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Homeless man reportedly wreaking havoc, masturbating in public

- accused of harrassing tourists & 'charging' towards pedestrians who refuse to give him money
Despite going before the courts and facing incarceration for violent behavior, a homeless vagrant identified as Sonnel G. Hanley has been reportedly wreaking havoc in Road Town in on other busy areas where tourists frequent. Photo: Facebook
During the Dec 19, 2023, budget debates in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA), Deputy Speaker and At-large Representative Stacy M. Mather (Al) had raised the issue of mental health in the VI and spoke of the same vagrant called Sonnel. Photo: HoA/File
During the Dec 19, 2023, budget debates in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA), Deputy Speaker and At-large Representative Stacy M. Mather (Al) had raised the issue of mental health in the VI and spoke of the same vagrant called Sonnel. Photo: HoA/File
VINO reported as far back as 2013, that Sonnel G. Hanley was charged with common assault and prior to that, in 2012 he was made to spend six months in jail for a similar offence which amounted to common assault. Photo: VINO/File
VINO reported as far back as 2013, that Sonnel G. Hanley was charged with common assault and prior to that, in 2012 he was made to spend six months in jail for a similar offence which amounted to common assault. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Despite going before the courts and facing incarceration for violent behaviour in the past, a homeless man identified as Sonnel G. Hanley has been reportedly wreaking havoc in Road Town and other busy areas where tourists frequent.

A January 16, 2023, Facebook post from Dean H. Greenway aka ‘The Sportsman’ highlighted that persons have complained that tourists from the cruise ship were being bothered by the same ‘Sonnel’ at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park.

“I know that he has challenges. However, we don’t want any negative impact from his unwarranted solicitation. Hopefully, this can be addressed before it gets outa [Out of] hand,” Greenway added.

The post was accompanied by a photo of Hanley standing close to two elderly tourists and staring at them as they sat on a bench at the park.

Issues raised in HoA

During the Dec 19, 2023, budget debates in the Virgin Islands (VI) House of Assembly (HoA), Deputy Speaker and At-large Representative Hon Stacy M. Mather (Al) had raised the issue of mental health in the VI and spoke of the same vagrant called Sonnel.

“I was driving coming … and I watched Sonnel run into the middle of the road and traumatise a little boy and his mother,” he said in calling for more to be done.

“I had to get out my vehicle and say Sonnel stop your stupidness,” he said in revealing the individual attended the Althea Scatiffle school. “When I see these things it burns my heart… we watch tourists come into this country and they are afraid because some of these same individuals pressure them," Hon Mather stated.

The post by Greenway has since sparked several persons to speak out about their altercations with Hanley, including alleged attacks.

"When he ready he does charge after people, looking to hit them, somehow when he sees me he turns the other cheek...sometimes I wonder if is willful them willful,” one Facebook user said.

Public masturbation

Another user commented, "I've seen it many times. One local man challenged him after he threw a stone at him, and he was quick to apologise. So he knows who to act out with. He did it to two tourists a few weeks ago in the Republic Bank area. Also, saw him once pleasuring himself in that same park, broad daylight with very little attempt to hide!”

VINO reported as far back as 2013, that Hanley was charged with common assault and prior to that, in 2012, he was made to spend six months in jail for a similar offence which amounted to common assault.

While it remains unclear if Hanley has been officially declared mentally ill, Hon Mather said the issue of mental illness and drug use is happening across the VI, with persons begging outside the supermarkets and the majority of them being youths known to him.

On the eastern side of Tortola, homeless persons are also usually seen walking the streets begging for food and money. Many of them appear to have mental issues.

“You cannot take up someone and put them behind bars who has a mental illness, it is wrong,” Hon Mather added in calling for more to be done.

66 Responses to “Homeless man reportedly wreaking havoc, masturbating in public”

  • Eggplant (16/01/2024, 16:12) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
    This is sad we need to help this guy
    • @Eggplant (16/01/2024, 20:14) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      How can he be helped? Help us get him off our streets before he damages someone or someone damages him.
      • Help is needed (17/01/2024, 09:12) Like (18) Dislike (11) Reply
        I agree that these individuals need help. I am also concerned about the G*@mbs guy who smokes drugs through a schaefer can all day long at the back of the sports shop next to Caribbean Insurers. Many times he strips himself butt naked and scares off tourists and locals alike. Sometimes in anger, he slams bottles on the ground. I would like to see these people given proper attention and care before they hurt someone.
  • SO WHATS NEW (16/01/2024, 16:24) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
  • BuzzBvi (16/01/2024, 17:11) Like (9) Dislike (26) Reply
    Vi peoole should be helping this man, or is he from down island? Is that the problem.
  • Road Town (16/01/2024, 17:42) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    in and out of HMP. why cant they deal with his matter somewhat better
  • bvi (16/01/2024, 17:45) Like (42) Dislike (3) Reply
    I understand the situation, but if we have police officers present around on the streets some of these behaviors will not take place.
  • Vision of hope (16/01/2024, 17:52) Like (42) Dislike (3) Reply
    This man is mentally ill, and has been a problem for years ingoing.. With all cash being made, some been wasted, and some been reported unaccounted for, why hasn't the the government team (VIP) pretending to be ignorant of this shameful behaviors in the heart of Road town our Capital City and not accept a measure of responsibility? Why?
    • hmm! (16/01/2024, 18:15) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
      why call out VIP, when he has been there even slap visitors during the NDP time too; and they were there for 2 terms straight!! You all need to stop this foolishness!!! stop pin pointing where pin point isn't needed.
    • smh (16/01/2024, 19:51) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
      Sonnel is NOT mentally ill. He is simply LAZY. There are other mentally ill persons who do deserve the necessary help and attention, however, he is not one of them. He is well aware of the foolishness he does.
      • @SMH (17/01/2024, 08:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Like when he chased a woman on Waterfront Drive waving a 2 by 4. That man is mentally unstable.
    • Styler (16/01/2024, 20:18) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is not a VIP issue it’s every Government issue it didn’t not just start it’s been going on for years he’s just down right out of order and he’s knows exactly what he’s doing.
      • Jay (17/01/2024, 09:13) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        I totally agree with you.

        He knows what he's doing. Heard him say he doesn't want a job because when you get a job you get responsibilities, and he isn't looking for any responsibilities.

        He tackled me a few months ago in Bobby's parking lot. I stood up to him and he backed off. Haven't had any issues with him since.
  • Karnage (16/01/2024, 18:01) Like (31) Dislike (6) Reply
    Tortola beggars are the fattest in the world.
    • Stt sane people (17/01/2024, 08:23) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      Don’t come after Tortola when everyday news about sane people come from stt man biting face this and that please stay rock we don’t want you tola
  • To WHATS NEW (16/01/2024, 18:02) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    A well applied BULLPISSLE ought to clear all the cobwebs from his head
  • Vision of hope (16/01/2024, 18:14) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Earlier this month I saw a naked black skin man in the middle area of the town. That naked man is not alone to be blamed for these continuing neglect of responsibility by our elected leaders, especially the ruling Party presently in power.
    The big question is who is really leading this country and why in this irresponsible way?
    People of the BVI wake up! Our ship is sinking fast. Money along can't keep it afloat, nor can education, science, and other selfish ambitions, only selfless actions will.
    • enforcement (17/01/2024, 08:35) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
      @ Vision of Hope

      The unelected Governor and CoP are responsible for making and keeping the territory safe.
      • @enforcement (17/01/2024, 14:07) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Yea and the ones you all did elect are responsible for traveling and concerts. Lol
  • Who's to blame? (16/01/2024, 18:16) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    The behaviour of the mentally ill and addicts in Road Town is now at a dangerous level. The government (mental health, police, Ministry of Health and elected officials) have taken a see no evil hear no evil approach but once someone gets seriously hurt or raped they will all pretend that they are sorry. But all of them the police, mental health and the elected govt needs to be held accountable for their part in this mess or having this kind of dangerous behaviour in Road Town daily. Shameful that these people can't even solve simple issues.
  • vi (16/01/2024, 18:32) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    These persons need the proper care and programs for them to stay occupied.
  • dff (16/01/2024, 18:32) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Let him continue. This is only an issue when tourists are around. He does nonsense all the time and no one cares. Why should anyone care now?
  • Well Sah (16/01/2024, 18:40) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    The possibility exists that we are in denial, why haven't we built an institution to house the mentally challenged?
  • hmm (16/01/2024, 18:41) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    He knows what he is doing is wrong and that he can get away with it.
  • ?? (16/01/2024, 18:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ministry of Health, it is time to deal with this matter! Further delay means the slow undermining of the tourism product and a smear on the 2023 milestone of the 1 million-visitor mark! With all due respect to the young man, we must also be humane to him. It is known that he was once a productive college student but met this unfortunate period in his life and need professional help. Stop procrastinating Ministry of Health!
  • Jokey Govt. (16/01/2024, 19:03) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is guy is been doing these foolishness for much too long almost seems like Govt is complicit and encouraging this mad idiot with his nonsense. I can see someone getting jail for him...Please get him off the streets before something really, really bad happens that will affect people's lives and our country's Rep.
  • Guest (16/01/2024, 19:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    As if Sonnel just touch down for the new year. Too much talk.
  • concerned citizen (16/01/2024, 19:23) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    He isn't the only one. I personally had another seemingly mentally challenged man push himself against my parked car in the middle of town and begin to rub on his nipples. He has attempted to approach several of my female co-workers, seemingly to touch them. When will we feel like it is necessary to do more to protect our women and girl children? Exposure to the possibility of sexual assault on a daily basis should not be the norm!
  • The watchdog (16/01/2024, 19:46) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    Just give him $5 bucks he will be ok
  • Chocolate chip (16/01/2024, 19:57) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why is this even news?
  • watch (16/01/2024, 19:57) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Enough already. Put him away.
  • craziness (16/01/2024, 20:09) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    So you mean to tell me (us) that no Government official, Tourism professionals or mental health professionals, who read, see, and hear like all of us is not aware of this man, creating a sad situation in and around town? You all Spend millions to attract tourists, and then ignore mental people who create bad experiences for tourists and locals alike. Get this guy some help, he need to be picked up an admitted to a mental hospital. You so called people in high places, Stop ???? ignoring a problem. You waste money for all kind of things, but can’t or won’t help a sick homeless person????? Shame on ALL of you for allowing this to continue. Court or jail can’t help him. Government Do your job.
  • Ridiculous (16/01/2024, 20:22) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Why is this place so stupid messon? How hard is it to get this guy off the street and get him the help he needs? Clearly his family is not interested or capable of helping him. If that’s the case, get this dude off the street before he seriously hurts someone. Let’s be proactive for once. Pass some legislation like we did the greedy bill or build a facility with some of the money that we use to throw parties. This place is really jokey and then they have the nerve to talk about going independent when they can’t even address basic issues. And if he’s masturbating in public and threatening people, aren’t those criminal offenses? Having a mental problem gives you a pass? Man come on, we don’t operate like a functional society. Our tourism product is also at stake here.
  • Stop! (16/01/2024, 20:25) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Stop. jailing the mentally ill!!! Provide facilities and treatment. No more needs to be said. A society is know and respected by the wayit treats the most unfortunate among the population. Sadly though, thee BVI has a deep and long history of making mockery of and alienating people with ental disorders.
  • Streups (16/01/2024, 20:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sonnel willful. He only does it to the tourist. I already told him he will get it if he continues with his nonsense!
    • Not true (17/01/2024, 20:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      He scared the sh** out of a citizen the other day. Told her without provocation that he was going mash her up.
      I will forget he crazy if he come to me with his nonsense. I guess thar he hasn't heard about what happened to Kiddo

  • we (16/01/2024, 20:41) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Work so hard to bring people to our shores and this is what he doing? Who is he and why can’t this situation be dealt with. Another one in town was walking around with no shirt on and like he had an issue. Also another further up the road was having a hissy fit further up the road. Really don’t know what’s going on. Powers that be plz fix this situation.
  • HELP HIM (16/01/2024, 21:14) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    They are vagrants all over the world, nothing new to tourists. For a small island we can do better in taking care of the mentally ill.
  • c (16/01/2024, 21:30) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    He best not hassle me or I may contribute to his healing
  • tola (16/01/2024, 22:26) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    He need to come off the street tired of him
  • ... (16/01/2024, 23:37) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    that big MS need to go lift block...if you offer him wok he going say nah...easy life he LOVE
  • question (17/01/2024, 00:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    What did VIP do about this problem in the last 40 years? Hmm
  • SOME OF THE RESULTS OF BELONGERSHIP (17/01/2024, 00:54) Like (4) Dislike (24) Reply
  • Forbidden Truth (17/01/2024, 07:36) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Everyone looking to government. What about his family?
    • @ Forbidden Truth (17/01/2024, 09:09) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      His family is not from here... but if you can locate them tell them to please come pick him up.
  • @hmm (17/01/2024, 07:53) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    The money that vip is collectong from moneygram and western union could be used on these people so i think its a vip problem, anyone can say what the vip is doing with that money because from the day that they start taking the money the country is going downwards. Is it the people's tears or what?
  • @ HMM (17/01/2024, 08:21) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • WOW (17/01/2024, 09:22) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Who he family is?
  • hmm (17/01/2024, 09:52) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Talking about dealing with the mentally unstable when their entire government filled with them.

    Yo UK make haste please. Only so longer persons with working brains can continue to deal with these local idiots.
  • WOW (17/01/2024, 10:26) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    A proper Mental Health Division with a facility to house persons who should not be left to roam the streets is long long long overdue. Chronic mentally ill patients definitely should not be housed at Peebles Hospital to pose security risks to ailing patients. We have seen the headlines on attacks on hospital patients by persons when mentally ill patients are housed in the same areas. Come on, what does it take to ensure that we take Mental Health seriously and not just have occasional publicity campaigns.
  • Bree (17/01/2024, 11:24) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    How come everybody blaming the government and nobody blaming the drug dealers that continue to sell these young men drugs? They both begging every day and anyone that gives them money, the first thing, do is look for a dealer and give it to him. Why no one talking about that instead of blaming the government only.

    By the way, Sonnel is a very educated young man. He once worked for at a well-known trust company here in the BVI. Use to see him every day with is shirt and tie matching and shoes too. Sharp as a tac.
  • WOW (17/01/2024, 11:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    many encounters with this man, none asked for. He's a nuisance that needs a living. Hes strung out for sure but watch him sit and roll a joint never asked for money I assume he had his own money that day.

    He does not mess with people who tell him off... all his behaviors say he's not as mentally ill as people may think. Depressed & down but he should really stop his crap. Coming by banco atm to beg. Willfulness at times.

    Reminds of that woman who was sexually assaulted on St.john by a common vagrant and also sued as people knew he was a danger. Something must be done to ensure people's safety in town & find productive placement for those people.
  • Hmm (17/01/2024, 12:07) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    "Earlier this month I saw a naked black skin man in the middle area of the town."

    hmm all this going on. Dont suppose its time to legalize so people can grow a few plants in peace & stay out of trouble?

    Seems like the police have their hands full.
  • Mental ward (17/01/2024, 12:59) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    This entire country is a mental ward.. some patients are more badly off than others. The DISorderlies are the so call "leaders" of this wretched place and they have absolutely no intention of finding true solutions to social matters. It's as if they're just waiting for us to die out. No government past or present has ever taken the mentally challenged serious. Just the other morning I was parked in front of Rite Way on Flemming Street with my two daughters 9 and 1 and this mentally insane man was visibly harassing customers entering and leaving. He is the vagrant that normal pokes individuals. I saw him approaching my car and locked all the doors. When he realized I wasn't getting out he proceed to yank his top up and push his chest against my window and start rubbing it in a circular motion very suggestively. My eldest was visibly shaken up and we waited until he was gone to get essentials from RTW on Flemming Street. And the strangest thing is this particular RTW always attracks vagrants. Yet no one seems to be responsible in aiding these troubled minds into recovery and long term handling. it's sickening what myself and my daughters has to go through just to shop!
  • crazy (17/01/2024, 13:28) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
  • tk (17/01/2024, 17:27) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not one thing wrong with sonnel all he want is some hard slap you all play with him kill some then you all will say if
  • Right hook Harry (17/01/2024, 19:49) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This miscreant accosted myself and my wife in the parking lot of the RoadTown ferry terminal upon returning from an evening in Virgin Gorda. He would not go away, became infuriated and charged us. It took one right hook and he dropped like the crumpled panties of a drunken prom date. I’ll be back in a few weeks if he’s still up to his tricks, I’ll gladly have another go at it.
  • Papalin (18/01/2024, 03:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get them off the fri.... street what are they waiting fa for someone to run over one of them? is a nuisance in the place people need to walk in peace. Strups man
  • Gym Leader Brock (18/01/2024, 11:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And it will continue cuz our government cleary don't care. Them got money for everything else except building a place to house and look after these nuisances

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