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Horse racing the forgotten sports in VI

After some three years of no horse racing (last race was in 2021) on Tortola and Ellis Thomas Downs land negotiations at a standstill, it appears horse racing- a big pastime and something that has been ingrained in the Virgin Islands' culture- is forgotten. Photo: Team of Reporters
Ellis Thomas Downs has been left in a state of neglect and is now overgrown with bushes. Photo: Team of Reporters
Ellis Thomas Downs has been left in a state of neglect and is now overgrown with bushes. Photo: Team of Reporters
While horse racing has returned to the US Virgin Islands and is thriving, this is the current state of Ellis Thomas Downs in Sea Cows Bay. Photo: Team of Reporters
While horse racing has returned to the US Virgin Islands and is thriving, this is the current state of Ellis Thomas Downs in Sea Cows Bay. Photo: Team of Reporters
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- After some three years of no horse racing (last race was in 2021) on Tortola and the Ellis Thomas Downs land negotiations at a standstill, it appears horse racing- a big pastime and something that has been ingrained in the Virgin Islands' culture- is forgotten.

The negotiations with the Thomas family over the land lease have collapsed over price and fair market value, and what the government of the day is willing to pay.  

Move the racetrack?

There were some ideas floated about finding a new location for the racetrack from Anegada to Cox’s Heath or even Paraquita Bay; however, according to persons familiar with the matter, the ideas have not gotten any serious wings or considerations.

Others have asked the government to take the land via compulsory acquisition, something set out in law; however, there have been mixed reactions to that idea.

So to date it appears that the sports of kings that have generated income for many in the Sea Cows Bay community and its surrounding areas is not a priority.

There was a glimmer of hope for most horse racing fans when last month Third District Representative Hon Julian Fraser RA, now the Deputy Premier, crossed the floor and joined the government. Many thought he would have gotten the racetrack under his portfolio, seeing that he has been an advocate for the restoration of the track after the hurricanes of 2017, however, that has not been the case.

A wasteland!

As of today, November 20, 2024, the racetrack is a wasteland with tall bushes. The running surface is covered with rocks, bushes and overgrown trees and the land adjacent, referred to as the upper gate, is a storage site.

It is our understanding that a landowner (the Downs has four landowners) has a storage agreement where boats, old cars and containers are stored. This is another eyesore.

Livestock has taken up residency at the Downs, with sheep, goats and a few donkeys. There may be some old stables still standing but it's unclear if any horses occupy them.

Just looking at the state of the area, one would not believe the Government had invested close to eight million dollars in the facility some years ago, including for land leases.

There are many voices calling for the return of horse racing and at one point Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) promised that horse racing would be back.

USVI on the move in horse racing

Meanwhile, anyone interested in horse races will have to travel to St Thomas. Horse owners will need to have extra funds to leave their animal in St Thomas, along with someone to care for it. This is a huge financial burden, just ask local horse owner Lesmore Smith who has two horses there- Governor's Cup Champion Ghostinyou and Risk & Reward.

While the USVI is developing the sports and found an investor with the opening of the Clinton E Phipps racetrack on St Thomas and ongoing works on the Randall ‘Doc’ James Racetrack on St Croix, Ellis Thomas Down on Tortola seems to be the forgotten track.

Efforts to get a comment from Premier Wheatley and Hon Fraser were futile.

19 Responses to “Horse racing the forgotten sports in VI”

  • good (20/11/2024, 14:36) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
    Those poor horses were drugged up, misused, and abused. Horse racing can be a great thing, but the welfare of the horses must be improved from what it once was.
  • HEY THE 3RD (20/11/2024, 14:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • and (20/11/2024, 16:36) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    Deal with it. Animal abuse and criminal elements is what horse racing is about.
  • Lets be real here (20/11/2024, 16:36) Like (23) Dislike (1) Reply
    we have bigger problems in the bvi than watching horses get whipped for entertainment right now the pot holes whipping my pockets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • resident (20/11/2024, 16:36) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Here's a list of higher priorities for the government's funds and attention:

    Water supply
    Sewage system
    Electricity supply
    Waste disposal

    If the old boys want a racetrack, let them fund it.
  • Anonymous (20/11/2024, 17:27) Like (4) Dislike (36) Reply
    Free the drew free West bank let's free the land for horse racing
  • Stop It (20/11/2024, 17:45) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    You all need to stop it , people here in tola can’t afford to feed themselves how will they be able to feed a race horse.
  • time (20/11/2024, 18:45) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    marches on. BVI horse racing is descending down the same path as BVI wooden sloop racing. Neither will ever return to the BVI.
  • 3D EYESORES (20/11/2024, 21:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • i am willing to bet (20/11/2024, 21:30) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    That Fraser is going to sort out the majority of the problems in the 3rd district before election, any bets? ROADS, GARBAGE, WATER, SUNKEN BOATS, NIBBS ESTATE LAND AND THE RACETRACK
  • reality (20/11/2024, 22:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Hope all you folks that have these long list of priorities can deal with the consequences of taking away some means of social life from the young people. Think deep about that
  • smh (20/11/2024, 22:23) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Horse racing is animal abuse. We have a culture of abusing animals in the virgin islands. It's disgusting.
    • @SMH (21/11/2024, 08:55) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      One of the norms in the BVI is cruelty to animals.Look at the way they treat innocent animals in the BVI. I was driving through SCB and I saw a man slapping and abusing a male dog. I pulled over and asked why was he abusing the dog in that way. These were the man’s words, YOU WANT HE, then tek he. I put the dog in my truck and took him home with me. The dog is living a happy abuse free life with my family and I.
      • @@ SMH (21/11/2024, 12:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        I know exactly who rescued the dog. The dog is now living a much better life than the abuser. Unlimited food, nice living space, fenced in yard to play and run around in and is healthy.
    • @SMH (21/11/2024, 15:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so correct, we are living in a culture especially the BLACK CULTURE THAT ABUSE INNOCENT ANIMALS. Some of the BLACK CULTURE WHO HAS ANIMALS DOES NOT ABUSE THEIR ANIMALS AND TAKE CARE OF THEIR ANIMALS. From a child my grandmother told me that animals are Gods innocent creatures and if you mistreat and abuse them your life will forever be messed up. Nothing good will come your way.
  • yeah (20/11/2024, 23:22) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Ted make them pay you know money and u is a hard working man never sell drugs u help a lot young boys and girls don't give up on your right,
  • Citizen (20/11/2024, 23:37) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    Hores race will return once the government changes
  • sturpss (21/11/2024, 08:56) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let it die! Government shouldn’t be paying for no horse race track in the first place so if them people not satisfied with the money they was collecting then let it die and they get nothing then. Want all get none.
  • Wellsah (21/11/2024, 09:12) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    just like how you can freely hop on a boat or plane to get anything else you want, you can do the same and get your fix of horse racing on St Thomas or PR

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