Hon Fraser not pleased local snubbed for DPP post

It was Virgin Islands News Online that had first and accurately reported on July 13, 2016 that Hollis was tipped for the DPP post after the applications were narrowed down to two persons, with the other person being Senior Crown Counsel Valston M. Graham.
This news site had also accurately reported that Principal Crown Counsel and Virgin Islander Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit and Defense Attorney Patrick Thompson were also considered but were subsequently eliminated.
Hollis was appointed to fill the post vacated by Trinidad national Wayne L. Rajbansie.
Local must be appointed to DPP post
In a Facebook post by Hon Fraser, today August 8, 2016, he said he considered it in the best interest of the territory for him in his capacity as Leader of the Opposition to extend his support to Hollis and to wish her success in the execution of her duties.
He reminded, however, that it is his desire to see a local filling the top legal post in the future.
“I am aware that during the last round of interviews there were such expressions of interest, but without success. My advice, is that we collectively, must from this moment on, redouble our efforts to ensure that whatever the shortcomings were, corrective measures be taken to ensure that the next Local candidate is successful.”
Hon Fraser also said he wished to make clear his position which he has expressed and continues to hold, that “at anytime a Local who qualifies, expresses an interest in the post of Director of Public Prosecutions, it should be treated in the same manner as the post of Attorney General as stipulated in Section 95. (6) of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007.”
That section of the Virgin Islands Constitution states: “No person shall be appointed to the office of Attorney General unless he or she belongs to the Virgin Islands unless, in the opinion of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission, there is no such person who is suitably qualified and able and willing to be so appointed.”
Opposition Leader Hon Fraser further said he is of the opinion that anyone who aspires to seek the DPP post, should also be prepared to serve under a mutually agreed contract, “as I do not subscribe to the theory that such a post should be held on a permanent and pensionable arrangement.”
Nevertheless, Hon Fraser said he believes Hollis is an accomplished attorney in her prime and has much to offer.
He said that that he hopes a major objective of Hollis would be to leave the Department in a better position than where she met it, and paramount in that regard will be in the area of succession planning which he said is obviously lacking.
“And by succession planning I mean, developing internal people with the potential to fill key leadership positions in the Department, particularly that of Director of Public Prosecutions.
Again, I reiterate my support for the Director of Public Prosecutions, and I wish her the best while in office.”

27 Responses to “Hon Fraser not pleased local snubbed for DPP post”
We made that mistake with Reynell Fraser when we put him as Commissioner of Police.
If the local had the same qualification as her or more then yeah hire the local.
We can't play politics with every story, that is why we going to hell in a hand basket.
QUESTION 2. If we were in were Antigua, Trinidad, UK, St Kitts what would be your response?
I must add that diversity is key. Locals? Yes, but not appointed to all top positions. We need a diverse workforce that buries nepotism and birth detachment from family and social ties. Why are we always searching for our OWN in top positions to have them browbeaten under duress? - Words for thought!