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Hon Marlon A. Penn to be named a Junior Minister

- announcements of the two Junior Ministers expected today, November 5, 2015
Word just reaching our newsroom from senior sources within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) is that second term 8th District Representative Hon Marlon A. Penn will be named one of two Junior Ministers in the Government of Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith. Photo: VINO/File
The new Minsters will not be members of Cabinet, but will assist in the performance of Ministerial functions relating to economic development. The exact portfolios will be agreed on the recommendation of the Premier. Photo: VINO/File
The new Minsters will not be members of Cabinet, but will assist in the performance of Ministerial functions relating to economic development. The exact portfolios will be agreed on the recommendation of the Premier. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- (Post Time: 10:40am) Word just reaching our newsroom from senior sources within the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) is that second term 8th District Representative Hon Marlon A. Penn will be named one of two Junior Ministers in the Government of Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith.

His portfolio or the Minister of Government he will be assigned to is not known at this time.

The same source was tight-lipped on the other Junior Minister as Government is expected to make a formal announcement later today, November 5, 2015.

Following the request from the Government of the Virgin Islands to amend the Constitution to allow for the creation of two junior Minister posts, the Governor conveyed a formal request to the appropriate authorities in the United Kingdom.

“The Governor’s Office is pleased to announce that the Virgin Islands Constitution (Amendment) Order, 2015 (the ‘Order’) has been approved by the Privy Council. It has been laid before the United Kingdom Parliament and will come into force on 5 November, 2015,” stated a press release from the Governor’s Office on October 29, 2015.

It further stated that consequently, from November 5, 2015 the Governor would be able to appoint, on the advice of the Premier, two Junior Ministers from among the elected members of the House of Assembly.

The new Minsters will not be members of Cabinet, but will assist in the performance of Ministerial functions relating to economic development. The exact portfolios will be agreed on the recommendation of the Premier.

32 Responses to “Hon Marlon A. Penn to be named a Junior Minister”

  • Mrs. Potential (05/11/2015, 10:56) Like (50) Dislike (3) Reply
    Honorable Penn, would do an awesome job. Highly Support!!
  • wize up (05/11/2015, 11:05) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    modern day politics in BVI: way to go young Penn
  • facts man (05/11/2015, 11:21) Like (25) Dislike (18) Reply
    he should be a full minister remove Myron or mark
    • YeSa (05/11/2015, 12:29) Like (8) Dislike (24) Reply
      You sound jealous that your party never make it to those seats...BAM BAM
      • Hmm (05/11/2015, 14:12) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
        who tell you that facts man party aren't the ones who are already in those seats... whether or not facts man call it like you see it.
      • @ YeSa (05/11/2015, 14:46) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
        What party? so silly
      • @ YeSa (05/11/2015, 21:52) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        Wow, you NDP will criminalize anything to bring down the VIP or who you think commenting .
    • buh where you going dodo (05/11/2015, 12:45) Like (4) Dislike (19) Reply
      NOne of them Minister better dan MARK. V
    • @facts less (05/11/2015, 16:41) Like (3) Dislike (12) Reply
      You are a vip supporter blogging because everybody know that without myron and mark the NDP is DEAD. Try another trick!!
    • @facts man (10/11/2015, 11:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Myron is the best politician in the B.V.I, they can't touch that man. You can learn so much from him; the way he replies to people, the way he speaks to people, the places he go among his people and the way he cares for his people. He always look you in the eye and tell you the way it is. If it is no it's no, not yes for no I wish he was the Premier.
  • STX Family Circle (05/11/2015, 13:58) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
  • .... (05/11/2015, 14:47) Like (15) Dislike (8) Reply
    Hope alvera is not the other one
  • schoolmate (05/11/2015, 15:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Smurf making Power Moves messon....
  • Tears. (05/11/2015, 15:19) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    He should be the minister of labour and Agriculture He is fair and he mingles with all people. He knows the issues...Strange how govt. When they are asked about children that borned here have to get time from immigration they always blame the constitution.. Hmmm. Omg.
  • Cuzzo (05/11/2015, 15:20) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes! way to go Cuz
  • the 2nd (05/11/2015, 15:43) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    Hope the second one is not from the 2nd.. The Cane Garden Bay Docks need fixing people are getting hurt and he is ignoring our calls for help.. He really changed...not surprise.
  • Ears (05/11/2015, 15:47) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    What else in the constitution did they changed?
  • Not Alvera (05/11/2015, 16:48) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply

    Has anyone ever heard Hon. Caines delivered a motion in the HOA. Did she finish 12th grade? she won't have much to bring to the table.

    Good person otherwise but not ready for that position.

    • idk (06/11/2015, 01:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Has any of the other back benchers bring any motion to the table? No, so why pick on her? How many of the past legislatures had any solid education? Were they not effective in their jobs? Hodge had no education, Conrad had no solid education, Lavity also, just to name a few...did they not do anything of value for their country? How do you know she would not have much to bring to the table if no one gives her a chance?
  • 9th District (05/11/2015, 17:49) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    What about our poor old DOC? Try find something for him
    to do buddy, so he don't be up and down blowing his own
    horn making a fool of himself.

  • long look me come from (05/11/2015, 17:57) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    i agree replace mark and myron with mitch and malone they both born here
  • archie (05/11/2015, 18:35) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    I was going to recommend Archie but he talks too much and he thinks too little. But he is bright guy. He would have been a good understudy for Mark in communication and works.
    • @ archie (05/11/2015, 21:41) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Personally, I think Archie is None prescient and a none benefactor to Planet Earth.
  • Mark (05/11/2015, 20:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well deserved.
  • Stats Man (05/11/2015, 22:07) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    No surprise
  • east end (05/11/2015, 22:42) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    VINO you spot on!
    • Yes (06/11/2015, 01:31) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Why not reach across isle and use the experienced guys in VIP as junior Ministers. Let Andrew be back in charge of youth and sports.
  • keys (06/11/2015, 04:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good move.
  • my two (06/11/2015, 05:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    My two would be Alvera ana Marlon...Take culture from Myron and give it to Alvera we would get results and we would he paid. we would be having fun and fund raising all year we won't have to depend on Govt. Alera would get it Done... Take Agriculture from Pickering and give it to Marlon we would get results the green house would produced local corners would be happy there would be more food. Marlon would resurrect agriculture.
  • Tici (06/11/2015, 09:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The perfect choice made....
  • East End/ Long Look (06/11/2015, 10:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look at my district Representative... So proud of you... the younger generation looks up to you Hon. Penn .. Make us proud

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