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Hon Mather accuses Hon de Castro of sidelining him in education sector

- says Gov’t not taking advantage of his 20 years of education & youth experience
Educator and first-time legislator, Hon Stacy M. Mather (AL) has accused fellow educator and Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, Hon Sharie B. deCastro (AL) of sidelining him in the Virgin Islands education sector. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Hon Mather was at the time a guest on the Tuesday, April 30, 2024 edition of Cut Deep with host Cindy Rosan when he spoke on the education sector. Photo: Facebook
Hon Mather was at the time a guest on the Tuesday, April 30, 2024 edition of Cut Deep with host Cindy Rosan when he spoke on the education sector. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Educator and first-term legislator Hon Stacy M. Mather (AL) has accused fellow educator and Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) of sidelining him in the education sector.

Hon Mather was at the time a guest on the Tuesday, April 30, 2024 edition of Cut Deep with host Rosemary L. Rosan aka 'Cindy' when he spoke on the education sector.

“What I've been trying to do for the last 11-12 months is talk about the issues that I brought up during the campaign because people voted for me based on that platform or those platforms. So I have to continuously talk about those and then talk about other things that become relevant,” he said.

Hon Mather said his relationship with Hon de Castro is not such a great one; however, a meeting between the two on areas of education is pending.

'I'm a bit apprehensive' about meeting with Minister- Hon Mather

“So the minister and I, presently, we're supposed to have a meeting. Have I sat with her and have conversations? No. Am I able to sit with her with ease and have conversations? No. Am I willing to sit and have conversations with her? I started out being willing to do it. Now I'm a bit apprehensive,” he added.

Mather said there is no friction between the two; however, he remains passionate about education.

“I think I have a strong personality where education and youth is concerned and as I think you would have known and most of the people would know, when it comes to education, I'm very strong, I'm very pointed, I'm very direct,” he said.

Hon Mather claimed that he also offered support to the subject minister in areas of education. “If the minister is doing something, which I did say to her face to face, if you're doing something and you need my support and I agree with it, I'll do it.” 

Hon Mather said, that as a legislator, he has offered the government his skills with some 20 years of experience with youth programme. “Lean on me,” he added.

“At one point, I ran the government's after-school programme and summer programme…I am still hopeful we'll have conversations sure, if the conversations don't happen I'll continue to do my job in the House [of Assembly], which is to agitate, bring things to light to push our education system in the direction it needs to go,” Hon Mather added.

27 Responses to “Hon Mather accuses Hon de Castro of sidelining him in education sector”

  • lodger (01/05/2024, 12:43) Like (21) Dislike (126) Reply
    Mather is dying to be minister of education but his pipe dream is not going to happen; we with decastro
  • I Believed him. (01/05/2024, 13:37) Like (54) Dislike (10) Reply
    That usually what weak leadership does...Side line, shut out and ignore those with the knowledge with all kind of Dumb excuses..."Diplomatic insecurity".
    • ha (01/05/2024, 15:12) Like (18) Dislike (6) Reply
      They have the mentality that if they are not involved, there is nothing good to be said. They criticize but will publicly mask their disapproval. Fakers who sit in corners and think they should be in power because they can talk, think and do everything better.
  • asura (01/05/2024, 13:45) Like (11) Dislike (35) Reply
    Mather has undermined even his leader Ronnie the man is a lose cannon
  • Thim (01/05/2024, 15:00) Like (19) Dislike (38) Reply
    Buddha to much. He needs to humble he's a pig
    • @ thim (01/05/2024, 16:14) Like (12) Dislike (22) Reply
      But he does nothing to help others he JUST helping he self now building a house
  • Shake my head. (01/05/2024, 15:25) Like (17) Dislike (21) Reply
    Look who he chose to vent too? That miserable, drama queen, trouble maker who owed her past and present landlords/landladies thousands in unpaid rent. She needs to make that public from gossiping about and slandering others. TAMIA and many others should sue her for defamation of character.
    • Questions...... (02/05/2024, 08:07) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      I keep hearing this, tell me if there's any truth to this, isn't that the issue of the past and/or present landlord/lady? Why is this public information? How will this bit of gossip better and benefit the people of the BVI Community?

      If you don't like her, cool, but why bring up this about her? That's why the place is staying on stuck because people like you are majoring in the minors.
  • Mick Mars (01/05/2024, 15:43) Like (8) Dislike (21) Reply
    Mather trying hard not to be a one termer but all gone except funny man and kye come next election
  • @asura (01/05/2024, 16:08) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    there you go again , so now its Mather time for you to flex off your narcissistic ego on , soon you will be flexing off on everything that moves , it's either Cindy or walwyn or the governor or the commissioner or the UK , what you got to say about his natural hair , eh wigo ? using different names won't hide your true evil mentality , " free the drew , you is who caused him to be where he is , so keep singing
  • Stealth (01/05/2024, 16:44) Like (14) Dislike (40) Reply
    Hon Stacy Mather, elections have consequences, to the victor go the spoils. During the campaign, candidates made their points on a myriad of issues on which the electorate made their choice on election day. Post election, the VIP was able to hobble together a one vote majority to form the government with Hon S. de Castro being appointed as Minister of Education. Hon Mather may have his visison for education but Hon de Castro is the Minister of Education and also has her vision for education. Hon Mather is a member of the HoA whose resposisbility is to legislate and the Cabinet of which Hon de Castro is a member role is to execute the policies, actions, etc passed by the HoA. It sems as if Hon Mather is trying to force feed his vision for education through the press, the media.
    • Well Sah (01/05/2024, 19:11) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
      Based on your spelling for some words that vision don't seems to be working out at all.
      • Mechanics (02/05/2024, 09:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        To well sah, if your criticism of Stealth’s post is on grammatical mechanics, not on substance, just a take a seat ah two mehson. Yes, Stealth may have inadvertently left the ‘N’ of responsibility. But WTF! We should take the plank out of our own eyes beyond trying to take the mote out of ours. For example, you post, like mine perhaps, is properly punctuated and it is not clear whose vision is not seemingly working. Anyway, let’s stick to the facts , substance, form, etc.
    • @Stealth (01/05/2024, 23:20) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
      Correct. Mather don't understand the role he sign up for.
    • RealPol (02/05/2024, 11:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      To stealth, to your commentary, I will add that the process is flawed. Yes, the HoA legislate and Executive branch ( Cabinet) execute policies passed by HoA. Nevertheless,,the majority of HoA members are also executive members..What gives? This process is a f…..d up as Hogan’s goat. The process needs to be restructured. It will be solved though with the useless Constitutional Review Committee, which turn out to be as useless as the appendix or tits on a boar hog..The CRC proves to be old school and scared of its shadow. The BVI has a unicameral chamber, and to slow things down with more debate, discussion and decision making it needs a senate, ie a bicameral house..Bermuda has a bicameral house..
  • @ @ @ LODGER (01/05/2024, 17:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Sad State (01/05/2024, 22:29) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Minister doesn’t want anyone to steal her “shine”. They play party politics
  • Rhythm up. (02/05/2024, 04:00) Like (23) Dislike (9) Reply
    Matha is doing exactly what we voted for him to do. Speak the truth, stand for what is right and keep us informed..That is all we asked of the people we voted for...Much respect Matha.
  • we the people (02/05/2024, 04:49) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    Hon decastro is working. I am not going to say that she always get everything right the first time but the purpose of the things the government do is to get them right eventually so I think we the voters have come to the right conclusion in reelected Hon decastro and placing her in the ministry of education
  • Gossip (02/05/2024, 09:03) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Typical BVI people. How many of you all watched and listened to the interview? He did not say that he is being sidelined. The biggest problem in this society and why we continue to fail, is people think that Ministries are their personal little kingdoms. If at the end of the day the goal is betterment for the entire BVI party politics, nor division between government or opposition should matter. Once persons are willing to collectively join forces on issues that should always take center stage over anything else.

    Another thing, what you all are so often comfortable with is running from the truth. The truth is not an offence. Instead you would instead resort to talking behind people's back, but never say to their faces what needs to be said. That is where Mather differs. What he says publicly he says to people privately and stands by it. Stop with you all fakeness. That is why this place going to the dogs and will continue to go to the dogs, because you all cannot call a spade a spade, and keep it moving. You all want to hold malice instead of using that as the vehicle for introspection and self improvement.
  • Really? (02/05/2024, 22:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is funny how you all can’t see that Sharie is on her way out. Why you all think Natalio traveling so much? He is trying to see the world, first class on the country’s dime because he knows he on his way out.
  • Concerned (02/05/2024, 23:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please rebuild the Althea Scatliffe primary school… the children are asking why the school has not been rebuild. Cancel the music fest and rebuild the school. The future of our children is not in good hands… please make education your priority

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