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Hon Fraser lays out ‘solid solutions’ for VI

- lays out plans for betterment of sister islands, says ‘no one’ will be left out under a VIP Gov’t
Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3), laid out some of what he termed were solid plans for the Virgin Islands while addressing persons on the sister island of Virgin Gorda at the campaign launch of Ninth Electoral District Candidate under the Virgin Islands Party banner, Mr Elton L. Sprauve aka ‘All Out’ last evening, May 11, 2015. Photo: VINO
Hon Fraser (left) has pledged his unwavering support for the equal development of the sister islands if he becomes Premier of the Virgin Islands. Here he is seen in conversation with the VIP's candidate for the Ninth District, Mr Elton L. Sprauve. Photo: VINO
Hon Fraser (left) has pledged his unwavering support for the equal development of the sister islands if he becomes Premier of the Virgin Islands. Here he is seen in conversation with the VIP's candidate for the Ninth District, Mr Elton L. Sprauve. Photo: VINO
A section of the crowd at the campaign launch of Elton L. Sprauve in Virgin Gorda on May 11, 2015.
A section of the crowd at the campaign launch of Elton L. Sprauve in Virgin Gorda on May 11, 2015.
Former Virgin Islands Party Chairman, Hon ralph T. O'Neal is greeted by VIP President Carvin Malone. At left is Territorial At Large candidate Irene F. Penn-O'Neal while right is VIP Chairman Hon Julian Fraser RA. Photo: VINO
Former Virgin Islands Party Chairman, Hon ralph T. O'Neal is greeted by VIP President Carvin Malone. At left is Territorial At Large candidate Irene F. Penn-O'Neal while right is VIP Chairman Hon Julian Fraser RA. Photo: VINO
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI - “The VIP has solid solutions for the Virgin Islands, solutions that mean that every Virgin Islander and resident will be included in the future of this country. When you have a stake in the place you call home, you will care about it more. Under a Fraser Administration, no one will be left out.”

This was the assurance of Honourable Julian Fraser, RA, the Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), while addressing persons on the sister island of Virgin Gorda at the campaign launch of Ninth Electoral District Candidate under the Virgin Islands Party banner, Mr Elton L. Sprauve aka ‘All Out’ last evening, May 11, 2015.

Hon Fraser and his team members, along with the former chairman of the party Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal OBE, refrained from the mudslinging style campaigning but stuck to the core of what the people have been calling for, “What will you do for us if we vote you in?”

The post mortem

Hon Fraser from the onset established that the party has done its post mortem following the 2011 elections and has made its analyses. “As Chairman I have asked God for the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, so I have accepted the fact that we have lost that election. I have also asked God for the courage to change the things I can, so winning this election has become my mandate. I also asked God for the wisdom to know the difference. So it became clear to me that we lost not because of what they did right, but because of what we did wrong. And I know now that we must do the right thing, so we can fight our opponents,” said the aspiring Premier of the Virgin Islands.

“This party will not stoop to the level of ill-repute, we must remain focused and be the bigger person for we are on a mission to serve, and not be served. No one in this party must ever feel that they are above anyone, including the man on the street. My People of the 9th District, it is clear that the NDP is running scared, while the VIP is running to win,” Hon Fraser told those present.

The VI economy has tanked under NDP

According to Hon Fraser, the systems are crumbling before and those who are responsible feel more comfortable doing what will get them elected than doing what they were elected for. “Our economy has tanked since this government took office three and a half years ago, and for those three and a half years they told you that the reason the country was in the mess it’s in was because the VIP left it in a $30 million hole. Well that was proven to be one of the biggest lies ever, and an act of irresponsible leadership.”

He reiterated that the records are there to show that the NDP government collected $75k on revenue between elections day November 7, 2011 and December 31, 2011, and that the government operations cost for that period was $35 million; therefore there was a $10 million surplus.

“Virgin Gorda and Anegada, 9th District, you are important to us, you are important to the Virgin Islands, for wherever Virgin Gorda goes, so goes the rest of the Virgin Islands. For over 40 years you knew who your leader would be election after election, after election because you believed in that man, a true VIP, our immediate past Chairman, Hon Ralph Tilford O’Neal OBE.”

Cargo Terminal on Priority list for VG under VIP

Hon Fraser made a number of fervent promises to the people of Virgin Gorda and Anegada as he said that his party, ‘VIP’ will ensure that the clinic will be completed, and also build the cargo terminal, “But not where this NDP Government intends to put it. Ladies and gentlemen when I asked the Premier for a site plan indicating the proposed location, he gave me a sheet with a blank space, with nothing there,” he said.

In the best interest of the two sister islands and the territory as a whole, Hon Fraser said that the VIP will address all the vexing issues on the surrounding islands, including North Sound, to the satisfaction of the people of the 9th District.

With tourism being synonymous with Virgin Gorda, as land is with Anegada, residents were assured that the VIP will ensure their consciousness remains on high alert when dealing with those islands. “The people of Anegada must remain assured of my commitment to seeing that the high cost of building materials becomes affordable, and that the lives of the people of Anegada must not necessarily be any harder than that of the people of Virgin Gorda, or Tortola.”

“The VIP must lead the way on our journey through the 21st century, but we must first reverse the trend backwards this NDP government has put us on,” he added.

What sets the VIP apart from all the others?

The VIP will with urgency, Hon Fraser promised, begin to reorganise the education system to ensure that Virgin Islanders are capable of managing the maritime and yachting industries, in partnership with investors and stakeholders.

This he said will entail the establishment of a Maritime and Oceanographic Sciences Curriculum, together with a supporting Maritime Academy, where Virgin Islanders will be trained full time, in all aspects of the maritime industry.

“The VIP will build a new junior high school to address overcrowding, indiscipline, and other issues that impact the education system. The VIP will establish a Ministry of Homeland Security that will umbrella all the government entities protecting our borders,” said Hon Fraser.

He also said the VIP will seek to create a food sufficient economy through a new model of agriculture that builds incentives and efficiencies into the system.

The experienced legislator also said Agriculture in the Virgin Islands is an industry that has not been leveraged effectively over the years as it is an industry capable of creating new businesses that will generate employment opportunities for the people.

21 Responses to “Hon Fraser lays out ‘solid solutions’ for VI”

  • i from here (12/05/2015, 16:57) Like (29) Dislike (12) Reply
    Where the solid plans are ?

    The sister islands were never around when he was the Minister of Communications & Works ?
    • JACK BE STILL (12/05/2015, 19:25) Like (7) Dislike (17) Reply
      NDP silly and cluless let them fly out with the thrushes
    • Scary Mary (13/05/2015, 10:48) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      What I'd like to know is where are the manifestos? I have searched the internet and can't find them. There has been so little in the way of any real information out there, that I am becoming desperate to find any solid info regarding what each of the political parties has planned should they win!

      I am glad to hear that the VIP has (for the time being) refrained from any further mud slinging, but where's the beef? This is basically just a story about how the VIP plans to do a few things. Where is the whole plan for the next four years?

      I am amazed there is so little information available to voters from ALL the parties. Where are the manifestos? Where are the websites? A search on Google produced results from 2011. The election is in 26 days man! This isn't a popularity contest. TELL US EXACTLY WHAT YOUR PLANS ARE please. And yes, I am yelling! Do you really expect us to vote based on popularity or some vague promises with no details?

      We NEED information.
    • Scary Mary (13/05/2015, 10:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      What I'd like to know is where are the manifestos? I have searched the internet and can't find them. There has been so little in the way of any real information out there, that I am becoming desperate to find any solid info regarding what each of the political parties has planned should they win!

      I am glad to hear that the VIP has (for the time being) refrained from any further mud slinging, but where's the beef? This is basically just a story about how the VIP plans to do a few things. Where is the whole plan for the next four years?

      I am amazed there is so little information available to voters from ALL the parties. Where are the manifestos? Where are the websites? A search on Google produced results from 2011. The election is in 26 days man! This isn't a popularity contest. TELL US EXACTLY WHAT YOUR PLANS ARE please. And yes, I am yelling! Do you really expect us to vote based on popularity or some vague promises with no details?

      We NEED information.
    • Scary Mary (13/05/2015, 10:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What I'd like to know is where are the manifestos? I have searched the internet and can't find them. There has been so little in the way of any real information out there, that I am becoming desperate to find any solid info regarding what each of the political parties has planned should they win!

      I am glad to hear that the VIP has (for the time being) refrained from any further mud slinging, but where's the beef? This is basically just a story about how the VIP plans to do a few things. Where is the whole plan for the next four years?

      I am amazed there is so little information available to voters from ALL the parties. Where are the manifestos? Where are the websites? A search on Google produced results from 2011. The election is in 26 days man! This isn't a popularity contest. TELL US EXACTLY WHAT YOUR PLANS ARE please. And yes, I am yelling! Do you really expect us to vote based on popularity or some vague promises with no details?

      We NEED information.
  • Lord o (12/05/2015, 17:26) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
    WOW! Frazer appear--Tell the people Frazer why you think you are a better leader than Dr. Smith.
  • ... (12/05/2015, 17:36) Like (12) Dislike (28) Reply
    Ndp is the empty party cant run on dem record
  • facts man (12/05/2015, 18:49) Like (26) Dislike (22) Reply
    VIP has always been he party of ideas and solutions while NDP the party of lies and for the rich
    • Yes (12/05/2015, 19:27) Like (17) Dislike (8) Reply
      Yep. Vip is the poor party especially with their poor district 4 candidate lol
      • ooooo (12/05/2015, 23:00) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
        she didn't get rich overnight like that one did shortly after last election
  • Don't worry (12/05/2015, 19:20) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    This is the calm before the storm. We will vote for change. A still tongue is a wise tongue What your tongue exercise your rights. Vote for change.
  • ooooo (12/05/2015, 19:25) Like (17) Dislike (11) Reply
    i prefer fraser as premier rather than mark or myron when smith and pickering lose
  • Solid? (12/05/2015, 21:39) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Is completing the clinic and giving false hope regarding a cargo terminal solid solutions?
  • Dr Strange (12/05/2015, 23:18) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    "I have also asked God for the courage to change the things I can, so winning this election has become my mandate", Fraser said. In other words...Mr Fraser believes God will help him win this election. And to that I say, "God help us all".

  • VG (13/05/2015, 01:05) Like (6) Dislike (8) Reply
    Vip all the way
  • Kingfish (13/05/2015, 01:29) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
    I'm no big Fraser fan but please, PLEASE! Olando Smith is a complete waste of damn time, A REAL WASTE! He was better when he was saving my sick mother life
  • zone 9 (13/05/2015, 02:03) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    I am afraid of NDP getting in again as we the people will love for Fraser the Liberator to become Premier. The NDP and some of their supporters seem to be on a huge ego trip.. 3 years plus of it is enough.
  • ndp laughable (13/05/2015, 02:07) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    That really the NDP had at the market speaking evil and disrespect was testament as to why the NDP must go!. Pure ignorance, hate and nothing of substance. What will NDP do if re-elected? why are they not running on their record but talking about Fraser?
  • ABC (13/05/2015, 03:45) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    Fraser is just the man we need bottom line
  • Hmmmm (13/05/2015, 10:01) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Some of you out there trying to tear fraser apart please don't judge the book by its cover I believe that fraser is a good man and he will be there for the people don't worry with the haters fraser the will get over there bad and selfish ways God is in the midst there is change coming to the bvi and nobody can stop it
  • Scary Mary (13/05/2015, 10:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What I'd like to know is where are the manifestos? I have searched the internet and can't find them. There has been so little in the way of any real information out there, that I am becoming desperate to find any solid info regarding what each of the political parties has planned should they win!

    I am glad to hear that the VIP has (for the time being) refrained from any further mud slinging, but where's the beef? This is basically just a story about how the VIP plans to do a few things. Where is the whole plan for the next four years?

    I am amazed there is so little information available to voters from ALL the parties. Where are the manifestos? Where are the websites? A search on Google produced results from 2011. The election is in 26 days man! This isn't a popularity contest. TELL US EXACTLY WHAT YOUR PLANS ARE please. And yes, I am yelling! Do you really expect us to vote based on popularity or some vague promises with no details?

    We NEED information.

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