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Hon Julian Fraser RA endorses PVIM

In a surprise move, incumbent Third District Representative and Chairman of Progressives United (PU) Hon Julian Fraser RA tonight, April 1, 2023, endorsed Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) for the 2023 General Elections of the Virgin Islands. Photo: Facebook
Hon Julian Fraser RA speaking at this campaign launch in the Third District at Finc Building in Sea Cows Bay this evening, April 1, 2023. Photo: Facebook
Hon Julian Fraser RA speaking at this campaign launch in the Third District at Finc Building in Sea Cows Bay this evening, April 1, 2023. Photo: Facebook
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- In a surprise move, incumbent Third District Representative and Chairman of Progressives United (PU) Hon Julian Fraser RA has endorsed Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) for the 2023 General Elections of the Virgin Islands.

This announcement was made this evening, April 1, 2023, during the launch of Hon Fraser’s campaign in the Third District at Finc Building in Sea Cows Bay.

Taking to the microphone, Chairman of PVIM Mr Ronnie W. Skelton said he was invited to the launch by Honourable Fraser, a former Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Member.

“I am here this evening on behalf of my team to accept this humble endorsement by your representative Hon Julian Fraser.

“I am also here to throw our full support to the Liberator, Julian Fraser on his quest to the Fifth House of Assembly,” Mr Skelton stated.

Hon Fraser is being challenged in the Third District by VIP candidate Kevin C. Smith aka ‘OJ’ and National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate Aaron F. Parillon.

More details to follow.

53 Responses to “Hon Julian Fraser RA endorses PVIM”

  • Ham and chesse (01/04/2023, 20:39) Like (21) Dislike (9) Reply
    running like a horse, scared ????????????????
  • History (01/04/2023, 20:44) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Wat a Tory
  • unity (01/04/2023, 20:54) Like (15) Dislike (11) Reply
    Unity in any case is good. We are all one people. Nothing bad to say like signs of weakness and desperation. What is important is the Unity.
    • @Unity (01/04/2023, 21:54) Like (18) Dislike (11) Reply
      Voting for a set of people who do not like each other and are after self-interest makes no sense and that is the case in this move. It doesn't matter any way as he will soon be up Balo...stay tuned.
      • strupes (02/04/2023, 01:31) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
        but you was just up there.
      • unity (02/04/2023, 04:01) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        To @unity, you missed the sarcasm in the message. To be blunt, both of them are number 2s (vip2, ndp2)...that's why it looks and smell like p-uuu. Catch my drift. Weakness and desperation is what it is when you analyze the sarcasm there.
  • J (01/04/2023, 20:54) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    This circus will soon be over.
  • home (01/04/2023, 21:02) Like (35) Dislike (25) Reply
    Vote out Fraser. A win for skeleton is a win for his entire family. Claud, clyne everybody
  • Ooo (01/04/2023, 21:05) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply
    Will Mika Barry expose y’all on Tuesday?? They running scared so they joining forces lol
  • Migoman (01/04/2023, 21:34) Like (12) Dislike (17) Reply
    Good move. Stability.
    • To Migoman (01/04/2023, 22:11) Like (13) Dislike (16) Reply
      Despite what these parties saying negative about the VIP will pale in comparison to what will happen if NDP 1 &/or NDP 2 gets into office as they are waiting on them to really tun up the place with what they have on them. Say you heard it here first.
  • Rhythm up. (01/04/2023, 21:40) Like (22) Dislike (10) Reply
    We PVIM supporters don't need this association.. This is bad news. Why Ronnie Why?
  • D3 youth (01/04/2023, 21:50) Like (21) Dislike (6) Reply
    So, Fraser join CSC, John Cline, Mitch, and Big Sh%t? What happen to him? Has he gone crazy? Well, he just lose my vote.
    • Spread that too (02/04/2023, 15:04) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      But the same Fraser and Mitch you're bashing SAVED THE COUNTRY BY FORMING THE UNITY GOVERMENT.
      • @Spread that to (02/04/2023, 17:20) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        That's the foolishness Mitch spreading that have people like you believing but the truth about what he and his father and some of his family did to get the country to this point will soon come out. Then is when all of you will know who sold out who and why.
  • NDP Supporter in District 3 (01/04/2023, 21:52) Like (24) Dislike (19) Reply
    I do not like our NDP candidate in the third as was going to vote for Fraser but with this foolish move I will now be voting for OJ.
  • Putting things in perspective (01/04/2023, 22:05) Like (41) Dislike (9) Reply
    1) Fraser could not get anyone other than himself to join his political party which says a lot about Fraser as a leader.
    2) Fraser refused to join any other political party.
    3) Fraser refused to become a member of PVIM but pledge to work with them for the elections.
    4) PVIM could not get Fraser to become a member of PVIM but saying they will work with him.
    5) Fraser was always against most of PVIM & their main supporters like the Bishop Cline, CSC and others but now telling us to vote for them.
    I am so glad this circus will be over soon as these people taking us for a$$h%le$.
    • TALK THAT (02/04/2023, 07:13) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
      OJ told us years ago that the VIP was bad news now he is lying in bed with them.
  • herbs power (01/04/2023, 23:14) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Today is really all fools day mehboy
  • Political Suicide (01/04/2023, 23:23) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    Both parties dead now for sure!!!!!
  • 2023 (01/04/2023, 23:31) Like (4) Dislike (20) Reply
    wonderful move because reuniting with VIP would have been 2 shameful: fraser still have to be elected for there be any development

    Minister for Natural Resources

  • Eat a food vip government (02/04/2023, 00:21) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    One fool make many fools.
  • tola (02/04/2023, 01:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • DO NOT VOTE FOR VIP (02/04/2023, 01:15) Like (15) Dislike (28) Reply
  • MORE VOTES FOR FRASER (02/04/2023, 01:20) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    • MORE VOTES FOR FRASER (02/04/2023, 07:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ian Smith family also from the 3rd.
    • @MORE VOTES FOR FRASER (02/04/2023, 17:28) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      You hit the nail on the head. Most of PVIM At-Large candidates and their family lives in District 3. It is all about self. Fraser is trying to secure his district vote by trying to fool the people of the BVI that he is uniting with PVIM for the best for the country. IT IS ALL ABOUT SELF!
  • Intelligence Analyst (02/04/2023, 05:38) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man Frazer is subtle. He is already peeking into the future. He never made it to Chief Minister or Premier and he knows his time is running out. If he can retain his seat and the PVIM can win enough seats or whatever happens and they become the new Government a Deputy Premier pick for him could be possible. Remember he likes to be in charge of everything even if it is the leader of the Opposition. One thing he and the Representative of the Sixth and other Districts should remember though is that they were elected under the "flag" of a certain party. It seems as though they are now flying different "flags". The thing is what would the people who elected them under one party does now that their representative have changed alliance ?
  • IF YOU ARE VOTING FOR FRASER (02/04/2023, 07:00) Like (11) Dislike (15) Reply
  • good move (02/04/2023, 07:09) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    The PVIM will get a lot of support in the 3rd because Budha and Ingrid lives there......The majority of
    Skeltons living in the 3rd too so WATCH OUT!
  • PLAYERS UNITED (02/04/2023, 07:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    well looks like mutumbo pulled something out of fis tricks , Hollywood ain't got nothing on us ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the next episode of WHATS NEXT ( OR ) WHATEVER IT TAKES ( in the QUEST for POWER ???? and it sure looks like the devil already has hands on a lot of LOST SOULS ???? they say pressure BUSS pipe / in this case some might explode , meaning when the heart attacks its own body , so the undertakers mouths will be fed
  • please (02/04/2023, 08:23) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let the NDP and PVIM start to work together. They should have one candidate per district or the votes will get split allowing VIP to get through. They need to be strategic for the good of the country.
  • DEDE (02/04/2023, 10:07) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Politics does indeed make strange bed fellows. This is what you call desperation. Two bill headed people joining together to lead this country. I don’t see us getting far under that type of leadership in fact we may be stagnant. Two stubborn people what a thing to tell the king. Think stop light and hospital and NHI. Both ignored any advise given and thus the country reeling from it.
  • 2023 (02/04/2023, 10:56) Like (7) Dislike (10) Reply
    PVIM will win
  • Unvaxx 4eva (02/04/2023, 11:51) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser can't find no candidates so he trying a thing.
  • Doll (02/04/2023, 14:08) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    It's an injustice when these people asks us to vote for them under a certain political banner (VIP, NDP, etc) then decide to cross the floor to another party or affiliate with another party without any regards to their voters. Most politicians or aspiring politicians are arrogant, narcissistic and dishonest, only thinking of how to improve their personal finances and that of their families and cronies. It's such a paradox that these people would believe we are gullible, stupid and corruptible and would continue to be led like sheep to the slaughter. I implore each voter to ensure a strong message is sent to the individuals seeking to be elected to fifth HOA by voting for the persons you deem as incorruptible, focused on their civic duty, honest, puts COUNTRY above Self, can represent us on the world stage, is approachable and (you can add any other positive adjective you desire). Since as a PARTY they aren't able to voice their opinion for fear of losing their position then we should vote PERSONS forcing them to form a Unity Government which might help to restrict them in their capacity to fool the public and steal our hard earned taxes. Good luck to all persons contesting the Elections and may each voter use their conscience to make the wisest decision on whom they think best to move the country forward and stedfast. Remember your vote will also affect those who do not have the privilege to cast a vote. So don't make it about popularity but make it about giving back the power to the people, because we deserve the BEST! May God bless these beautiful Virgin Islands and all of the people who make it their home.
  • Attention all (02/04/2023, 21:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser has an office in his district so you dont have to go in a bar to look for him. If he is not there he will be at home with his lovely wife.
  • At Least… (02/04/2023, 22:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser told us whom he would rather align with and I see nothing wrong about that. He is being upfront about it. Now the question is whether the other independents (apart from Perline whom we know is NDP) would align themselves with if successful? Frigstone would be a VIP as I see it. Any ideas about the rest…?
  • hey (02/04/2023, 22:40) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    That Fraser could so easily manipulate this team tells us that they are not capable of running the country - not capable of holding their own. He is not a party man. Fraser is a lone wolf all about self.....
  • PT09 (03/04/2023, 02:45) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fraser on his way out; let’s go oj the 3rd district needs you!
  • for real (03/04/2023, 08:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A drowning man will grab at a straw.......
  • Lawyer (03/04/2023, 12:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    My vote will be for the leader that will 1. use NHI money to make Olando Smith Hospital more efficient, effective, and affordable to those who use its services. 2. Pay less NHI money to the Private medical centers. 3. Repel the 'greedy bill' 4. Stop the corruption in the awarding of contracts 5. Put in place an efficient mechanism to help with the social problems of housing, and meals for children and elderlies. 6. Invest in e-government. Make government services to the public more efficient.
  • ha (03/04/2023, 14:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    NDP Team B for the win

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