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Hon Skelton was first choice for Asia Trade Mission- Premier

- no formal talks with Hon Smith for Govt position — Premier Wheatley
Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) was originally invited to be part of the Virgin Islands Trade delegation to the Asia-Pacific region. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) at a press engagement on February 28, 2025. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) at a press engagement on February 28, 2025. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) along with Opposition Memeber Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) (right) during the recent Asia-Pacific region Trade mission. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) along with Opposition Memeber Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) (right) during the recent Asia-Pacific region Trade mission. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI—It was Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) who was originally invited to be part of the Virgin Islands Trade delegation to the Asia-Pacific region.

With Hon Skelton unavailable, Opposition Members Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) and Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) were approached instead.

This is according to Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who during a press engagement on February 28, 2025, was asked to provide an explanation regarding the presence of the opposition member as part of the government delegation.

Headwinds facing Financial Services

The Premier, additionally used the occasion to dispel rumours of  any formal discussions with Hon Lorna G. Smith OBE (AL), his former Deputy Premier, regarding a specific role within his administration—also present as part of the government delegation to the region.

Addressing members of the media, Premier Wheatley clarified that the invitation to join the mission was initially extended to Hon Skelton, the Leader of the Opposition, however, due to his inability to attend, he recommended Hons Smith and Penn—a former Minister of Trade—as potential representatives.

“He’s worked at the Commission for many years, and I thought it was important that we had good representation from the opposition on the mission, considering the type of headwinds that we have blowing in the financial services industry right now,” Premier Wheatley explained, referencing Hon Penn’s experience and engagement with financial services matters.

Hon Penn made a solid contribution- Premier

With this in mind, he also heralded Hon Penn’s contributions to the discussions held particularly in Malaysia with government officials, regulators, and industry practitioners.

“Hon Penn, within the Opposition, has been one of the leading members speaking about financial services issues over many years, calling for more dialogue with members of the House of Assembly, with the Members of the Opposition, and also members of the public, so that they can understand the benefits of the industry.”

His role in the delegation, according to Premier Wheatley, aligns with efforts to adopt a bipartisan approach to the financial services sector, a longstanding tradition in the Virgin Islands.

“He made a very solid contribution on the trip, particularly in our direct discussions that we had with government officials in Malaysia, with the regulator, with the industry practitioners, so I was pleased with his contribution to the trip,” he said.

Premier to work more closely with Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE

Meanwhile, amid questions and speculations about Hon Smith's current political alignment and any ongoing negotiations for her to assume a role within the government, Premier Wheatley denied any formal arrangement.

“Negotiated role? I don’t understand,” he responded, when asked if Hon Smith was engaged in discussions with the government for a specific position.

While he acknowledged Hon Smith’s extensive experience in financial services and her previous contributions as Minister, he stopped short of confirming any formal role for her at present.

 “As it pertains to financial services, yes, I would like to see her play a more active role in financial services; She has a very long experience in the particular issue.”

According to Dr Wheatley, “ you know, she was recently minister, and of course she did a very good job, and I thought that she made a very solid contribution while she was minister and if there's any way for her to play more of a role in financial services, I'm certainly open to that.”

Pressed further on whether any structured collaboration existed between his administration and Hon Smith, he responded only to say“ you can see, I took her to Asia, and I'm going to be working much more closely with her as it pertains to moving forward.”


5 Responses to “Hon Skelton was first choice for Asia Trade Mission- Premier”

  • jack (03/03/2025, 11:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Whoe cares once it’s for the country
  • chupes (03/03/2025, 11:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Marlon brought zero. Give me a break.
  • jokers (03/03/2025, 11:21) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    The fact that Ronnie was the first choice tells that this triipwas not really initially about financial services. Ronnie can’t talk to save his life. Why would anybody carry him anywhere to talk especially about something he knows nothing about?Neither Ronnie or Marlon know anything about FS that is worth taking them to Asia for. The trip was about wooing Ronnie to the government. Ronnie didn’t go so Marlon was being wooed after. Don’t let these people fool us.
  • lord o. (03/03/2025, 12:28) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bro, do what's best for the Territory. Not sure if Lorna has the passion and energy to be effective especially knowing she was a minister and got fired bad experiences are not easily forgotten. I have more confidence in Marlon, continue to work closely with Marlon
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (03/03/2025, 12:28) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Honestly, Hon. Premier, Natalie Sajuande Wheatley, I don't understand this undoing tug-a-war between your administration and the sprinted opposition leaders. You both bad mouth each others for convenient sake, even the released of Hon. Lorna Smith, but now you embraced her and Hon. Marlon Penn's help, in regards to the financial service management.
    Was the reason you said that you fired Hon. Lorna Smith true.

    Hmmm, this seems to me like a flipping flopping way to manage this country, better to say British Overseas Territory of the UK

    My advice remain that no more should district representatives be allowed to become Premier void of Territorial input in the B.V.I. We cannot afford to let self and others continue keeping us so gapingly divided year in year out, and onward going.

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