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Hon Fahie not commenting on reports of 'joining' NDP

- said he is collaborating with Gov't on First District & national issues
Representative for the First District Honourable Andrew A. Fahie last week held a series of discussions with Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn with regards to issues of concern not only to the First District but to the entire territory. Photo: Provided
However Honourable Fahie declined to respond to speculation that he was ‘joining forces’ with the NDP Government by seeking to collaborate on projects. Photo: Provided
However Honourable Fahie declined to respond to speculation that he was ‘joining forces’ with the NDP Government by seeking to collaborate on projects. Photo: Provided
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Representative for the First District Honourable Andrew A. Fahie last week held a series of discussions with Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn with regards to issues of concern not only to the First District but to the entire territory.

However, this was amidst brewing speculation that because of his issues within the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) he was seeking a closer collaboration with the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) Government.

Honourable Fahie has a very public tiff with Chairman of the VIP Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) regarding the position of Leader of the Opposition in the House of Assembly.

Honourable Fraser was eventually selected by Governor John S. Duncan OBE after they failed to come to a decision among themselves on the issue.

“As directed by my First District Committee and the people of the First District to concentrate on areas that will unite us as a people in an effort to develop the First District and the entire Virgin Islands in a respectful and effective manner without compromising transparency and accountability, I met with the Minister for Education [and Culture] as well as other Government Officials,” said Honourable Fahie in a statement to the media.

However, Honourable Fahie declined to respond to speculation that he was ‘joining forces’ with the Government by seeking to collaborate on projects. He also declined to respond to allegations that he was a sell-out.

“The agenda of the meeting with the Minister for Education and Culture focused on matters pertaining to the First District as well as other national issues for which the subjects discussed falls directly under the Minister for Education and Culture and his Ministry's duties and responsibilities,” said Honourable Fahie.

“I am humbled and thankful to God and the people of the First District for electing me and re-electing me to now be serving for the 5th consecutive term. In this respect I must now put the events of the recent General Elections aside and respectfully move forward to represent my people of the First District and the people of the entire Virgin Islands with honour,” he said.

“This responsibility I do not take lightly. For this reason I do not have to fight anyone for power because power has already been given to me again and again by God through the people of the First District."

Hon Fahie said he was cognizant that he must respect his employers’ continuous confidence in him and carry out his duties at all times in a manner where he is always steadfast in purpose and diligent in actions.

“I know that I cannot get everything I want for my First District people but I will continue to respectfully champion their cause to at least get what they need. Likewise I intend to exert the same desire and efforts for the people of the entire Virgin Islands without compromising my duties as an elected official especially in my current capacity as a Member of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition to ensure transparency, accountability, value for money, and policies and laws in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands,” he said.

Noting that the contents of the meeting as well as all other such meetings will be released in the not too distant future, he said, “Together we will always achieve more thereby ensuring that these Virgin Islands move to excellence and beyond.”

27 Responses to “Hon Fahie not commenting on reports of 'joining' NDP”

  • vip soldier (24/08/2015, 16:33) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    Leh he cart he confusion rarm.
    • chad (24/08/2015, 22:45) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
      pleasr hon fahie join the ndp.. forward ever backwards never again..boom!
  • @$$licah (24/08/2015, 16:40) Like (15) Dislike (15) Reply
    He kissing up now?
  • Zion Hill (24/08/2015, 16:55) Like (13) Dislike (15) Reply
    It will be the ticket to the next vip victory if he goes with funny man and he crew
  • long bay (24/08/2015, 17:24) Like (18) Dislike (9) Reply
    Preston for 1st. District VIP
    • @long bay (25/08/2015, 11:25) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      You obviously are from any where else except the First District. Also this is larger than you have it. Anyone worth their salt will never sit down and allow a dictator and his gang carry a political party down the wrong road even if they are not the leader.
  • Noway (24/08/2015, 17:33) Like (10) Dislike (17) Reply
    It would have a negative effect on NDP..Andrew and Fraser are damaged goods. Their character has been on public display and the at large population is not impressed. They are both disappointments
  • what a glorious day that will be (24/08/2015, 17:48) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    He better walk with all those who signed the letter.
    • ... (24/08/2015, 18:45) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      Who wants zoe and maynard strupppsss
      • who is good (01/09/2015, 21:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Zoe and Maynard are good people. what is a bad person? One who acts selfishly, stubbornly, greedily , unfairly, and with hate. I don't think these two good ladies fit that description
  • wize up (24/08/2015, 18:27) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    fahie has nothing to gain Political by becoming an affiliate of the NDP; he won't get any ministry position under NDP
    • cold day in hell (24/08/2015, 20:20) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      Myron will be premier and he will be minister of education.
      • wize up (25/08/2015, 05:29) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ cold day in hell: what is the difference between having Fraser or Myron as premier; the 2 of them have inflated egos: only persons in their circle of friends will prosper in the territory (ting 2 tell the king)
  • Scary Mary (24/08/2015, 18:36) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Should Andrew cross the floor, it will be the last nail in his political casket. If he thinks for one minute that the people of the first elected him to cross the floor, he will soon find himself in the same position as Alvin.

    Noting that the contents of the meeting as well as all other such meetings will be released in the not too distant future, he said, “Together we will always achieve more thereby ensuring that these Virgin Islands move to excellence and beyond.”

    I am guessing the results of his discussions with the NDP will be revealed shortly after September 2. Hedging our bets are we Andrew?
  • So what (24/08/2015, 19:14) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    After all with one nation at stake aren't we all on the same team here?
  • vex (24/08/2015, 20:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is there still so much silence on this matter fro the powers that be? The lack of action always give rise to new standards.
  • yea (24/08/2015, 20:59) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply

    This is a distortion, he is the largest VIP Vote getter for a district. Andrews move would prove a complete dismantling of the Virgin Islands Party. The Ch&$#man needs to stop acting like a spoiled little child and pay people who worked for the election. This is soo obvious mental midgets tricks are for kids!!!

  • bvi (24/08/2015, 21:39) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    The VIP is dead and Andrew realizes this. That party would never be resuscitated. If I was Andrew, I was bailing out as well
  • dog (24/08/2015, 23:28) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    since when is reaching across the isle to get things done a stupid move? Only the petty sit in the corner and pout.
    If we get a new ferry dock, is it because of NDP or Andrew working to get a good deal?. Are schools going to improve because of NDP or because of an advocate asking? If other representatives stood up to work for their districts we would be farther along by NOT fighting with NDP but working together. I am not an Andrew fan but he is doing this right in my opinion. And if there ARE other candidates in the first, where are they and why aren't they more visible and involved? People want to get to know them.
  • wize up (25/08/2015, 05:35) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    fahie needs to start the much needed third poltical party because VIP is under is a lame duck:
    • Wellmehboy (25/08/2015, 10:06) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply

      Lavity had a VIP Party and them can't advance this party. Them aint want Fraser, saying he coarse like a razor; them can't see it's time for a NVIP? There are people who can revive it, but it is certainly not Dancia, Fraser or Andrew. So you see, when the fullness of time is come, the new leaders of the party will emerge. Not Zoe, Maynard, Rosan and Sherrie, so the only one in good standing is Karlie. Andrew and Fraser wouldn't want him at the helm, so Karlie has to find a good team of candidates -- not Far**a, either. He only want to be Premier and when there are events at the Cultural Centre, he cheering for St. Kitts -- when it comes to the loyalty of our country, he is not a Virgin Islander. So Karlie stands alone..

      • @wellmehboy (25/08/2015, 11:21) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        You dam lie. You just hate Fahie and that's the bottom line. He is more a leader than all of them but he will also stand back to allow someone else to lead that will unite the party rather than what some are trying to do now. Plus Fahie never chaired for St. Kitts over BVI you liar. Some of you just make the dog sick.
  • thrushy (25/08/2015, 10:13) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    Andrew, it looks like you have a mouth full of your own vomit! Hahahahaha you have to sit and now want to work with the same people you labeled without any proof, the most corrupt!

    Oh the lesson you have learned my friend. You are so disrespectful!
  • Who to believe (25/08/2015, 10:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This ain't wa the other news site saying tho... Trying say vino instigating...
  • wize up (25/08/2015, 11:00) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    the young man should give consideration to forming his own political party; he as leader with all the others that signed the letter to the Governor as his candidate: a good name for the party will T.U.P( traitors united party)....
  • good move (01/09/2015, 21:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fahie joining NDP is a good, wise, visionary and progressive move. good for BVI future. We really need a good minister in health and labour. Fahie will be better than either one.

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