Hon Fahie wants additional day for Carrot Bay festivities
According to Hon Fahie, the extra day he is advocating for was actually removed from the calendar by the National Democratic Party (NDP) administration.
The Member of the Opposition and senior Virgin Islands Party (VIP) member made the point while delivering some impromptu remarks at the opening ceremony of the Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta on August 4, 2016.
Another gentleman had spoken in Hon Fahie’s place since he felt Hon Fahie would not have returned from his travels on time. However, when the opening ceremony took some three hours to start Hon Fahie was right on time to speak before the entertainment leg kicked in.
Harken to the voice of the people
Hon Fahie called on the NDP government to harken to the voice of the people and return the “third day” to the Carrot Bay Cultural Fiesta that was removed in a recent decision by government.
“We know that next year, God’s willing, the festival committee and the minister will give us back the day so that we can make sure that we do more cultural activities,” he said.
Hon Fahie added that if the Minister responsible for Culture in the VI does not listen then the people will make him listen.
“I know that I can speak for myself, and the Minister will listen and he will hear, and if he doesn’t listen to us, when the people speak, he will listen.”
The third and final part of the VI Emancipation Festival is usually held in the western community of Carrot Bay, which has been referred to as being the most cultural part of the festivities. However, this year, apart from the one day cut, things took a downward spiral and the usual cultural displays and performances were absent, while the inclement weather did nothing to help.
21 Responses to “Hon Fahie wants additional day for Carrot Bay festivities”
There was no need to request an additional day because it was always three days. People just hating because CC bring the crowd. Myron too nuff wid himself and WOTLESS!!!!!
We continue to say our people are not qualified for certain positions. Why not look into training our young people to fill the void?