Hon Ingrid A. Moses wants to mentor youth in ‘life after HoA’
Honourable Moses was the 6th guest of Karia J. Christopher’s television talk show ‘Real Talk’- Virgin Islands 10 most influential women, aired on CBN Channel 51 on January 24, 2017.
Pushed into the spotlight
Hon Moses described herself as a confident people’s person, who grew up in a God-fearing home with most of her activities being one saturated with only church and school, and while she did absolutely no physical travelling to other countries as a child she had a mental tour through the reading of books.
She said she was pushed into the spotlight when she accepted the appointment as speaker of the House of Assembly at a very young age and that it was a job that affected her personality as she had to develop “tough skin” to demand the respect that comes with the role she plays in the House of Assembly.
Predecessors plateau
Hon Moses noted that most former politicians plateau when in retirement, especially those who served as Speaker of the House, and this is because they would have taken on the position at an elderly age.
“By the time you come out, you over 65. After you would have had to deal with all the stress, and I empathise with all of the members honestly because it takes a special person to do that because people don’t see a lot of what they have to go through on a day to day basis,” noted the Speaker.
She further added, “I tell them a lot of the times I don’t know how you all do it because people can be very ungrateful. They try to do their very best that they can to help and the one time they aren’t able to help then they forget everything good that you did for them. It happens to us in our personal lives as well.”
Being the Speaker of the House was never on her cards in her life planning but among the things she had planned is to be a presence in the lives of youth. “I have a passion for young persons, young men and young women in the community and it’s actually more than a passion.”
“It breaks my heart to see what is actually happening every day in our society and I think we have to go back to basics as a society, as a community, as a family, as a church…it’s totally different from now. We had the benefit of having not only our family members and our parents raising us, we had the entire village.”
Hon Moses posited that in order to effectively impact the lives of today’s youth, the traditional/old time ways cannot be applied. “Traditional is an interesting word. The generation now I believe that you cannot use or employ the same methods in the same way to this generation but the foundation is still there.”
“I believe in the church … the interesting thing is that the foundation that you got there, believe it or not, as you get older that very foundation you fall back on.”
She said it is her belief in giving children a choice, “At the end of the day children need structure.”
In power for infinity!
Giving her personal view, Mrs Christopher expressed that politicians should not be in power positions for eternity but a limit should be put on the time they serve, a view her guest totally agreed with. “I absolutely agree with term limits. I think they should have term limits. You have to save people from themselves,” said Hon Moses.
The Speaker added, “I think people go into politics genuinely good people but it’s the same constituents who make those people who they are because they never get enough. You always want, want, want, want.”
Christopher alluded to the fact that while the Speaker recognises the need for term limits in power positions, as well as the man in the street, persons in positions of power do not seem to recognise this. “Power is infectious, it’s almost like crack, not that I ever had crack (cocaine) but it’s addictive.”
Passion for young people
“There is a lot I want to do with them (young people). I mentored some of them already but I do believe that there is a lot more that we can do, that I can do and I intend to do it,” Hon Moses further emphasised.
She noted that while there is a group for young men, M.A.L.E, there is none for young women. “The young people are hurting, they are hurting and we need to listen to what it is they are saying.”
Hon Moses added that there is something that happens to youth during the transformation from elementary to high school stage. “They start showing certain signs and then they get lost in the system. Then we have to ask ourselves, those children weren’t always that way, what caused that? And I think all of us need to step out.”
It was highlighted that many children are angry at either their parents, their circumstances, what’s happening in their community and they have no other outlet to vent.
23 Responses to “Hon Ingrid A. Moses wants to mentor youth in ‘life after HoA’”
Many who grew up in God-fearing homes are worst than those who didn't.
1. Some people, if not most, are very ungrateful. You perform a 100 activities, pass 99.57% (fail by a fraction) and they would destroy you to the bone whilst at the same time should you try to retaliate, they beg for mercy.
2. We have to go back to the basics
3. “I believe in the church…that very foundation you fall back on.” But some don’t fall back on the church because darkness can’t stand light.
I disagree:
1. “You have to save people from themselves.” Nobody can save another if that other don’t want to save himself. Apparently not even Jesus could have saved Judas. You can only speak the truth for them to accept it or reject it.
2. “I think people go into politics genuinely good people but…want, want, want.” See 1 above – humans can’t make other humans do what they don’t want to do. It is GREED that causes a man to change what the good principles he stood for.
Well said Ingrid Moses.
Honest,sincere,pure,& now a shining light for our disparage youth,God blessings to u Ingrid keep the candle burning
she trying to run but we waiting for her bias r&&&s
She is a people person, when making decision she is honest whether you agree or disagree, she is humble, she is kind and she is loving.
We become a greedy people in the Virgin Islands that we don't see the positive in people. All has sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So who are you negative people to judge.
Ingrid continue to trust in God for he has the answer to every situation. I myself have went wayward and had to come back to the principle of the lord. If you don't go through things, how will you be a testimony and help someone in a similar situation.
The Virgin Islands mentality has gone to the dogs that is why our children are now suffering. Stop blaming the different government and blame ourselves. When we awake then here will be a better place.
Ingrid continue being you and pray for those who trying to tarnish your Integrity