Homeless man for June trial after one year incarceration
Hanley was arrested following his alleged involvement in an altercation with Roseanne G. Richards. The defendant allegedly struck Richards about her body after she refused to accommodate his request for money.
He pleaded not guilty to common assault on June 11, 2013 following the incident which allegedly occurred on March 25, 2013 near Bobby’s Supermarket in Road Town. Hanley was incarcerated prior to his plea after allegedly violating earlier bail conditions.
Prior to his incarceration, Hanley told the court that he was homeless and was living at the Festival Grounds.
The defendant, who remains unrepresented in the matter, reportedly has a history of mental illness.
He was remanded once more ahead of his trial which is now expected to proceed before Magistrate Dr Velon L. John on June 3, 2014.

13 Responses to “Homeless man for June trial after one year incarceration”
Where he has always been some where playing politcks and doing nothing for we
So Myron is the Minister of Health now? Myron has jurisdiction over mental patients now eh? Where is the mentally challenged man's family? Do they care? Why don't both of you help him by doing something real since you care so much? Be a true citizen and care for your brother man instead of coming on here chatting p..s and spelling words incorrect..lol "metally" and "politcks". Heaven help us lord.. school children can't be no better but then Myron will be blamed for you not being able to spell..lol
But we know who these esteemed people were, taking advantage of the mentally ill for political gain, but guess what? Karma is a motherf..ker! No worthless person will ever live good, NONE! Look around and see. They will have temporary satisfaction, nothing that lasts. They will always suffer, until they change their stinking ways and that won't happen. LOL