‘I agree with Ms P; Give Ronnie MF & Dr Smith should listen’- John I. Cline
On the Morning Ride Show today January 6, 2017 on ZROD 103.7 FM, Bishop John I. Cline, an NDP supporter and second term Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority, was asked by host Paul ‘Gadiethz’ Peart about an infamous letter- first and accurately broken on this news site- written by former legislator Mrs. Eileene L. Parsons OBE. Mr Cline’s response sent shock waves throughout the territory.
Mrs Parsons, in a letter first obtained by our news site from our senior NDP sources, called on Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) to give up the Ministry of Finance portfolio and turn it over to Hon Skelton, who is also the Minister for Health and Social Development.
Hon Skelton is best positioned for this portfolio- Cline
The cultural icon told the NDP in her letter dated November 28, 2016 “as for instance it is being said louder and louder that our Finance portfolio would be better served by being moved from the Office of the Premier to his Minister of Health.”
When Mr Peart, on his International Morning Ride Show, asked the BVI Health Services Authority Chairman Mr Cline to respond to Mrs Parsons’ opinion, he responded “I think people need to stay within their skills. Ronnie, if you have seen what he has done with his family business out in Fish Bay…the leadership of Ronnie Skelton…remember when he was Finance Minister we did not have complaints about anything, Finance is one of his strengths”.
In further endorsing the idea that Hon Skelton should become the new Minister of Finance, taking away the portfolio from Premier Smith, Mr Cline told the public that “if you have a particular strength that benefits the country then we elect you to find the best strength in each person and let them use those strengths to help the country, and I think Ronnie Skelton is very positioned, very experienced in being Finance Minister,” according to Cline.
The religious leader and senior Pastor of the New Life Baptist Church in Duffs Bottom, Tortola went on to say, “he is a very astute business person, he thinks on this feet, he makes decisions and that is the kind of person you need in this type of environment.”
In other words, Mr Cline was implying that Premier Smith does not possess those qualities.
Dr Smith should listen to the calls- Cline
When asked what is his view on the notion that the NDP needs new leadership, meaning Dr Smith should be replaced, Bishop Cline told the popular talk show that if Mrs Parsons “one of their Premier supporters…hands down she has supported that party and if she has seen it fit to write such a letter that means it has reached a climax to the point where it has become unbearable for even their supporters and I think they should listen.”
He also made reference to the possibility that the United Kingdom (UK) could take over the Virgin Islands “as they are always looking for an opportunity to come in…as the moment you sneeze they will come in and play doctor...” referring to the UK possibly taking over the Overseas Territory and imposing direct rule.
49 Responses to “‘I agree with Ms P; Give Ronnie MF & Dr Smith should listen’- John I. Cline”
people become identified with points of view. This one is not great.
Nonetheless, a lot of political ammo is being aimed at and fired at Doc. He is experiencing rapid and heavy fire. The incoming is constant. He signed up for this so it is all. But it seems as if his supporting cast who he has given free rein to is not taking care of the boss. Under heavy fire ( Doc) from Ms. P, Biahop Cline.......etc, they are letting him twist in the wind. You would think by now they all would be racing to the mic supporting the boss. Instead it drop
Really!!!!. So why you back Geraldine Ritter going to immigration again? Put a sock in it cline.
There are some things you must leave alone and I think this is one of them.
Keep your dirty laundry in the washer room Ivan and leave the politics out of it.
This sounds like treason and if I was the good doctor, I would start to reevaluate his position within government!