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Hon Fahie denied leave from 5th, 6th & future HoA Sittings- Speaker

-Hon Corine N. George-Massicote decision takes into account Hon Fahie's US court trial was moved to January 2023 @ his request
Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly Speaker, Hon Corine N. George-Massicote has denied ex-Premier, Andrew A. Fahie (R1) leave of absence from the House of Assembly for the current Fifth sitting along with the next sixth and future sittings of the House under his current bail condition in the United States. Photo: HoA/Youtube
The HoA speaker said in recent days, there has been considerable public interest as to whether leave should be or has been granted to the Hon Fahie Andrew A. Fahie with reference to the ongoing criminal proceedings in the US. Photo: GIS/Facebook
The HoA speaker said in recent days, there has been considerable public interest as to whether leave should be or has been granted to the Hon Fahie Andrew A. Fahie with reference to the ongoing criminal proceedings in the US. Photo: GIS/Facebook
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly Speaker, Hon Corine N. George-Massicote has denied ex-Premier, Andrew A. Fahie (R1) Leave of Absence from the House of Assembly (HoA) for the current Fifth Sitting, along with the Sixth and future Sittings of the House under his current bail condition in the United States.

The Speaker revealed her decision today, July 19, 2022, in an address during the Fifth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom, Tortola.

Key Points
-Speaker says Absence from three consecutive in any one session sitting without Speaker’s approval means the member must vacate seat according to standing orders
-Previous Leave of Absence was granted given US Court Trial was set to commence in July 2022
-Speaker takes note that Hon Fahie’s US Court trial was moved to January 2023 at his request
-Speaker says it is not in the public interest for 1st District Representative to be absent for 5-6 Months
-Hon Fahie may have to vacate seat unless US bail conditions change & he can return to attend HoA sittings

Speaker George-Massicote in a statement to the house said, “I wish to indicate that the Member for the First District, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie has provided notice of his absence today. In this light, I make a statement in relation to the Honourable Member,” the speaker told Members of the HoA.

She said in recent days, there has been considerable public interest as to whether leave should be or has been granted to Hon Fahie with reference to the ongoing criminal proceedings in the USA.

“I felt that it would have been inappropriate for me to make a public comment on this matter and thought it fitting to address this to the House and clarify the matter, as it concerns the House,” she said. 

First leave of absence granted on condition it would be temporary- Speaker 

The speaker revealed that on June 23, 2022, Hon Fahie had provided written notice of his absence from the HoA, while identifying the terms of his bail condition in the US as preventing him from attending. 

Quoting the Standing Orders, the Speaker said that Members should alert the Speaker as early as possible of their inability to attend.

“In my view, there are two limbs to this obligation. A member should give notice of his/her absence to the Speaker in advance of the meeting and (2.) A member should provide the Speaker with an explanation of those circumstances which prevent his/her attendance,” she added.

The Speaker revealed that in the first instance, she was satisfied that the Member gives notice as required and provided circumstances which prevented his attendance, as such, she granted leave for the Fourth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly, given the leave appeared to be temporary as Hon Fahie's US court case was set to commence on July 18, 2022.

No time frame for return given in the latest HoA application- Speaker   

She said, however, with the case moved to January 2023, a decision for Leave for the Fifth and Sixth Sittings had been subject to scrutiny, given they were new applications and that Hon Fahie also did not provide a time frame for his return.

The Speaker added, “I must note a request made on his behalf to have his trial traversed to January 2023, if the Member was within the territory and facing the same circumstances then leave would be irrelevant.”

The Speaker added that since Hon Fahie is not in the VI, he will be unable to attend Sittings and fulfil his duties as a Member of the House over the next 5-6 months.

“This, in my view, is not in the public’s interest,” she added.

Current & future leave of absence denied 

Speaker George-Massicote, in revealing her decision for the two Sittings, detailed: “I am minded not to grant leave to the Honourable for this Sitting, or any subsequent Sittings for such time as the circumstances of his non-attendance remains the same,” she said.  

The Speaker said that as per the Standing Orders, members who fail to attend sittings to the HoA without an approved notice of absence would have to vacate their seat after three consecutive absences in any one session.

18 Responses to “Hon Fahie denied leave from 5th, 6th & future HoA Sittings- Speaker”

  • Time to wise up Fahie.. (19/07/2022, 21:16) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mr. Fahie time to start talk and cooperating, help yourself, by now you know they don't care about you, every man trying to safe themselve..U better wise up and do the same and get a 10 yrs release in 5 for good behaviour instead of trying to be loyal and end up spending 30 yrs inside.
  • The LAW! (19/07/2022, 21:24) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    Let it go Hon.Andrew Fahie.
    Under the BVI Constitution, "you belong to the Virgin Islands". You from HERE
    The VI is not your property.
    The 1st District is not your property.
    Let it go.
    • Peaches (21/07/2022, 10:35) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      Exactly!! Andrew has no shame. Why would he still want to have a say in what is going on in the VI. He has so much on his plate. He should be ashamed.
  • ccc (19/07/2022, 21:33) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply
    Look how she treating the Bronx bummer
  • help me understand this (19/07/2022, 22:23) Like (16) Dislike (8) Reply
    so can someone please let me know if Mr. Faihe is still on the government payroll as district 1 rep ? or on the payroll for being a government minister...i mean, everyone keeps referring to him as hon faihe, so one has to assume he is still an hon minister and therefore still on the gov payroll

    anyone know the true answer to that pls ?
  • ... (19/07/2022, 22:36) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    west side got the drew everything deh
  • Tasty (19/07/2022, 22:41) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    Who is Government Official No 1.
    • Rubber Duck (20/07/2022, 04:20) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      Weall know who he is.

      Why is he still in his job is the question.
    • @Tasty (20/07/2022, 09:22) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      We all know who it is. When will they get him out the government office? Is the correct question.

      That's all I am waiting for...and it WILL happen
  • WOW (19/07/2022, 22:57) Like (32) Dislike (3) Reply
    This speaker unbias and fair unlike her predecessors
  • FACIAL EXPRESSION (20/07/2022, 07:40) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Really? (20/07/2022, 08:39) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply

    This man still trying to secure a place at the table?? Andrew if the bvi EVER meant anything to you then just go ahead and retire. It’s what any respectable person would have done by now. Even if you are able to beat the charges, which I doubt, respect this territory enough and NOT try to continue to hold a place in politics. We did not trust you before we knew what you were into, what do you think will happen now? Just retire man, your family and this community has been through enough of your sh**.

  • ccs (20/07/2022, 08:43) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    the good man have no one to point his finger at because he intentionally got involved with questionable issues and did so as the premier of our islands

    it will take these islands 50 years to remove the tarnish from our name all because of the greed of one man

    Will charges be brought against fahie in this jurisdiction because the conspiracy to commit some these offences began right here in road

    It is amazing how politicians in this territory can be associated with questionable matters yet no one go to the jail house but meet you with a joint or some weed 3 years

    3 million gone and sewage still up east
    money done and the wall not done
    where the plane or the money

    I am putting a political party together next 4 years
    CJU(Cookie Jar United)
  • Peebles (20/07/2022, 13:00) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Where is the finish product for this Hospitals wunna think in any of the down islands all that money and no finish hospital heads would have rolled, where was the COI on the two hospitals in Tortola and Virgin Gorda who to blame VI people it your monies.
  • Sad ending (21/07/2022, 10:44) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hon Speaker, you had a right! Stand up to him! he should be ashamed, wanting to come into the people's house via zoom. He should be ashamed! He doesn't understand if he was allowed to do what that would mean? It means the BVI would be opened up to more scrutiny. The FEDS would be listening to hear what he has to say. Andrew, you put us through enough pain already. Do the honorable thing and resign. Your input is not needed in the affairs of the British Virgin Islands. Please, ah beg yuh, take ah back seat and spend the rest of the free time you have left with your family.

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