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‘I am grateful for the support of HMS Medway’- Premier Wheatley

- but said the military vessel is not the solution to all the issues of border security
March 1st, 2023 | Tags:
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said he is not opposed to HMS Medway assisting the territory with border security whenever it is in the region; however, it would be naive to think the vessel would solve all the border security issues, as he said the Auditor General Sonia M. Webster has suggested. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Natalio D. Wheatley, right, said the Report by Auditor General Sonia M. Webster, left, only sought to tear apart the argument for the barges, and did not include the positive areas of the platform. Photo: VINO/File
Premier Natalio D. Wheatley, right, said the Report by Auditor General Sonia M. Webster, left, only sought to tear apart the argument for the barges, and did not include the positive areas of the platform. Photo: VINO/File
The debate on the Report of the Auditor General on the COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms began at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on February 21, 2023. Photo: VINO
The debate on the Report of the Auditor General on the COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms began at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on February 21, 2023. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said he is not opposed to HMS Medway assisting the territory with border security whenever it is in the region; however, it would be naive to think the vessel would solve all the border security issues, as he said the Auditor General Sonia M. Webster has suggested.

“The Report seems to make the assumption that the HMS Medway could have solved all our border security challenges,” Dr Wheatley stated during the debate on the Report of the Auditor General on the COVID-19 Border Security Contracts for Static Marine Platforms at the Third Sitting of the Fifth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly in Road Town on February 21, 2023.

According to the Auditor General, Opposition was raised to HMS Medway’s presence by the then Premier Andrew A. Fahie, who she said referred to it as a “military intervention.”

This was confirmed by Dr Wheatley, who added that HMS Medway is usually in the region at specified times. “They don’t stay here forever, they move around to different countries and territories, and they were here for a limited period of time.”

The Premier declared that he is grateful for the support of HMS Medway and any other ship from the United Kingdom or any other country coming to help the territory after a hurricane or just to be on guard in the event of a hurricane, to offer humanitarian support, or support in preventing drug trafficking, human trafficking, and gun smuggling.

HMS Medway can’t do it all- Premier

“But let’s be real, Madam Speaker, the Virgin Islands needs a more permanent sustainable solution to border security.

“You think one ship can patrol our marine borders? Madam Speaker? Let’s get real. One ship can’t patrol our marine borders. You need several points or several areas that you can provide radar and even when you provide these platforms and points for radar you will still have spots that are uncovered because our marine borders are so broad and so porous.

“So HMS Medway, while their help is welcomed, they are not the end all be all. And they are a very small part of the solution for monitoring the borders.”

One-sided report

Dr Wheatley said the issues of border security are ones the VI has to continue to grapple with since the issues of human trafficking, drug smuggling and gun smuggling are experienced by the territory, and, "Madam, Speaker, we need solutions.”

The Premier, who said he respects the Office of the Auditor General and is committed to the process of audits from an “independent” auditor general, was of the view the Auditor General’s Report only sought to tear apart the argument for the barges, and did not include the positive areas of the platform.

27 Responses to “‘I am grateful for the support of HMS Medway’- Premier Wheatley”

  • UK resident (01/03/2023, 09:41) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    The UK is really good with public relations. This is no special assistance. The ship is scheduled to be in different parts of the Caribbean yearly around this time. Check the schedule and the history. It is during this time and in October yearly the ship comes to different part of the Caribbean.
    • @ Uk residents (01/03/2023, 10:56) Like (6) Dislike (21) Reply
      While they are good with public relations they also know that the people of this island are not the brightest. They know exactly where to conquer and divide and you people take the bait everytime.
    • Well Well (01/03/2023, 17:18) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ UK Resident .
      I do agree with the Premier. even though i don`t understand what his point of view is. How do you compare a cargo vessel to a navy ship? Only in Natures big seas, we Creat the possibility of thoughts for the wild wild west.
    • Gus bigged himself up (02/03/2023, 07:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Remember that Gus made a big deal out of saying that he had summoned the ship to come to the BVI at short notice but it turned out it was here on a 36 hour visit that had been scheduled 9 months earlier.
  • facts (01/03/2023, 09:42) Like (9) Dislike (50) Reply
    The last time this ship was out there more drugs came through than normal, but they will never admit to that because it is the UK, and they are always ok.
  • lol (01/03/2023, 09:43) Like (31) Dislike (8) Reply
    Can we get slow man out of politics this election please!
  • Amazed (01/03/2023, 09:48) Like (14) Dislike (33) Reply
    I am amazed how we are trained to always go after each other and try to make each other look bad like this auditor general does in her one-sided reports including the barges. I am amazed how she omitted in her report to mention the number of private vessels hired by the UK Commissioner of Police during the same covid heightened period from people of their kind that was totaling just under one million dollars. The public will never know about these things because the target is to get our people at all costs and leave all else so they can play their role in trying to influence the outcome of the elections.
    • Stupes (01/03/2023, 10:02) Like (28) Dislike (7) Reply
      For God's sake. The auditor general is doing her job. She is responsible for auditing all departments of Government. However, when things get out of hand, then she tackles those departments first. The last thing Government should have engaged in a time like that was a badge. The HMS Medway cannot protect the borders but another local badge can!
    • The Real Truth (01/03/2023, 10:52) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
      @Amazed this is simply made up nonsense! A lot of local businesses stepped up and gave vessels free to support the Police and Government plan at the time - there was no such payment totaling just under a million dollars as you have described.
    • Really? (01/03/2023, 11:21) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      What utter nonsense you are putting here - are you just making this up?
  • WTF (01/03/2023, 10:10) Like (68) Dislike (1) Reply

    Yes, a combat ship with cutting edge technology, crewed by professional naval officers from one of the countries with deepest maritime military histories in the world is less capable than 3 dilapidated barges crewed by people who may be engaged in the very same activity they're trying to prevent...

    That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

    We know the barge deal was cr*****d. The question, is why is this man defending it, if he claims to have clean hands?

    Food for thought.

  • Rubber Duck (01/03/2023, 10:18) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    But none of you wanted , or want now , the shore based radar stations that could monitor all sea traffic.

    And that would cost less than hiring the barges.
  • Yes (01/03/2023, 10:22) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    try to remeber back after Irma any looters than came across the Marines suddenly dropped and ran, no gun fire as they would of been killed without a thought. This should of been what happened during COVID with the borders, no drug runners are coming in with Gun boats patrolling the borders
  • Umm (01/03/2023, 10:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    But,ummm you actually sound ungrateful.
  • Have to defend (01/03/2023, 10:34) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Premier have to defend the Barge report because he need the votes up East.
    He don’t have to get Cane Garden Bay votes.
  • bye (01/03/2023, 11:54) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    You can kiss that security goodbye if independence becomes a reality.
  • hellboy (01/03/2023, 12:32) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Premier Wheatley , Your statement doesn't make sense, because the united States have top of the line border security , and the the drugs still get through . so if you looking for a perfect border protection , you will not find that know where on the planet, so sorry to break you heart .
  • Sowande again.. (01/03/2023, 13:24) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Boss stop.. Who talking about solving all our border problems. We are talking about what was needed at the time and what was offered and the decision we made, we had a choice to get a ship with all the border protection amenities, tested time and time and offers free service, and a Barge that never did such work before with inferior, or incapable equipment, To try to justify chosing the Barge for $700. Gran a month, that's is an insult to your own intelligence. It puts your honesty and your judgement into serious doubt.
  • Call me naive (01/03/2023, 13:35) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes premier. Naive to think that a navy ship will help. But not naive at all to think that 3 empty barges are any better. Go away.
  • Loose mouth (01/03/2023, 17:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    With modern-day technology, radar and weapon systems one well equip ship could effectively cover dozens of miles. Apart from this, they could dispatch a helicopter or military drone to investigate any suspicious activity. The perimeter of the BVIs is small compare to the range of open water one ship cover. I think it would be more effective than a barge.
  • IGNORANCE UNLIMITED (01/03/2023, 17:18) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we have blondie blogging his usual racist rethoric , using different names like ( facts and amazed ) are just two / only heaven knows what game he is playing with himself . And BIG youth seems to be playing the same game too , and he is giving mixed signals , just like when the coach turned down the help from the UK , look at how he is going after that lady , they offered to help , they didn't say thay they were going to solve everything , but he seems angry with the lady for doing what is right ,
  • lol (02/03/2023, 08:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a tangled web we weave
  • I second with (03/03/2023, 16:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    that comment made by the Premier Wheatley. It's impossible for that one ship to cover all our waters. Yes it will help a lot but to say it would of done the job of covering all areas. If that was said by Sonia Webster. If think he spoke out of line and was making a personal decision.

    Our waters may be one of the hardest area to patrol properly daily to many areas to slip thru. Thus the reason the drugs keep coming in. and one would say 80% of what comes in are sent out more so USA
  • idiots (06/03/2023, 16:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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