Hon Julian Fraser RA named Opposition Leader

On June 18, 2015, Governor Duncan in a statement had said he was giving the two elected members of the Opposition the period to be able to resolve their issues and put forward a candidate for the post of Leader of the Opposition. However, they failed to come to an agreement.
“Despite allowing a period of one month and one day for further reflection and consultation, I regret to announce that the Members of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition in the House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands have been unable to agree the recommendation of a Leader of the Opposition in accordance with section 70 (2) (a) of the Virgin Islands Constitution,” said the Governor in his statement today.
“In these circumstances, I am obliged to exercise the discretionary powers conferred on the Governor by the Virgin Islands Constitution to appoint a Leader of the Opposition,” he said.
Efforts by this news site to reach both Hons Fraser and Fahie by telephone calls and texts/WhatsApp messages were futile.
Members should have come to a decision themselves
The Governor said he preferred for the members to resolve the matter between them. “My strong and publicly stated preference would have been for the elected representatives to come to a compromise themselves; to put service to the territory above any other consideration and to respond to the expectations of the electorate that the Opposition focus on their fundamental role in the Assembly of calling the Government of the day to account in an effective manner.”
He noted too he did not want to delay the process any further as the best interest of the territory would have been placed in a prejudicial position.
“I am satisfied that further delay in the appointment of the post of Leader of the Opposition would adversely impair the conduct of business in the House of Assembly and thus would prejudice the best interests of the territory.”
He said he sought “expert advice” and considered what was sent to him by the various members of the Opposition and others.
“In reaching my decision I have taken expert advice, considered carefully the representations made to me by the Members of the Opposition as well as a number of other criteria; in particular, past practice in the territory and other jurisdictions; the current and past positions held by the two candidates; their seniority in terms of dates of appointment to ministerial positions and length of term served in those posts and the advice of the United Kingdom Privy Council in a matter similar to the matter under consideration,” he said.
“Taking all these factors into account, it is my decision that the Honourable Julian Fraser be appointed to the post of Leader of the Opposition and carry out the functions and duties of that post. A letter and instrument of appointment to give this effect has been issued today,” the Governor said in his statement.

46 Responses to “Hon Julian Fraser RA named Opposition Leader”
What they should have done is solve their issues in The Congress.
Fraser, I think Fahie is going to take you out, in the VIP's August Congress.
Anyway congratulations for now.
Congratulations to Fahie in August.
It is the Sea Cows Bay and Carrot Bay folks who are not paying attention.
Ffs get a grip people. BVI looks like a f@ck*ng laughing stock.
Best of luck to Hon. Fraser...he is quite capable of doing a sound and excellent job as the new Leader of the Opposition.
Best of luck to Hon. Fahie as well. You poses excellent qualities. Both of you make a strong opposition...a force to be reckoned with.
The current leader has to take the blows for that beat down. With the departure of Hon Oneal from the leadership and passing the baton, the current leader had the opportunity and responsibility to plan the way forward with workable concrete plans. He fell flat, scrambling at last minute to field a team. Criticizing an encumbent government is not enough to win an election. Electorate must have a strong reason to change government. VIP did not make the case, despite strong and ample opportunity provided by NDP. If VIP wants to be relevant again it must go thru a transformation; it must change. Changing may entail making personal sacrifices for the good of the party and the public good. Put the egos aside and do the right thing. Stop the embarassment.