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Hon Penn asks public to submit questions for HoA

- deadline is today, August 12, 2021
Opposition Leader in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA) Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) has petitioned the public to submits questions so that they can be answered at an upcoming sitting of the House. Photo: VINO/File
Opposition Leader Hon Penn has made himself available for questions of the full rules and to submit you questions via email address marlonpenn@hotmail[dot]com. Photo: Facebook
Opposition Leader Hon Penn has made himself available for questions of the full rules and to submit you questions via email address marlonpenn@hotmail[dot]com. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Opposition Leader Honourable Marlon A. Penn (R8) has urged members of the public to submit questions so they can be answered at an upcoming sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA).

“If you have questions for any Minister of Cabinet for the upcoming House of Assembly (HOA) meeting on Monday, 23rd August 2021, please forward via email or private message by Thursday, 12th August 2021 to meet the required deadline,” he said on an August 11, 2021, post.

According to the Opposition Leader, the move is also an opportunity to ask questions of the Government through the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. 

“We are committed to keeping you updated and ensuring your participation in the business of the HoA, which is being conducted on your behalf,” he said.

Rules for question submission 

According to the House of Assembly's Standing Orders, questions may be put to ministers relating to public affairs for which they are officially responsible.

Questions also must be directed at one subject and must not include the names of persons or any statement of fact, unless they are necessary to render the question intelligible.

If a question is based on facts, the member asking shall make himself responsible for the accuracy of the statement and statements cannot be based on a newspaper report or an unofficial publication.

Questions can also not include arguments, inferences opinions, imputations, epithets, ironical expressions or hypothetical cases amongst other rules.

Questions can be submitted via email to

16 Responses to “Hon Penn asks public to submit questions for HoA”

  • WOW (12/08/2021, 14:04) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    Penn how come you didn’t afford your district and the members of the public this opportunity for you two previous terms - 8 years in government? Ask that question in the House please.
  • wow (12/08/2021, 14:06) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    Go on and sit down.
  • Jane (12/08/2021, 14:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Question: what passing grade would the government award itself on its performance so far?
  • VG1110 (12/08/2021, 14:41) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    asking for a friend

    1. Any update about BVI Airways
    2. Should politicians be sent to HMP for misusing tax money

    enquiring mind want to know
    • REMEMBER THIS ONE. (12/08/2021, 17:23) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      We need a detail Cruiseship visit plan, Areas designated to visit, Restaurants beaches, Etc, Would they be allowed to be transported by unvax taxi drivers, Do restaurants and Bars need to pass an inspection of prepareness and readiness before they can receive tourist / Passengers...
    • @VG1110. Let the Court decide (12/08/2021, 17:26) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, they should be prosecuted and if the evidence in there to find them guilty, yes, they should go Balo.
  • My girl (12/08/2021, 15:55) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Question: Right here right now. If a member of the House of Assembly fails to represent his/her district, fails to hold one public district meeting and continue to collect the monthly salary, is the member in breach of the contract?
  • I have Just 2. I will ask mine now (12/08/2021, 16:37) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    1/ Are there any members in the Govt thats presently enjoying the benefits of government contracts and if they are can we know who and what the contracts are..........2/ Can we know all the Government consultants, their Job dercdiption, and their contract amt.........Thk u for the opportunity Hon Penn and Vino
  • question (12/08/2021, 18:29) Like (0) Dislike (11) Reply
    do you want the member from number 9 to be our next premier
  • @Marlon (12/08/2021, 22:55) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why did you allow the money for the sewage to be taken and used for the Pier Park?
    Why didn't you invest more in healthcare during your short stint as minister of Health and why was it more important to rename the hospital? Why did you support the BVI Airways project?
  • I can see clearly now that your penn is running out of ink. Why? See comment. (13/08/2021, 00:15) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    The voters of the eight district elected you in 2011. And they again in 2015. And yet again Feb. 25, 2019.
    How come, Hon. Marlon Penn, now leader of the opposition, are now asking such a request from the public?
    You were and are being paid asked questions on our behalf, not request questions from us to ask. HoA is not for that setting, public metings are. As a leader, you should know better. If not, you don't deserve to be in the position that you now hold.
    In my honest opinion, you need to exercise better judgment. If I was an advisors to you, I would have advised you differently. Why? Because I know that an employee should never ask their boss, the people, to do what you have requested of them.
    A good and wise oppostion is very helpful, if its mind is set to please those that it represents over self intrest
    Now to the flip side: A good and wise governing cabinet is very helpful, if its mind is set to please those that its represent over self intrest.
    Note: This is why we need the CoI. Colour of skin, ethnicity, and place of birth has little to do with it.
    We the people demands better governance, beginning Now!

    • VI Gyal (13/08/2021, 10:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      If you follow his facebook page you would know that this is not his first time doing this. It is probably the first time VINO choose to point it out. However, Politicians always have their own questions but seek support from the public to ask questions or concerns they may have. There is also NDP radio still ongoing. I will tackle him on the fact that he has not tried to have a community meeting even if it was online and that he should seek to do one. The COI is a good thing for us because it gives the public more knowledge and hope that we seek better of our elected officials and hold them accountable.
  • Valid questions by native sensible senior man 72 yrs old. (13/08/2021, 01:11) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the CoI has conluded its investigations, if politions are found guilty of misrepresent the public finances, would they jailed, and some of the properties be taken from them to the rightful owner, the citizens of the B.V.I? Also if any of the mismanaged momies are traced to other businesses under different name, and they have share that proved ilegally attached to mismanagement of public funds, will those or eqivilant worth also tbe taken, and returned to our treasury?
    The people need to know, before next general election.
  • ShaSha (13/08/2021, 05:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    need to ask about the housing program with destroyer homes
  • WEW (13/08/2021, 14:56) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    When is HOA going to stop mismanaging & stealing our money
  • VG1110 (13/08/2021, 18:28) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    happen to hear the opposition leader during house of assembly sometime could be wrong with his judgment he sounded like he working for the commission of inquiry

    sound like he had personal issues with his own country folks because not hearing hon penn or opposition leader questioning the sever corruption within law enforcement, the ones who arrived in BVI to uphold our laws

    The poor chat brings nothing to the table associated with the future of our territory. Please inform penn not because he labeled opposition leader means he have to opposed things

    This place being going through some unfamiliar circumstances from 2017 hurricanes; followed by the now global pandemic

    The BVI do not print money some how penn thinks so

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