HoA to meet March 10, 2022; Agenda includes 3 readings for Stamps Act

According to the Order Paper made public early this week by the Legislative Chambers communication’s team, two new bills will get a first reading. They include the Mutual Legal Assistance (Tax Matter) (Amendment) Act 2022 and the Non-Profit Organisation (Amendment) Act 2022.
Stamps (Amendment) Act to get 3 readings in one sitting
The Standing Orders will be suspended via a motion by Premier and Leader of Government’s Business in the House, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) to allow for three readings of the Stamps (Amendment) Act, 2022.
This Bill will make it easier for first-time landowners to purchase land without the burden of stamp duties.
Bills up for their second and third readings include the Virgin Islands Food Security and Sustainability Act 2022, a bill to be piloted by Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7).
Transportation and Works Minister Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) will bring for its second and third readings the Water and Sewerage Act 2022, while the Minister for Health and Social Development Hon Carvin Malone (AL) will steer the Child Maintenance and Access (Amendment) Act, 2021 through the House until it is passed.
The Business Licensing Act 2022, sponsored by the Premier and Minister of Finance, is up for the second and third readings.
Motions to exempt & new Chair of Youth Parliament
Meanwhile, two legislators will be asking for exemptions to do business with the Government to avoid them from vacating their HoA seats. They are Deputy Speaker and At-Large Representative Hon Neville A. Smith and Fourth District Representative Hon Mark H. Vanterpool.
There will also be a motion to appoint Hon Sharie B. de Castro, the Junior Minister for Tourism, as Chair of the Virgin Islands Youth Parliament (VIYP). She will replace Speaker Hon Julian Willock, who will remain on the committee as a member.
In the same motion to be brought by the Premier, Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles, the Junior Minister of Trade and Economic Development and At-Large Representative, will no longer be a member of the VIYP management committee and will be replaced by Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines ( R6).
The Meeting on March 10, 2022, is expected to commence at 10:00 AM at the Save the Seed Energy Centre and will be carried live on ZBVI 780 AM, CBN Radio 90.9 FM, CBN-Television Channel 101 on Flow TV and can also be followed on the HoA YoutTube channel and online at www.cbnvirginislands.com.

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