Hon Rymer 'justifies' $1M elevator for Admin Complex

According to the Post-Cabinet Statement, the contract for the elevator project was approved by Cabinet on April 27, 2022. It said Cabinet accepted the Central Tenders Board’s recommendation to award Building Construction Management Group Ltd. a contract for the construction of the new elevator shaft, procurement, installation and commissioning of the new elevator in the amount of one million, seventy-six thousand, seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and ninety-nine cents ($1,076,796.99).
Elevator for ‘disabled & elderly persons’- Hon Rymer
Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), in a statement during the 3rd Sitting of the 4th Session of the 4th House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola today, May 26, 2022, went into detail about the magnitude of the project and the reason for it in the first place.
He said one of the areas that complaints were lodged even prior to the damages sustained to the building in 2017 was a lack of access for disabled and elderly persons on the West Atrium in reaching the upper floors.
“To that effect, a design was developed several years ago that we have dusted off and enhanced to construct a new elevator housing and lobby area for an elevator system.”
He said the designs for the new elevator were prepared by OBM International, which ironically was a company that prepared the original elevator design many years ago, therefore making the engagement to update the design a seamless process.
Lowest bid was chosen
“Madam Speaker, the tender documents were issued and two bidders submitted bids on the 14th of December 2021 to the Central Tenders Board at the Ministry of Finance. The two bidders were Building Construction Management Group with a bid of $1, 076,796.99, and Accurate Construction with a bid price of $1,575,920.34.”
Hon Rymer added that an independent estimate was “quantified as to a means of evaluation at $1,115,257.”
Scope of works
The Works Minister continued that the new elevator corridor and lobby area will be “appended” to the Administration Complex and the works will require cutting the walls to create openings on all the floors to access the new elevator from inside of the Administration Complex.
He said the new elevator construction will have a building footprint of approximately 17 feet in length, 10 feet in width and extend 45 feet in height, from the existing ground level.
“The project will require six reinforced concrete piles and associated pile caps. It will require excavation, foundation works, and construction of the concrete reinforced elevator pit and base slab including footing and foundation walls.”
According to Hon Rymer, once the foundation and piling are completed construction of the superstructure comprising metal beams and columns will commence. He said the flooring of the lobby area will comprise of concrete placed on Vulcraft craft metal composite decking.
Additionally, the Minister stated that the elevator will be fitted with approximately 1500 square feet of cement board cladding in an 8-inch metal stone.
There will also be 253 square feet of impact glass to create a view out of the elevator on the southern side of the enclosure.
Hon Rymer said other works will entail interior drywall, floor and ceiling tiles, painting, electrical plumbing and provision for the mechanical works, communication systems and fire safety systems.
“Madam Speaker, you may have realised from what has been detailed that a substantial amount of work is required to facilitate the overall elevator project.”
OTIS Gen2 elevator system
According to Hon Rymer, the elevator to be installed is an OTIS Gen2 elevator system and is one of the most reliable elevators currently on the market, based on technology.
“I went into great details for Members to know that this elevator project is a comprehensive and complex project reviewed by external consultants and the technical personnel within the Ministry of Communications and Works.”
Hon Rymer said Government anticipates this project will provide an overall benefit and enhancement to the administration complex, it seeks to modernise and upgrade the services offered to the public.
“This will be done by ensuring that all persons within our community are not disadvantaged in accessing the ministries and departments at the Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Complex,” Hon Rymer stated.

39 Responses to “Hon Rymer 'justifies' $1M elevator for Admin Complex”
Also, what does “quantified as to a means of evaluation at $1,115,257.” mean?
Seriously, they have no idea how to speak English, let alone run a project.
If you’re going to make a point, at least make it relevant.
Used that money to bail the boss up in Miami...
I understand that the building is on reclaimed land, hence the piled foundation comment... that sounds expensive!
I also know from a secret source that the building is existing!
We all know those machines that go "pish-donk-pish-donk" really loudly are not little when working on a reclaimed area and exactly how far down do these piles have to be piled before they hit bedrock or excavated to structural engineers specifications? That would be a very important bit of information. A lot more important than how tall the elevator is.
I understand from reading this that they intend to cut through the structural integrity of the existing "SUPERSTRUCTURE" rather than relocating the project to an area that isn't so structurally offensive to the real "SUPERSTRUCTURE". That would take some serious shoring up.
It's the equivalent of cutting the chassis on your car to install a twin exhaust.
Why are they using cement board? The only reason I can think of is they are using metal studs for the shaft walls. Which my insider also told me isn't a structural member in an existing building built so. It's good enough to strap the elevator to but not to hold up 2- way slab floor you just cut the cr#p out of.
8" of stone cladding??? seriously?
Why not:
Relocate the elevator, cut through the GF slab, build the sunken elevator well foundation - which btw doesn't require foundation walls, it's a pit about 2' deep on an elevator that size. It's a monolithic pour that can be tied in to the existing "SUPERSTRUCTURE" without piling possibly - build the shaft using structurally load bearing materials rather than a metal stud shaft so no need for these beams and columns to support upper floors and Rob is your sisters bro.
Don't like that idea? well how about we install travelator to help people get to the west side of the building? Doesn't take up space and it would give you that feel like you are at the airport for the 80 yards it takes to get to the west side. Which is also btw, a shorter distance than it takes to walk from the carpark to the building!
Another thing that isn't added in to these cost are the team managing the project. That sub-contractor isn't just going to turn up and build an elevator without guidance... what are the costs of the drawings they did twice so seamlessly and their cream they put on top to have one of their white hats walk around the place supervising them cutting through a building on reclaimed land to install an elevator like they have done it before?
The way he describes the scope is a little hazy as well... what exactly is in their scope? It all blended in to one... in what context is he referring to "additionally"? Is that another project or under the same scope and costs? That sounds like it might be another contractor helping out with the "SUPERSTRUCTURE" and it is located up against the shop front? why are they even curtain walling for an elevator in the first place? Good to know it is getting impact resistant glass... you can look at that when you are using the stairs during a storm and is that in the elevator scope or the general scope?
He sounds like he is using words that people not in the industry wouldn't really understand. To me it sounds like he is trying to baffle rather than blind. Which always smells like a cash grab... "SUPERSTRUCTURE" "SUPERSTRUCTURE" lol... holy molly
Here again they are “JUSTIFYING” wasting taxpayers money. Where is our 40 Million $’s from SSB? Where is our 7 million $’s from the plane? Where is the million $ from the wall? Where is the millions from the Farmers and fishermen? Where is the millions from the cruise pier? Where is the millions from the Airport project? Where is the 250.000 missing from custom’s. Where is the millions wasted on the hospital? Where is the almost 1 million paid to Cline for some used refurbished Computers to work and help the youths? Where is all that money that was for Barges to do security Surveillance, when the FREE British ship was rejected.
Where and when the UK is coming to CLEAN house? This place MUST be put back on track ASAP, otherwise, our present young generation, and those to come, will grow up in a place where crime, drugs corruption, and everything thats bad, will be the NEW GOOD. This madness must STOP NOW, Because that big cookie Jar is definitely going to get EMPTY. Remember, Everyday bucket a go a well, one day the bottom must drop out. The BVI bucket bottom is dropping out, and the well about to dry up.
Where are the Marches BVI people to say enough is ENOUGH?
Same sh**, different day, new people. You can build a house or two with the money it is costing dor an elevator. Makes absolutely no sense. So tired of this crap, unaccountability and lack on consequences.
Same Bank, different th****s.
39 dollars for march then april now 136.. this high way robbery like light bill..
So what we paying for is the qoumer building
.they say they have our best interest at heart
Well they sure lie