Hon. Skelton: "Healthier choices the easier choice"
With this council and the activation of different working groups in the Virgin Islands, they are responsible for developing guidelines on the risk factors for advocacy, legislation, policies, infrastructure, education and community empowerment in reference to Non- Communicable Diseases (NCD).
According to the Minister for Health in his address to the House of Assembly, June 29, 2012, there is a rising rate of obesity in the VI that is associated with the lack of physical activity, poor eating habits and risky levels of alcohol use, which are all contributing to the increasing rate of NCDs in the territory.
“The step risk factor survey conducted in 2009 shows that 45.9 percent of our working population have three to four risk factors for chronic disease, while 53.2 percent have at least two.”
Hon. Skelton stated that in order to show progress in the battle against NCDs in the VI, everyone must show interest and participate in efforts to become a part of the solution in combating chronic non-communicable diseases and to remove the traditional barriers between governmental agencies and other sectors, seeing that society on a whole play key roles in order to address the issue.
“We need the full support of everyone, the community, businesses, churches and other non-governmental agencies to achieve the goal of building a sustainable and healthier Virgin Islands.”
Minister Skelton said that it is unrealistic to expect that all the proposed actions in the strategy to be immediately implemented, but added that the prevention of NCDs among the VI population will not occur unless there is sustained commitment by the community to change the social norms and behaviours which contribute to the increasing levels of ill health.
He said that he is committed to make necessary life changes for the betterment of the VI communities, as well as, creating a platform for the successful implementation of this strategy and building a healthier Virgin Islands.

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