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Hon Pickering attends shark symposium in St Maarten

At extreme left are Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Labour Joseph Smith-Abbott and to his left is Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr The Hon Kedrick D. Pickering. At Centre is Sir Richard Branson. Photo: The Daily Herald

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - Sint Maarten (SXM) and the Cayman Islands confirmed that commercial shark fishing is prohibited in their territories, while Curaçao and Grenada announced they are in the process of implementing legislation this year to protect sharks.

The announcements came during the three-day shark conservation symposium co-hosted by the Government of St. Maarten, St Maarten Nature Foundation, the Bahamas National Trust, and The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Present at the symposium were Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr The Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering (R7) and Deputy Permanent Secretary Joseph Smith-Abbott.

At the symposium, Caribbean leaders had the opportunity to learn from global shark experts, such as Boris Worm, professor in marine conservation biology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and to discuss shark conservation and shark-related tourism in their jurisdictions.

Time right for bold action- Sir Branson

Virgin Group founder and ocean advocate Sir Richard C.N. Branson used his high profile at the symposium to follow up the conference on shark protection he organised last year in Bimini, Bahamas. He was one of the speakers on Wednesday, along with other government dignitaries from the Caribbean.

“Scientists tell us sharks and rays are being slaughtered at twice the rate they can reproduce. With so many species in danger the time is right for bold action,” Branson said. “The BVIs became a shark sanctuary in 2014, following the Bahamas in 2011. I want to thank St Maarten for joining the BVI, Bahamas, Saba, Bonaire, and Caymans in announcing their shark sanctuaries.

“Each year we’re getting closer to a Caribbean regional shark sanctuary. I want to ensure sharks will be there for future generations. Today I’m calling on the remaining governments in the Caribbean to follow the lead and fully protect sharks. Africa would not be the same without lions; so oceans will not be the same without sharks and rays.”

St Maarten extends life of shark sanctuary indefinitely

Prime Minister William Marlin stated in his address that St Maarten’s shark sanctuary had been established in 2012 for 10 years but it had been decided to prolong it indefinitely.

“We hope to work on completing legislation to ensure a formal ban to [killing sharks], joining other Caribbean countries that have already done so,” he said. “We have come to believe sharks are dangerous or man’s worst enemy, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. We are learning from this symposium how important it is to preserve sharks.”

St Maarten’s Minister of Tourism Ingrid Arrindell added: “St Maarten’s shark sanctuary will help to ensure that our local shark populations exist for future generations and continue to benefit St Maarten’s marine ecosystem and ecotourism. People from all over the world come to our island to dive and snorkel with our marine wildlife, including sharks and rays.”

Stanley Martina, representing Curaçao’s Minister of Employment and Nature, said: “In the framework of Blue Hello Curaçao, in cooperation with the Pew Charitable Trust, the Government this summer will implement comprehensive marine legislation to safeguard sharks. We are proud in the Dutch Caribbean to be part of the global effort in shark conservation.”

CI have 'stiff laws against commercial shark fishing'

Cayman Islands Minister of Financial Services, Commerce and the Environment Wayne Patton spoke by video link and confirmed the Caymans have stiff laws against commercial shark fishing.

“The maximum penalty for violating the law is 500,000 Cayman Island dollars and four years in prison, confiscation of vessels, vehicle or equipment,” he disclosed. “We have a small, dedicated eight-man team that has all powers to enforce the law. In the past 18 months we have been working hard to collect biological and other data to feed into a shark conservation plan. The first draft of the plan is expected in the next few months.”

Director of the Pew Charitable Trust’s global shark conservation programme Luke Warwick described the announcement of four new sanctuaries in one day as “monumental,” making the total of sanctuaries around the world 14.

“World leaders are realising the key role sharks play in keeping eco-systems healthy,” he said. “It’s hugely encouraging. Sharks are not just another species, but part of our survival on this planet.”

Filmmaker and United Conservationists Executive Director Rob Stewart announced funding of US $10,000 will be awarded to any Caribbean nation that creates a shark sanctuary.

Worldwide, at least 100 million sharks are killed each year in commercial fisheries; nearly 30 per cent of all known shark species assessed by scientists are threatened with extinction. Sharks play an important role in maintaining the health of the entire ocean, but they grow and reproduce slowly, which makes them particularly vulnerable to overfishing.

In the Caribbean, Trinidad was cited as one of the biggest catchers and exporters of shark products with more than 50 per cent of shark fins going to Hong Kong.

44 Responses to “Hon Pickering attends shark symposium in St Maarten”

  • 7th d voter (16/06/2016, 18:45) Like (49) Dislike (1) Reply
    Best of him saving the sharks
    • agreed (16/06/2016, 22:12) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      while his people hungry, smoked out and jobless
    • Once again! (17/06/2016, 06:26) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
      Here they go again...NDP: NO DA#M PRIORITY!!!
    • Bullfoot (17/06/2016, 10:09) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
      Shouldn't we take care of the people maybe our school children and the shabby classrooms they are taught in? I mean, I'm not saying that the sharks are not important to the environment, but OMG, take care OF YOUR PEOPLE FIRST!! But, that's just me, I'm no politician
  • Done Deal! (16/06/2016, 18:55) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    There he goes again…with all those frequent flyer miles they should just grant him an Honorary Pilot’s License, at least he can say that he has accomplished something for all the many years in office.
    • @Done Deal (17/06/2016, 09:43) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      You made me laugh like crazy. Good one "just grant an Honarary Pilot's licence" lol
  • see wha he doing? (16/06/2016, 19:37) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
    I hope that this man is not going away on our time, at our expense to promote his rich friend's interest?
    • doggone follower (17/06/2016, 00:19) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
      He up and down behind this man and if he loses next election that same man don't want to even see he.
  • well meh boi (16/06/2016, 19:38) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    Virgin Gorda got hundreds out of a job and instead he help us, he is out limin with bronson bere saving sharks,
  • GoonSquad (16/06/2016, 20:17) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Strupppsssss! Nonsense
  • Mark (16/06/2016, 20:28) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    When the shark population increase and becomes a treat to the citizens and visitors who should we blame for that? For years now the shark population were stabilized with the local fisher men catching one or two. I guess the sharks has now become more important than those major job loses in the country.
  • wize up (16/06/2016, 20:37) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Small man can't get money due to them from government but government members jet setting: we had sharks around for over 200 years....
  • How (16/06/2016, 20:58) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    We never commercially fished sharks in the BVI and never would. So why was HIS law necessary? Why is this conference important for him personally to attend? Waste of a ministry!
  • John (16/06/2016, 21:10) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    What is so special about sharks? Every day I go to the fishing complex, I see large numbers of old wife(trigger fish), snapper or hard nose and many others. In terms of consumption rate, these species are under far more threat than sharks ever has been. It is well known that the Virgin Islands has never been a shark consuming conmunity. So I don't see the great focus on sharks. If a few eat sharks, there is nothing wrong with that. Any species can be culled if it is done with population control in mind.
    It is said that sharks contain substances that prevent cancer. Perhaps some want sole access to the shark population; so all they have to do is to tell the Government to pass new laws.
  • Liat 521 (16/06/2016, 22:13) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    let ago tek dat ayo did not want dey real pickering
  • duh (16/06/2016, 22:42) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    So wait deh issues you people have amnesia arr wha. Pico said he loves his rich white friends #TalkTheTruth
  • Yes (17/06/2016, 00:16) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    every time one ah dem rich boy poop the cuban does smell it.
  • who is running that ministry? (17/06/2016, 00:23) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    He must be Bronson"s shadow? He is always up and down behind the man before he put in an honest 8 hours per day for the country.
  • Music (17/06/2016, 01:52) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    For the umpteenth time, the name is BRANSON.
    BRONSON (CHARLES) was a star in violent movies.
  • I blame Kedrick (17/06/2016, 03:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    You should have done a better and more comprehensive job surrounding the global plight of the shark. On another note...award your airport project to the Chinese and you will see what happens to our marine life. Bet me a Juice on that...
  • wize up (17/06/2016, 06:39) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    The policies & priorties of the current administration stinks; mr man in St maarten saving sharks with his white friend while local business and home owners being held up at gun point in BVI......
  • wth (17/06/2016, 07:21) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wait this man picked a new job as a proctologist! Why is he so deep in Branson backside at every turn? I mean give the man a chance to pass gas Pickering. Your only use is to get what he needs done and stop trying to convince yourself you are one of the white rich friends. Thats a level between billionaires, are you a billionaire? No, So cut the crap and get to work. Return Agriculture where it was before you.
  • sir (17/06/2016, 07:22) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wonder what would happened if it was I that went to that meeting in a purple polo.
    • Poor rich man (17/06/2016, 15:03) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      All those billions and cant afford a proper shirt poor love
  • The Facts (17/06/2016, 07:30) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pico rich now he do not have you all to study
    • Soo Right! (17/06/2016, 08:52) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      To Facts, you're on point- from where he sits, his head is being blurred by the clouds.
  • B Savage (17/06/2016, 09:11) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    WITH HIS RICH WHITE FRIENDS. Enemy at the gate no no a Manchurian candidate. Can't wait to see this man as Premier as he SELL OUT THE PLACE smh I will benefit though I'm a business owner.
  • Street reporter (17/06/2016, 09:15) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why these ministers always have to jump on a Plane.. Why not send someone from the conservation office? Give the people who,s going to be there when they gone the knowledge...We all know these going to be out in two years... On the other hand let them enjoy their last dance with their rich friends..
    • think for a second (17/06/2016, 10:42) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
      St Maarten , Bahamas and Cayman send their ministers of govt and we should send someone form Conservation office? Ayo does think before writing nonsense?
  • Observer (17/06/2016, 09:26) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Pico is a real joker. This who Government is a joke. Matter of fact politics in the BVI is a joke. Corruption rampant and no one is doing a thing about it. Smh
  • OIL NUT BAY (17/06/2016, 09:27) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    He look so dam lost..I hope he paying attention before for his rich friend sell the BVI in front of him and he don't know.
  • How (17/06/2016, 09:27) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    If you vote now next election there is a good chance that Done-deal will be the next Premier! Can you imagine that?
  • Voter Too (17/06/2016, 09:42) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Myron blogging hard against pico but mvw will never be Premier
    • @ voter too (17/06/2016, 12:16) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      it's not going help him he better go tell us about the one million wall and why the education system is a mess and have failed parents, students and teachers
  • trrefdrfds (17/06/2016, 10:38) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Always up and down behind Branson
  • sunshine Government (17/06/2016, 10:57) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr. Premier until the people have jobs and the economy becomes robust put a moratorium on executive travel. Show compassion for the tax payers and the less fortunate. A video link would have been just fine. Lead by example.
  • sword & sheild (17/06/2016, 11:29) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    This territory is being systematically dismantled by hidden hands smoke screens mirrors and the likes. Time is reduced and wasted focus redirected on trival matters that adds no value or progress. Leaders being programmed like circus clowns and puppets . The Virgin Islands is like a run away train without brakes and a engineer heading for a violent crash. When a private citizen can command power over an elected leader of the people to do what feels good to them and not being accountable for stewardship . Being paid and no value for money while the people suffer and our country is destroyed . What is under the sea is governed by nature and God leave it be and do the work we elected you to do. Do sharks care about humans . Play around in their inviroment and see if they care about you more than being food.
  • can you imagine? (17/06/2016, 11:39) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    our greenhouses here rottening and he up and down assisting bransen with his shark bullpiss.
  • kkk (17/06/2016, 13:23) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    So disrespectful for the blacks and Politians to be in jacket and tie and Branson in polo just because he got money... She how he thinks of you little black boys
  • quadrillionaire (19/06/2016, 12:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell Branson I want cheeseburgers back on the Biras Creek dinner menu when he gets his puppet, Johnson,
    untangled from his octopus!
  • the don (22/06/2016, 05:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Shirt and tie for the posers...real money move casual..besides their politrickters and hes a businessman.

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