Hon. Walwyn: I born here should not be an excuse!
“Being born here should never be used as an excuse or reason to wait for opportunities to fall in our laps. Being born here should give us all the energy and motivation to go out and work hard, find opportunities to develop our talents in order to become stakeholders in the industries and affairs that run this great territory,” he emphasized.
He also pointed to the many lucrative job opportunities that are largely untouched by locals, especially in the charter industry.
“Our sailing waters are known throughout the world. Very few destinations can boast our pristine waters and the opportunity to touch down on so many islands in one day. Yet tourists pay upwards of $2000 for a 10-day sailing excursion and the captains and crew on those yachts come from as far as New Zealand, England and South Africa,” Hon. Walwyn said.
He added, “Who knows these waters more than the young men and women that have swam, dived and sailed our seas from the time of their birth? Who can give tourists a truly unique experience of the history and people of our islands?”

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