Hon Walwyn reveals proposed design for ESHS building on FB
Posted yesterday April 19, 2017 Hon Walwyn wrote, “I am determined to improve our school campuses on all our islands in the territory. This is a proposed drawing for the auditorium/cafeteria/gymnasium at the Elmore Stoutt High School which I intend to have built very soon. Tell me what you think!”
Persons held back no words in saying exactly what they think, be it good, bad or indifferent. There were many complimentary gestures with some persons saying things like, “Nice I love the glass by stairs would be great if school mascot and colours are embedded in the glass…Yeah man, this is what the country needs, architecture, too many squares with rooms inside, but, lord make sure it is properly maintained.”
Klára Jansová said its really nice but, “feel like we're trying to modernise the islands too much... I would go with a more Islandy Caribbean (still clean) look.”
Some popular names also popped up with comments, including Kareem Nelson Hull, who wrote, “…It's so funny that you posted this today, I'm watching 13 Reasons Why which is set at an American High School. A scene with a winter dance just happened and I thought to myself why can't our students have Multipurpose facilities like these on our campuses to enhance the livability and functionality of our schools. I want our students to grow up knowing the best and modern campuses with buildings that are eco-friendly and with facilities that can be rented with ALL PROCEEDS GOING TO THE SCHOOLS would be great!”
However, there were persons who said priority needs to be set in a different order. It is Thecla Hopkins who said the design is a very good idea. “I love it but before that is built I would love to see the classrooms where the children spend most of their time learning refurbished or rebuilt. A comfortable learning environment promotes better learning.”
Similar sentiments were shared by Niqua Vee and Trevor Barzey, who said “Spend more $ on the inside than on the outside.”
One person also asked about classrooms for the students that have to go to the college campus for classes and updated classrooms.
Sean Henry said, “If you are seriously considering you then need to halt all new development and ensure that they complement this flash of utopia.”
Smyrna Brewley noted, “The auditorium, cafeteria and gymnasium take preference over proper classrooms and adequately trained teachers?”
32 new classrooms for September- Hon Walwyn
At this juncture the Minister responded, “This is just part of the overall development plan for the ESHS. Thirty-two classrooms are currently being built to be ready in time for September. The overall separation of the school into junior and senior high will call for improved classrooms, improved labs, new furnishing and general improvement to the physical plan….Students have been having assembly and eating lunch under tents for about a decade. We have to fix this as well.”
The building will also house the teachers' staff room on the top floor. “We intend to place this building where the current staff room is, that way both the senior students and junior students would have access to it without the co-mingling,” Hon Walwyn added.
But Deanie Caddle said, “Bro you have to go in there around lunch time and see how them children have trash all over the ground and tables. Young ladies sat at a table and when the bell ring all of them get up and leave their garbage on the table or throw it on the ground. I was in shock I don't want to see where they live, what you practice at home you take everywhere with you.”
Sophia E-Bain wrote, “It looks pretty, but it would be useful to take a more passive design approach to reduce electricity costs which would presumably be very costly in this current design since it appears to be very closed in. For example, why not have open windows in certain places to allow for airflow and have the building face in a direction that does not allow the hot afternoon sun to hit the front etc...”
63 Responses to “Hon Walwyn reveals proposed design for ESHS building on FB”
I see this as a trophy for the minister, not an overall solution. Sophia E-Bain's comments are practical.
And WHY do you want to look like Dubai, Miami, NY, Cal.? there is rich architectural vocabulary that can contribute to a better building. How tall is it? Are you looking at the Cinema as a precedent? That continues to be an eye-sore in town.
There is a better design than this out there. This is an ego trip. Oh... and by the way... the above is NOT THE REAL DOG! Please get your own handle!!
For real mow we have loan funding up to our @$$
Biggest problem this ndp gang has its they don't listen to nobody mehson. Second they love fool people with big wacky flashy ideas. Thirdly everybody gullible want want then go vote them in. All you continue acting like zombie de man. Let this little boy get from here. So sick and tired of them polluted @$$.
more money to t****
I'm all for building a new high school and remodeling the campus. It's way pass overdue and it is holding back the progress of the student. The campus has a lot of potential and it's time we get rid of those temporary classrooms that have been there for over 20 years. Plus, all this walking back and forth to classes take up a lot of time and cut into teaching time. I'm most excited for the gymnasium. Obesity is an epidemic in the BVI and on top of that most islanders don't know how to swim. I hope the gym comes with a swimming pool which can help encourage children to exercise without putting too much stress on the heavier kids' joints and help more kids learn to swim.
On the other hand, I don't think ....... is trustworthy at all. He's an egomaniac who doesn't think things through and bullies people into accepting his ideas. He rushes everything to give the illusion of progress and have people praise him. He is brash and his decisions often causes more harm than good; not because he has bad ideas but because he can't see anyone else's opinion as right or helpful and must do things his own way. Then, even when things are failing, he pushes still because he hasn't learnt that failure isn't the worst thing that could happen as long as you learn from it and try again with something new. He isn't a leader, he's a dictator. I have a feeling that if he leads this project things would go to $#!+.
Also, I want to note that from the pictures the building seems to be airconditioned which is a bad idea. From the history of other public buildings (primarily the Administration Complex), the government seems to have difficulty maintaining airconditioned buildings. Public offices are always closed or their employees are always complaining about mould. The high school have over 1500 kids and we can't afford for schools to be randomly and indeterminately shut down in the middle of the school year for mould. Nor can we afford for all those kids to get sick. Perhaps building an Eco-safe building that maximizes natural light and the breezes is better with artificial lighting and airconditioned ping being secondary and only used when necessary.
How much was paid to the designer? Was it budgeted for? Glass, airconditioning, huge electricity bills.
I still cant figure out why 32 classrooms are needed for one school year? Can anyone tell me?
Dawg I dying fr fr fr
This is supposed to be PARADISE, not Midtown Manhattan NYC. Cut the b*ll$h*t!!!
So hooray, because u think we are all dumb!
Glass is heat! Big staircases rising two and three stories are expensive to air-condition. This is not well-designed or thought out as to how students' travel. THERE IS A WHOLE SCIENCE TO DESIGNING A SCHOOL. Where they congregate, open space, sight lines, configuration of facade. this design is not conducive to a functional educational institution. There are people who SPECIALIZE in schools and hospitals. It is not an easy quick thing and worth nothing it if it doesn't WORK! I would think that with the expense, the minister would have public meetings all over the territory for ideas. This is ego building at the expense of the student and taxpayers.
And YES! learn from our forefathers about catching cross breezes, open windows, light and heat... and make sure there are cisterns for emergencies.
They make the same mistakes in buildings like we do it in Germany.
And it don't looks like a caribean building (main problem).
Who will pay for it? You can by a lot of solarpanells for the money and build up a more cost and clima effective schoolbuilding.
Let's go, Myron
Long, long overdue!