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Hon Fahie gives Dr Smith 7 days to show how CDB loan will be spent

Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (AL) has been asked by Leader of the Opposition Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) to show how the $65M Caribbean Development Bank loan will be spent. Photo: VINO
Opposition Leader Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) continues to call out the National Democratic Party Government for its lack of transparency and accountability. Photo: VINO
Opposition Leader Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) continues to call out the National Democratic Party Government for its lack of transparency and accountability. Photo: VINO
CAPOON’S BAY, Tortola, VI- Leader of the Opposition and Representative for the First District, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie is once again calling on the Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) led government to be transparent and accountable with the territory’s purse.

“I am calling on the Minister of Finance and I demand that within seven days he give a detailed breakdown of how the $65 million loan from CDB will be spent! How it will be monitored! And give us the names of each of the members on the Board who will be charged with monitoring the Fund,” Hon Fahie said yesterday January 21, 2018 while addressing his constituency at the First District Annual Report, held at the Capoon’s Bay Recreation Ground.

This gives the Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr Smith, a remaining six days to answer the call of the Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) consented to the loan of 65 million dollars mid- December 2017 which is to aid in the recovery process.

The United Kingdom stipulated the formation of a Independent Recovery Agency Board that will manage all recovery funds. The members of the Board are yet to be published.

However, as Honourable Fahie also mentioned, the National Democratic Party (NDP) government does not have a good track record of being transparent and accountable. According to him, it was on “Tuesday the 1st of August 2017 at the Ninth Sitting of the Second Session of the Third House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands – that I sought to move a motion of No-Confidence in the Minister of Finance.”

The motion was not seconded, not even by the other opposition member, and hence was not introduced.

Honourable Fahie explained that the reason for the No-Confidence vote was to secure better financial management of the people’s money and that it was based on The Virgin Islands Constitution Order 2007, Public Finance Management Act, 2004 (no. 2 of 2004), Public Finance Management Regulations, 2005, Protocols for Effective Financial Management, Public Finance Management Amendment act 2012, all of which were implemented by the NDP government.

28 Responses to “Hon Fahie gives Dr Smith 7 days to show how CDB loan will be spent”

  • Reply (22/01/2018, 17:12) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Demand? Lol. Thats funny.
  • NezRez (22/01/2018, 17:18) Like (13) Dislike (26) Reply
    The problem I have with Fahie is he always jumps on the bandwagon to attack someone, but never gives a solution to the problem. I will like him to tell us what he will do different to get our votes. I am not impressed with yelling and finger pointing when he himself hasn’t shown himself to be the next Premier . Since VIP lost the election, he along with his cronies have done nothing but badmouth NDP. Willock to me has been the only one to give many good solutions. The only major improvements are the hospital, airport and track for the children to hold races. But this is only my opinion.
    • @NezRez (22/01/2018, 18:08) Like (20) Dislike (12) Reply
      You right boo just your opinion. And if you ask me it is a useless one. All you pussyfooting with the ndp administration too long why we all up shitstreet. Time to demand transparency, accountability we the people demand they ndp all vacate office. Enough with the eloquent empty speeches hot air act like they have sense progress. Any body give them 1 more vote next election gotta be living in mars. This is only my opinion.
  • FIRE (22/01/2018, 17:24) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is gettin hot !!!
  • tola (22/01/2018, 17:39) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    He not going do it
  • wize up (22/01/2018, 17:43) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Money and crime goes to gather some of us calls white collar crime: the rest of us goes jail for a 1.00(one dollar) or a 10 ten bag of “home-grown”...almost 100 million and noting what a place chocolate city talking about road town
    • @wize up (23/01/2018, 06:55) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Crime is crime white or not, a $1.00 or a $ 10 bag of "home grown" as you put it. We may not always agree but if our laws says something is illegal and we are found to be in violation then it is a crime. You highlighted the iproblem though, we allow it to grow in its "weed" stage and when it becomes a tree we fight to cut it down. Then it is according to whose yard the tree is in.
  • wize up (22/01/2018, 17:56) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    One thing about Fahie: he is very focused on money!!!!!
  • dude (22/01/2018, 18:16) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    The gov works for the people so we can demand, and accountability is it's own solution. If we sit here and think we need others to find solutions for us it means that we admit we can't solve our own problems. That is slave mentality we are no longer slaves.
  • tretretrete (22/01/2018, 20:23) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    This $65 million loan is going to be used as campaign money and we the people still have to pay it back.
  • Bvi weak (22/01/2018, 21:32) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
    Why should I vote? Both parties are the same
  • tola (22/01/2018, 22:34) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    I with Fahie a 100% enough is enough with these NDP crocks THAT MY option
  • LISTEN UP (22/01/2018, 23:55) Like (1) Dislike (31) Reply
    Andrew, in the name of sound reasoning, stop making your self a poppy show and reminding the territory that VIP is non existent. Non existent, in part because of your existence
    Blowing hot air, idle threats and questionable accusations undermines your character and the viability of a sound VIP party.
    • Reply (23/01/2018, 08:23) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Dr Smith and his advisers seem not to understand how everything is interconnected
    • To Listen up (23/01/2018, 08:25) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
      Everyone with sense knows what Fahie is saying is true so you go hide under a rock. The blatant corruption must stop and stop now.
    • To Listen up (23/01/2018, 08:57) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Crooks (23/01/2018, 07:58) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    A Crook knows the game of his kind. Take Fahie serious. Fahie knows what he is doing..He knows why he wants these answers. There are a lot of new / fake / bad intent companies been set up by powerful people with bad intentions..
  • The fact (23/01/2018, 08:56) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whether one likes Fahie or not, the man is correct. The people must be given a detailed breakdown of how every dime of the $65 million loan will be spent and repaid. The NDP would have had to give the bank this information to get the loan so we the people need to see it now.
    • ReXFeral (25/01/2018, 06:21) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      That 65 million is NOT tax payers money but tax payers will pay it back. Orlando is not going to break down anything but the lives of "some" bvislander and prop up "some" and rich white people. Yes I went what? It's real but someone have to keep the heat on.
  • EL oh El (23/01/2018, 12:26) Like (1) Dislike (10) Reply
    How you going tell a man what to do when you can’t even tell your own team what to do lmao joker mehboi
    • To Em oh El (23/01/2018, 14:49) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Stop talking make up foolishness. The people have to pay back that $65 million loan and we have a right to know in detail what it is being borrowed to do. So talk things with sense and not out of hatred.
  • Diplomat (23/01/2018, 20:35) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Agree that there must be transparency and accountability for the planned expense of the Caribbean Development Bank loan. The money should be spent for its intended purpose and a list of projects that it will be spent on published. Nonetheless, what if government does not respond in 7 days, what will the Opposition do? Will they shut the government down? No. What can continue to do is to expose poor governance, wrong doings, lack of transparency and accountability............etc.
  • Not2Sure (23/01/2018, 21:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Smith has already served, so step away now
  • liberal (24/01/2018, 00:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mehson, we will wait and see what kind of answer he's gonna present to the house
  • Len (24/01/2018, 08:15) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Like Fahie or hate him..this i'll say. If you ever need assistance and Fahie is in the position to assist you he will do so and i'm speaking from experience. Fahie has ALWAYS have the interest of the BVI at heart and would continue to fight to make the BVI a better place for us all. Leadership comes with critiques, accountability among other things and Fahie isn't afraid of such. The BVI should be proud to have someone (looks like the only opposition at this juncture) looking out for their own interests.
  • So is life (26/01/2018, 03:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Im 15 years old, so i can't legally drive. My family doesn't have a car so i have to find my way to school everyday. While catching a ride to school i see a lot of politicians. Kedrick Pickering, Orlando, Skelton, just to name a few. None of them ever stop. But Andrew is a generous man he only ever passed me once and thats because his car is full of people.
    Why do the rich have to be do heartless. They want the upcoming generation to be great but they refuse to help us do so. When i am of age to vote ANDREW FAHIE all the way. Because really and truly believe that education is this key ans if it wasn't we wouldn't be here talking about money. By the way do they plan to start working on ESHS #whyismyronminister?

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