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Hon Fraser: Grenada will send ‘wrong message’ if reparations taken on current terms

- said funds should to go towards establishment of a committee for Reparations
Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) has said the £100,000 in reparations expected to be given to Grenada by the aristocrat Trevelyan family, towards the establishment of a community fund for economic development, is a misdirection and speaks to insensitivity. Photo: Facebook/File
Laura Trevelyan (left) explores a former slave plantation on Grenada during her visit in 2022. Photo: BBC News
Laura Trevelyan (left) explores a former slave plantation on Grenada during her visit in 2022. Photo: BBC News
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- Leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) has said the £100,000 in reparations expected to be given to Grenada by the aristocrat Trevelyan family, towards the establishment of a community fund for economic development, is a misdirection and speaks to insensitivity.

Honourable Fraser recently shared his opinion with Virgin Islands News Online (VINO), noting that if the Grenadians accept this offer from the wealthy British family on these terms, they will be sending the wrong message and cheapen the initial cause.

The Opposition Leader noted; however, that it would be more meaningful for the funds to go towards the establishment of a committee for Reparations instead.

“For us in the Virgin Islands, the National Sustainable Development Plan recommends three significant steps towards the fight for Reparations... First, it recognises the construct of Reparations; second, they recommend that there be regular lectures on Reparatory justice; and third, they recommend that a reparations committee be established”, he said.

A voice for reparations

Hon Fraser added that it would also be important for BBC reporter, Laura Trevelyan, who is a member of the wealthy UK family, to dedicate herself to the committee in the fight for Reparations.

“Her voice will go much much further than the £100,000. I have made representation regarding the preparation for this eventuality to the Constitutional Review Commission”, he noted.

Following a visit to Grenada last year, Ms Trevelyan made a promise for seven members of her family to return to the island later this month to issue a public apology.

She had expressed shock after learning that her family who reportedly owned over 1000 slaves in the 19th century was compensated by the United Kingdom (UK) government when slavery was abolished, while the slaves did not receive anything.

Ms Trevelyan said while the payment seem inadequate, her hope was to set an example by apologising for the actions of her ancestors.

We cannot go into the fight 'on our knees'- Hon Fraser

Honorable Fraser made the call for this issue to be addressed soonest.

“We must not go into the fight for Reparations on our knees, for people might think we’re looking for a hand up.

"Slavery has been abolished almost 200 years ago and this debate is just now getting started, and it’s not going away. The sooner it is addressed in earnest, the better for those responsible for the transgressions. Israel survived despite all odds because they refused to stoop”, the Opposition Leader said.

See related article:

Wealthy British family to pay reparations to Grenada

26 Responses to “Hon Fraser: Grenada will send ‘wrong message’ if reparations taken on current terms”

  • Forbidden Truth (09/02/2023, 07:39) Like (25) Dislike (7) Reply
    Grenada message is for Grenada.
    • :( (09/02/2023, 09:13) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      • Loose mouth (09/02/2023, 18:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        I strongly believe that the persons who were brought here from West Africa to work on the plantations of the white the Europeans should be given reparation. However, what about reparation for the true ideginous people of these Islands?.
        • hmm (09/02/2023, 21:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Indigenous people were repatriated lol. Friend the Caribs was killed by the French, they were not repatriated. Ah go laugh BVI again.
        • @loose mouth (10/02/2023, 15:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Who would these indigenous people be? As history records, the Tainos that settled these lands were mutilated by the Spanish colony of Puerto Rico as they sought control of the copper mine on Virgin Gorga. Now if you can unearth a Taino gravesite, collect a DNA sample and match it to someone on these islands, you can talk about reparations for the true indigenous people. Until then, the West Africans are the claim holders of these lands and are very much entitled to retributions and much more.
    • hmm (09/02/2023, 21:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Fraser need to mind his business and stop mis leading BVI people.
      Please read the article.

      it is between a UK private descendent of slave owners and their 1,000 plantation slaves
    • cream (10/02/2023, 08:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I had a suit like that in 1973. Never had the Micky Mouse hair though.
  • lodger (09/02/2023, 07:42) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    The committee will absorb the $100k very quickly, and nothing meaningful will be done. Those advocating reparations seem to think it will come down to individual cash handouts. No way is that going to happen. What families can trace a poverty line right back to the ending of slavery? If you have a house, a job, education etc where are you hurting?
  • Picko (09/02/2023, 07:53) Like (7) Dislike (13) Reply
    the whites know that they can fool some blacks with a few dollars
    • @Picko (10/02/2023, 08:53) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      It’s a bit early in the morning for yiu to be so racist against white ppl. Ease yourself into it. By lunchtime you should be ready for full blown bigotry and by dinner you could be full Malcolm X.
  • DEDE (09/02/2023, 08:13) Like (24) Dislike (6) Reply
    No pleasing some people. Fraser jus like moaning about race to make noise.
  • Rubber Duck (09/02/2023, 08:29) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    It must seem like a small amount to those who have had many millions out of the BVI treasury to spend as they like.
  • Free slave (09/02/2023, 08:44) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    Fraser is right. £100,000 is no money for a whole 2 generations of poverty.
    £100,000,000 seems more like it.
  • Roundaboutstoplight (09/02/2023, 08:58) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply

    Excuse me kind sir, worry about the problems in your district and in your community and in your country. Certainly plenty to be concerned about right here, pick your poison. For example why the people in your district keep re-electing you and there is little done to develop their community.

    Give it a %*****% rest!

  • Mrs Tubman (09/02/2023, 09:05) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fraser please mind your business and keep out of grown folk business
    This is a negotiation between a private citizen of the UK and a private citizen in Grenada and you are not a Solicitor for neither one.
  • good idea (09/02/2023, 09:47) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
  • barber (09/02/2023, 10:04) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tick tock, I'm still waiting....
  • Real (09/02/2023, 10:23) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Even if bvi get repartriation the people wont get nothing becuase they gone use the money tender off to something. Unless if eveybody get a cut but if the government receive the money we got nothing
  • Jojo (09/02/2023, 11:05) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anything for publicity - no matter what is Said, just get my name and photo in the papers as often as possible - this is election time you know
  • what (09/02/2023, 11:16) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    you cant handle business in ur own country but wanna have an opinion on what another country should or shouldnt do....sir, mind the business that pays you.
  • GHOSTBUSTER ON THE LOOSE (09/02/2023, 12:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's election time so he just want to make it look like he in tune with things , you cannot even keep your house in order but you want tell them ( island people ) how to conduct their business , in their own country . Only you alone got brains ,? why didn't you tell your X buddy , Andy how he should of put the interest of the bvi people and their COUNTRY FIRST , am sure those grenadians are more than competent enough to handle their own affairs / leave the island people alone and clean up your own back yard and the 3rd district with n the same energy you had with the horse track SENERIO . Mutumbo
  • Are these people for real? (09/02/2023, 19:20) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    So that's like 100 pounds per slave? Get the heck out of here. A million for each slave isn't even enough. For peace sake, go back to the UK. What an insult!!!!!
  • Freedslave (09/02/2023, 20:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does reparation mean going back to West Africa the ancestral land of our Forefathers or does it mean dollars and cents?.
  • Nah (09/02/2023, 20:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did anyone from grenada ask for you all opinion? This country more issues than grenada. Stop ✋️
  • for real (10/02/2023, 10:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    At the end of the day it is better than nothing at all. Grenada is a independent state and they are getting something. The BVI is a British overseas territory and they are getting nothing but being boss around. So what is Mr Frazer point?

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