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Hon Marlon A. Penn cries for protection of locals

- contradicts Minister for Education & Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn who said Gov’t could no longer protect locals
In total contrast to what Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn had said in January that Government can no longer fully protect locals, Junior Minister for Trade and Investment Promotion Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) has called for Government to do all in its powers to protect locals. Photo; VINO/File
It was on January that the controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn caused much consternation when he boldly stated that Government can no longer write laws to fully protect locals. It came at a time when many locals have been expressing sentiments of being disenfranchised in their own country, more so through the actions of Government. Photo: VINO/File
It was on January that the controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn caused much consternation when he boldly stated that Government can no longer write laws to fully protect locals. It came at a time when many locals have been expressing sentiments of being disenfranchised in their own country, more so through the actions of Government. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In total contrast to what controversial Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn had said in January that Government can no longer fully protect locals, Junior Minister for Trade and Investment Promotion Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) has called for Government to do all in its power to protect locals.

Speaking during the Seventh Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly at parliament chambers in Road Town, Tortola on March 23, 2016, the second termer Hon Penn said it now seems alright to kick a Virgin Islander to the curb rather that lifting him up and blasted Government and its statutory bodies for not doing enough to support locals.

In his contribution to the Budget Debate which lasted for well over an hour as he said he had lots to say, Hon Penn said the Virgin Islands' forefathers had the belief in their own people and this has seen the VI advanced to a thriving economy, however, he is now concerned that the VI seems to be regressing.

“It seems to be ok to take away opportunities from Virgin Islanders. It seems to be ok if a Virgin Islander does not get an opportunity. It seems to be ok if we just kick another Virgin Islander to the curb and we just sit there quietly and say nothing. That is not the spirit of our forefathers. That is not the spirit we were built on as Virgin Islanders,” Hon Penn lamented.

 Exporting of money from the territory

Not known to speak very long in the House of Assembly, Hon Penn today took all the time needed to emphasise his point that Government needed to protect locals and that it was currently working against locals in some ways.

“We are telling the public buy BVI, buy local, buy from East End or West End, buy from Road Town but instead of the Government going down to Bolos and buy some paper they gone to Kinko’s, or some other part in the world instead of supporting the local economy.”

Junior Minister Penn added that he learnt a few weeks ago that there is going to be a big purchase of cards from overseas for Immigration and Customs and said he shudders to think what is happening in statutory organisations. He noted that Government needs to have a better handle in terms of what is happening in those organisations as they have the biggest purchasing power and have a responsibility to support the local economy.

“But if you as the government and the bodies associated with the government are spending your money outside of the economy you are exporting your resources, all the tax revenues of the people outside and not giving local businesses to take advantage of it.

“Even the very trophies now, Madam Speaker, they are buying overseas. We have to put a stop to this Madam Speaker. People have to realise they have a responsibility to support the local economy. It has to start with us as a government.”

According to Hon Penn: “We have to fight and resist the temptation to go away and develop other individuals from other countries and take a chance on your own people.”

Many excuses when it comes to promoting locals

The young legislator spoke of H. Lavity Stoutt who he said had a belief in the people but it seems now there is always an excuse, that locals don’t have enough experience and stated that many excuses are made when it comes to promoting locals.

It was on January that Minister Walwyn caused much consternation when he boldly stated that Government can no longer write laws to fully protect locals. It came at a time when many locals have been expressing sentiments of being disenfranchised in their own country, more so through the actions of Government.

According to Hon Penn, the 2016 Budget will seek to promote locals and their investments, however, it is interesting whether this will be so since the budget is already being criticised by many as a tax and spend budget.

20 Responses to “Hon Marlon A. Penn cries for protection of locals”

  • Yes (23/03/2016, 16:41) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    But Marlon, Bolos or whoever else gets their paper or whatever from the same Kinkos and mark it up 800%. Nothing is wrong with supporting the local economy but you need to also support common sense. Some local vendors see Government and they see an ATM, they mark the things up sky high because it's sure money. I'm sure many of them brought this upon themselves. Keep supporting locals but also keep them on their toes and being responsible. Can you really, honestly say that local businesses appeal to Government and offer value for money? Honestly?
    • Cookie Monster (23/03/2016, 23:11) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      So government buys at 100% markup what they can import themselves at no duty at half local price to "support" local business? Last I saw no computer, printer, or paper made in the BVI. Yet small man contractors can't get paid and this "infinite business man" can make sure the entity under his Chairmanship pays him? SMH only in the BVI.

      My run said he cant help us now Mar lun say we need protecting. Who to believe? I feel is only some like my "infinite business man" is who is protected
  • ABC (23/03/2016, 16:45) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    I with malon on this!
    • Sigh (23/03/2016, 22:59) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Me too. We catching hell from the opposite race in the financial services sector
  • born here (23/03/2016, 17:14) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Finally someone got balls to look out for we
  • East. Massive (23/03/2016, 18:02) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Marlon yr people say u missin. The set up a search and rescue team to find u
  • Well Sah (23/03/2016, 18:27) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Cuban got offended and embarrassed the lil boy in the house today.
  • we all know where the rest from (23/03/2016, 18:34) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mitch, Andrew, Delores, Julian, Ronnie, Marlon, Dr.Smith and (maybe Hubert?) are the only indigenous ones in there.
    • qc (24/03/2016, 07:32) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
      the rest of dem should not even be in dey!
    • wize up (24/03/2016, 07:41) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ we all know: most of the white folks are not indigenous but they own most of the this territory's economy: when it comes to your own race its always an issue; look around the territory today and in 2016 you still harping on the old indigenous song. why you dont run come 2019 election with your indigenous talk: lots of VI people are married to non vi people.... loads of our vi people live and doing great in Atlanta: those elected persons were voted in to office by indigenous and non the non indigenous
    • HMMM (24/03/2016, 23:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Marlon used to be called an "island man " .. now he indigenous ?
  • Carli (23/03/2016, 23:07) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    If a person born here and says so there is not a damn thing wrong with that. People start up conversations all the time and ask "you born here"? What is that about. Then they go about talking about it in a negative way.
    • wize up (24/03/2016, 07:50) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ carli; and some of them think because you born here you should not sand up for your rights(but the devil is a liar) the education system must change and begin to educate the VI Lander in those areas where work permit are being isuued but it will take time.....
  • Dang (24/03/2016, 03:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    That is the majority in that long list anyway
  • Smart investor. (24/03/2016, 06:39) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Marlon try starting a business with 2 million dollars. Are you going to look for a local to run it. Or the best talent u can find inspite of nationality.? . smart nvestors look for the best talent availably.. The focus should be about Getting Local to be the best at what they do.. Let that be the conversation.. Talent. Honesty. Commitment. Fairness---Equal success.
    • Honest Local (24/03/2016, 09:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Finally, an elected legislator has the courage to stand up and admit and realize that locals need protection in the BVI. Unlike so many countries and territories, locals are in the minority and have no where else to go when treated unfairly in their own homeland. They need to exercise ethical business practices as an employer and diligence when being an employee, but so many are educated and invest their finances or desire to work honestly for their salaries, and opportunities are denied them. I know from both angles, and it is time that elected officials and senior public officers see to it that locals are not denied their heritage in the British Virgin Islands. Thanks Hon. Penn. Well-said.
  • Noah (24/03/2016, 09:21) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why I mostly support what Honourable Penn said, I am a BVIslander who believes that quite a lot of us still have this entitlement mentality. They want perople to support their businesses when they robbing us blind with their high prices. The in a position for 20 years doing aabsolutely nothing with no academic certification or qualification but all they do is run their mouths bad talking their bosses, the government, and everyone else they have issues with. Up comes a promotion and when someone who has less years in the service than they do qualify themselves and get the promotion they do more of the same rather taking a hint. I laugh on a daily basis at some of my fellow BVIslanders who only want to sit back, complain, complain, complain, complain, complain some more, and expect years of service to propel them to the top. Gone are those days. I urge my fellow BVIislanders to stop gossiping, do your work, and educate yourselves if you want to get to the top.

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