House of Assembly to meet on October 13, 2016
Speaking to our newsroom today, October 5, 2016 about the dilemma on the Anegada water shut down, the source confirmed that the HoA will meet again next week, as some bills are to get their first and second readings.
The Order Paper was not ready for release as of publication time.
The HoA last met on September 22-23, 2016 where the Opposition Members Hons Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Andrew A. Fahie (R1) fired off many questions to the Government front bench on many topical issues.
Also at the First Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of assembly, many Members used the Other Business Section on the Order Paper to speak about issues in the Territory.
I am not broke- Walwyn
However, one Member- the controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn, an At Large Member- used his time under Other Business not to fight for residents and address their issues but to talk about himself.
He boasted in the HoA on September 23, 2016 that he is “not hand to mouth”, meaning he is not broke, however, he failed to say the source of his new found wealth.
The Minister, who often used the HoA to go after residents, businesses and other Members he does not like, also claimed that persons in the media had offered his “staff money to write things about him”. However, he also failed to elaborate or give any details.
In his usual rant at the last Sitting, Hon Walwyn also said that it seems like there is a bounty on his head because “I am working for the people” and it seems like those who do not work and stay in their corner are left alone.
Walwyn the Bully looking pity; not here-Hon Fahie
However, First District Representative Hon Fahie scoffed at the assertion and blasted the Minister for his bullying tactics and told the HoA that there are people who are afraid of Hon Walwyn because of his intimidating style.
Hon Fahie also warned the controversial Minister not to come to the HoA looking for sympathy and pulling “the pity card” as it would not work, as the public knows better.
16 Responses to “House of Assembly to meet on October 13, 2016”
Them say that they gat 15 m $ from CDB for roads, plus what them had in the budjet for roads. Them also gave a previous report on the money spent on roads so far to be over 5 m$, now some body say in the house that they n got no money for roads and that they going to have to manufacture money for road and guts etc. But what about the 10 m $ that you have not yet spent on the roads. The by-word today is (no money) -crying more than haiti that
got so much problem. and it make you wander if this is all genuine or also part of a ploy to justify their imposing further measures on the populace to help their wasteful spending and mis- appropriations and create more hardship which