Hon Fraser calls for thorough investigation into unassented bills
Hon Fraser laid down the gauntlet to the Andrew A. Fahie (R1) administration at yesterday's, August 16, 2021, Question and Answer segment of the Eleventh Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth HoA at the Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom, Tortola.
Bills yet to be assented to, according to the Premier, include The VI Cannabis Licensing Act, 2020, which was passed on June 30, 2020 and sent to the Governor's Office on July 27, 2020; and, the Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) (Amendment) Act, 2020, which was passed on July 2, 2020 and sent to Governor's Office on July 27, 2020.
Premier Fahie also indicated that the Disaster Management (Amendment) Act has also not been assented to and that the reason given is the bill infringes on the constitutional responsibility of the Governor.
Bill Hold-Up under probed - Premier Fahie
Premer Fahie said while the UK Foreign Secretary has since indicated the reasons why the two other bills have not been passed, the matter is still under debate.
However, on the request of Hon Fraser (R1), Premier Fhaie said his team will be looking into any past bills that have not been assented to under the VIP Government or Governments before.
Premier Fahie reminded that before bills are passed in the House, they are vetted by the Attorney General to ensure they are legally sound, so a green light can be given in terms of the bill not violating laws.
The Premier promised to return at a future sitting with more details on a full list of bills that have passed in the HoA and have been denied assent by the Governor.
He said while the number of unassented bills under the VIP administration is 3, there could be more unassented bills from past administrations.
12 Responses to “Hon Fraser calls for thorough investigation into unassented bills”
And you know he's at home in the mirror every morning saying....I am KILLING 'em with this new look! :)
Moreover, under the VI constitution (2007), every four years, voters go to polls to elect 13 members( 9 District Reps , 4 At Large) to the HOA to represent them, including passing bills. Bills passed by the people’s representatives in the duly elected HOA should be assented as bills are always assented to in the UK. In this instance, what is good for the UK should be good for the VI. Personal beliefs or desires should not trump the wishes of the majority of the people in a democracy. In a parliamentary democracy typically only a simple majority of members present and voting yes is all that is needed to pass a bill. Though some may claim that a simple majority may not be the will of the people, this is the process under the current system. Perhaps during the next constitutional review requiring a supermajority for non-emergency bills a 120 days before an election could be explored. This will also require a date certain for election as the UK has.
In regards to assenting to or not assenting to bills, the Governor seems to have supreme and ultimate power to thwart the will of the HOA and the people. A process is needed to seek redress to the Governor’s refusal to assent bills. Another item for the next constitutional review.
There must have been reasons for the Governor's action which i believe was clearly communicated to the House. The Governor will sign when he is good and ready, and the necessary approval is received from the UK.
Note: Fartbook, not a misprint.
Frazier on the opposition and is speaking for the people to get these laws assented.