. They are only right because they are final. Enjoy your retirement judge

      • shaw (25/07/2013, 23:55) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
        since when is fighting for your right to have representation at your trial- guilty or not- (by jury, not judge)
        being manipulative? This judge said some very unprofessional and subjective things which would prejudice a case. Any judge that says he's always right is arrogant and lacking humility.
        • MOMO (26/07/2013, 15:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

          He said he FEELS like he is alright he didn't say HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. BIG DIFFERENCE I mean you sound passionate for an alleged pedophile? what? You grew up with him? Oh no you probably a sis or something who wants her SICK SICK bro out a road again? Mind he might be a little safer up BALO....then again maybe not LOL FOH!

          • shaw (27/07/2013, 14:34) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
            I am looking at procedure in the court system and how this person is already tried and convicted in the papers and mouth to mouth. And how the judge added to that. No, no one condoned abuse and rape... But I am amazed how fast people judging everything and everybody. He is still in court. The judge already made up his mind before the case finishes. Is that what you want for a court when it is your turn?
            • MOMO (29/07/2013, 12:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
              When it is my turn it will be over MONEY not sodomizing some young girl I CAN 110% GUARANTEE THAT!
    • @ wellsa (25/07/2013, 14:00) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      How proud you are to applaud the crime (alledgedly) commited by this man.. I wonder what you would do if your son or daughter was in a situation that the young lady is in.. sometimes we don't think about the things we say... all we do is speak rubbish just to post a comment. If we thought about what we said half the times before it was said the world would be a better place. I pray that you and your family member does not have to deal with a situation like this...
      • shaw (26/07/2013, 11:34) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        that is for a jury to decide... that is... one who hasn't read 12 stories about the case, being called manipulative because he is fighting (legally) for his life, you have already condemned someone still in process. where is YOUR objectivity and I hope it doesn't happen to you.
        • Fortieth St. Blak (26/07/2013, 15:34) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
          It shouldn't happen to NOBODY aslong as you know that children are to be NURTURED NOT TORTURED! Oh wait but no somebody have an axe to gring right? Somebody sit that little girl down and coach her with all the nasty details so she can be convincing right? Or maybe this minor didn't get to play games or some candy and decided I by myself will hactch a plan of this nature to spite this despicable person right? No she probably put all that porn on his computer to make her story sound good right? GTFOH!
          • shaw (27/07/2013, 14:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
            you are so wrong on so many counts. It is a terrible thing when a child gets attacked. but a person should get his day in court and not judged in the public... the girl has been known to embellish stories. fact.
  • thank you (25/07/2013, 09:08) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Job well done
  • ccc (25/07/2013, 09:24) Like (2) Dislike (25) Reply

    do not let the door hit you readhead

  • Hitman (25/07/2013, 09:32) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    I liked his style and he made the right moves, he needs to stay longer
  • Fin (25/07/2013, 09:37) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    I still cant beleive he is leaving, snif snif.... you did good sir!!
  • KJL (25/07/2013, 09:39) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    Best Judge Tortola had so far.

  • Wait (25/07/2013, 09:52) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
    He was referring to himself in the third-person, lol Redhead cocky. I hope you are not a hypocrite Reds, you better not even break a plastic spoon with all the time you giving away. You better be a VERY upright person or else judgement going to pass on you very hard. And not from an earthly court but the Creator Of All Life.
  • CN (25/07/2013, 10:02) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Cutty Wise (25/07/2013, 10:05) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply

    Boy it look like them people spend all their money to PROTECT THEIR SICK SICK PERVERT LOOKING PEDOPHILE. we just hope the next justice don't have SYMPATHY for a MONSTER just because they share the same profession.

  • The TRUTH (25/07/2013, 10:06) Like (3) Dislike (28) Reply
    This man called people 'evil' but he is the most evil of all because to sentence people without a conscience and to say some of the most harshful things he said to persons facing him without understanding that justice should be linear and not punctiliar. It must offer some level of hope for persons. There must be adhearance to human rights or we are no better than the 'criminals' we judge.
    • Cutty Wise (25/07/2013, 12:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I could agree with you but some os the people that face him needed those sentence...the only one that was questionable was SHERWIN or SHERVIN. With no life lost those years was HARSH but everybody else unfortunately got theirs.
  • pat (25/07/2013, 10:21) Like (6) Dislike (26) Reply
    I for one am glad he is leaving. While he did crack down on crime and sentencing, there are those who came before him that he wasn't objective about. His calling Penn for example, manipulative, tainted any jury for a fair trial. He wanted to move ahead when a defendant (GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY- BY JURY) had no representation, a basic right. I found Reds to be opinionated and not a fair judge on individual cases. Instead of objectively taking one case at a time, he used those cases, interjecting his opinion and power to punish would be offenders by example- forgetting about the individual consideration in front of him. I am glad he is leaving for the sake of those with no money for good representation in an inbred society where everyone knows or is related to everyone.
    • Blak (25/07/2013, 12:19) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
      Pat I understand everybody should have representation but the man aint an idiot! You can be talking bout that sick looking man that destroy that little girl life...that is who you trying to determine fair treatment? Thank God this aint Saudi Arabia cause that person would have been BEHEADED ALREADY! That sick man NEW the system and was WILLFULLY WORKING IT IN HOPE OF GETTING ANOTHER JUDGE, maybe one placed there by the POWER FAMILY, so he can get a baby sentence or get off completely. The evidence from previous trial is OVERWHELMING so I believe he will get his either way. JUDICIAL or VIGALANTE but somebody got to stop these CREATURES amongst us.
      • I agree (25/07/2013, 13:56) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        Very well said Blak. That man will get is day in court as well as with the ultimate judge.
      • Remember? (25/07/2013, 16:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Twenty three years ago the same "power family" used every devious device in the book - right up to the Court of Appeal - to rid themselves of a thorn in their side. Remember?
      • pat (26/07/2013, 00:06) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        the man is not an idiot. He is arrogant and self-important.
    • Vexx (25/07/2013, 12:36) Like (7) Dislike (11) Reply
      PAT YOU ARE AN IGNORANT IDIOT. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU NEED TO SHUT UP AND STOP SPREADING PROPOGANDA!!! Mr. Penn was given every opportunity to seek legal representation. In fact he had approximately 2 years. His case is one of the longest case before the court. Everybody knows he is trying to manipulate the court through all his various motions and shananigans. Redhead and the court has bent over backwrds for Mr. Penn. Read the court files before you come on here supporting rubbish
      • pat (26/07/2013, 00:05) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
        The idea of manipulation came from the Judge himself. See how it spreads as gospel? How can someone seeking objective representation (legally) be manipulative. It is the Law! Some lawyers wouldn't even take the case so where do you go for representation?
    • To Pat: (25/07/2013, 13:06) Like (10) Dislike (8) Reply
      Wait until someone mow down a relative of yours, brutally rape them, or pump a couple bullets into their defenceless body, then you will be singing a different tune. As to those criminals who claim they have no money, there is always Legal Aid, where the same government that is trying to put them away, turns around and gives them money to defend themselves. This judge was harsh, he was fearless and he brought the hammer down on those lawless elements in our society who thought they could literally get away with murder. Long gone are the days when you could commit a crime and get only a couple years in jail, and I hope that the judge to come is TAKING GOOD NOTES!!!
  • Sherry (25/07/2013, 10:24) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    I do have to say, in following this judge's career in general, and the verdicts he has passed down involving his personal opinion- I would call him an activist judge who wants to make examples of those who come before him. sometimes he exceeds the prosecution in his involvement like proceeding with a rape case when the defendant doesn't have representation, so basic to the system. The defendant had to go off island for an objective defense team. And this judge added fuel to the fire by his public comments which were unprofessional.
    • Oterga (25/07/2013, 14:36) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply

      Shut your behind.

      The man was given more than a year to seek a lawyer. He was given enough time. I am sorry Redhead didn't get to k*** him with time.

      • Sherry (26/07/2013, 00:09) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        he couldn't find representation on island. many lawyers rejected the case. you all on the jury now?
        • Cutty Wise (26/07/2013, 10:59) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply

          Really? You don't think the alleged 12 counts 12! of PEDOPHILE sexual acts committed on that minor aint enough to be taken behind the barn and "PUT DOWN"?

          • Sherry (26/07/2013, 11:47) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
            that is for a jury to decide. the case should have a proper jury (who knows nothing about the case and is not related to anyone associated with the case), Jurors should be banned from reading the 12 stories about this case in the newspapers which no doubt, will colour public opinion. And the judge should know better than to make prejudicial comments in the press when a case is before him.
            I'm going to throw out a hypothetical issue... that means make believe... what, what if the child, who is known for being somewhat a problem, lied about events? just putting it out there. Does this guy get his day in court with the best representation he can find? And why why, does he NOT have access to the previous trial transcript so his lawyer can study it?? This is not a fair trial- guilty or not--- you are a mass mob looking to lynch. Let the system (and an objective judge) do their job.
            • Iron Lungz (26/07/2013, 15:43) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
              THEN EVERY CASE INCLUDING YAN AND ALLEN CAN SAY THE SAME THING FOOL! EVERY PERSON THAT EVER WENT BEFORE A JURY ON TORTOLA WOULD BE ABLE TO CLAIM THE SAME THING! SO WHAT? A man who is INNOCENT will want his case heard as soon as possible and no lawyer here taking the case cause WHO WANTS THIS MAN SITTING INFRONT OF THEM TRYING TO COME UP WITH A WAY TO KEEP HIM ON THE STREETS. They say lawyers are SATAN well atleast some of the lawyers here aint totaly EVIL and in it for the money cause we know this man isn't BROKE so the lawyers here DO STAND FOR SOMETHING! PAT you and this man(AND WE USE THIS TERM VERY LOOSELY) go PLAY IN TRAFFIC!
              • Sherry (27/07/2013, 14:44) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
                different case, same procedure except for conviction before a trial.
  • True (25/07/2013, 10:35) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Happy (25/07/2013, 10:44) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    a job well done, you served well, you will be greatly missed.
  • Under 35 (25/07/2013, 11:27) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a Tortolian who grew up here all my life and am very glad that Redhead came in. It is a pity that he have to leave.

    I remember the days when my parents, siblings and I could have left our house open and dont have to worry about been burgarlized. I also remember when the crime rate was low.

    I am very uncomfortable about going our at night, vistiting a restaurant, supermarket, ATM Machine, going to the movies, and the list goes on because I don't want to be robbed.

    The majority of the sentences that Redhead give were fair. My question is why would anyone in their right mind rob a police station????

  • BVIslander (25/07/2013, 11:29) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wish I could shake this man's hand and say "Thank you for a job well done sir."
    • my, my (25/07/2013, 12:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am sure some will miss Redhead while others will say good redence!!!!
  • jah jah (25/07/2013, 11:42) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    just by how he was sentencing these man made me don't wanna go to before him now i change my life just because i know i aint going around him playing
  • yellow (25/07/2013, 12:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bou he mad he aint get to tried JJ
    • green (25/07/2013, 13:21) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yellow -why should he be mad? He could have heard the case. I hope that he was not pressured to grant adjournments after adjournments - JJ made a mockery of the system and Justice Redhead. I was hoping that he will hear JJ's case. But power sometimes speak and maybe. spoke.
      Can we send away Morris and appoint Redhead to hear the police force? Just a suggestion, Mr. premier
      • pat (26/07/2013, 00:15) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        again, how can someone make a mockery of the system when it is all legal? Reds just doesn't like to play by the rules himself and he doesn't like to be challenged. He wanted to move ahead when the defendant didn't have representation- a basic right regardless of who it is. If you all were as familiar with the law, wouldn't you fight for your life? And if he is guilty he will be found so. But for now, it was the judge attempting to railroad a defendant.
  • Mermaid (25/07/2013, 13:13) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Judge Redhead is the best JUDGE the BVI had and he will be greatly missed. He is a wonderful person. As a JUROR in the May 2013 Assizes, I interacted with him every time I appear in Court and I alwys admired the way he handled matters. I only pray ad hope the next JUDGE in line will be JUST LIKE HIM. GOOD BYE JUDGE REDHEAD.
  • Like Red (25/07/2013, 14:10) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why are they letting this man go??????? Redhead needs to stay
    • goway (25/07/2013, 16:45) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      stay for what...the law is person blind
      • cutty (31/07/2013, 07:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        let he go. all he do is full balsum ghut and don't charge them no money up there is full were the government going to get money to feed so murch people the tax money ayu don't see the country is going down .lsend man up there for not supporting them child .the man still up there and the child still hungry bull s let us all wait and see.then later now they come blame all the partys ayu wake up people you should gone long ago of
  • The Analyst (25/07/2013, 18:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Boy Reddie, sad to see you go and you struck the fear of GOD in those who were fighting to not stand before you. Well send a message to the next judge, we dont want no pink flowers and hugs here. We need another sledge hammer. If the police cant fix it the court will. Well Red Man take care of yourself and GOD BLESS.
  • INSDIER (25/07/2013, 18:21) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    The govt. should begin its search for a new DPP. that man is failing miserably and his failure is making us the Florida of the Caribbean
  • great (25/07/2013, 21:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good man m God bless.
  • END (25/07/2013, 23:33) Like (0) Dislike (16) Reply
  • BuzzBvi (26/07/2013, 00:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope the BVI finds someone as worthy to take your place. Needed now more than ever. Thankyou for your efforts and guidance. You have shown the way for others to follow.
  • Worm Your Honor (26/07/2013, 00:40) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    "...If your ole' lawyer's sleeping better give him a nudge, everybody look alive 'cause here come the judge!
    here come the come the judge...." he may've done some good things and tried what he
    could to reduce the increase of senseless violent crimes in the BVI - others, he developed a
    warped attitude against casual sex. Sex among a species that has sex for pleasure. And he could not see
    the difference between mutual agreement in such private matters - and the times when it is assault. That
    is when it is time to go. People have sex, have intimate interactions. THAT is not wrong. When you can't
    tell the difference, either you have gone braindead, or should move to another planet that has no sex.
    • pat (26/07/2013, 11:53) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      the difference is whether one party is mature enough to make that kind of decision. Then the older party (presumably a male) has the upper hand and can manipulate, scarring the child. Mark my words, conversely can be true... a young girl can cry rape and have the power even if it is not true. So be careful on both counts. Think about it. There has to be some maturity to the act, not just recreation which can also spread disease. You sound like a horndog.
  • Well (26/07/2013, 06:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope they fine some one like u fear.
  • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (26/07/2013, 15:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    we just need the justice system to me more transparent
  • generations (26/07/2013, 18:57) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Wish him all the best and hope he remembers he has children
  • No fear (26/07/2013, 21:48) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It was a great pleasure working along with you .A job well done all the best ,to all the haters back the hell off we .need more people like Redhead here .As for Mr Penn he will get what coming to him. Run run run but every rope has it end .As my grandmother use to say you know what have don't know what coming next I. Do hope is worst to deal with Penn and Mr. DJ.
  • really ? (27/07/2013, 08:28) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Mr penn thinks he get away from redhead? He better think twice
    • pat (27/07/2013, 14:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      that is true. the judge already planted the seed of conviction with public prejudicial remarks. there is a difference between running a tight ship and pursuing justice to the end. One doesn't necessarily lead to the other- especially if you are determined to make an example of someone before the case is even ended. That is totally unprofessional and inappropriate.

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