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HoA to hold special sitting to honour heroes & forefathers on Oct 13

In the lead up to Heroes and Foreparents Day, a public holiday, the House of Assembly will hold a special sitting from 10:00 AM on Friday, October 13, 2023, to celebrate the Virgin Islands’ heroes and forefathers. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In the lead up to Heroes and Foreparents Day, a public holiday, the House of Assembly will hold a special sitting from 10:00 AM on Friday, October 13, 2023, to celebrate the Virgin Islands’ heroes and forefathers.

The Fourth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly will be held at the House of Assembly Chamber in Road Town.

Heroes and Foreparents Day will be celebrated on Monday, October 16, 2023.

The holiday was celebrated for the first time on October 18, 2021, and replaced St Ursula’s Day.

Heroes and Foreparents Day honours the men and women who laid the foundation for the Virgin Islands to become the thriving and self-sustaining economy it is today, independent of the United Kingdom (UK).

17 Responses to “HoA to hold special sitting to honour heroes & forefathers on Oct 13”

  • Manjack (06/10/2023, 13:17) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    We are eager to recognize and celebrate Heroes and Foreparents Day. But have walked in their Big shoes and learnt anything from their fight, sacrifices, unit, etc etc to move the growth and development needle, Would our heroes and foreparents be proud of our performance, our sacrifices, and unselfish pursuits to protect and preserve the blessings of liberty and freedom? Would they proud of our disunity, our still drinking the divide and rule cool aid, our affliction with Stockholm syndrome, our altruist attitude and behaviour of putting the interest of colonialists over our interest, as well as other Virgin Islanders, etc.
    • herbs power (06/10/2023, 16:14) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Everyone is a hero. We all are humans with special skills.
    • @Manjack (06/10/2023, 18:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Manjack, yes, Heroes and forefathers would be disappointed with our behavior in taking the baton and continuing the journey. For example, they fought to modernize the constitution but our behaviour invited the UK to seek and an order to suspend the constitution in reserve. They would be disappointed in the level of division and polarization and still seem to be under the spell of the colonialists divide and rule practice. Yes, we should recognize and celebrate our Heroes and Forefathers; they deserve li. But would embrace the praise and recognition with a heavy heart, perhaps. Moreover, our disunity has reduced the distance travelled down progress road. The colonialists bolted from the territory v, leaving it supposedly as only useful as a “Bird Sanctuary.” Now, due to our behaviors and colonialist self-interest and unilateral power, gentrification is on the rise, UK personnel are being put to critical positions in the territory, etc, but Virgin Islanders are not too excited about what is happening in broad daylight in front of them. Some are even demonstrating self-discrimination by welcoming the UK to come in and take over and see that as a good thing, believing that the UK are going to act in their interest.,In fact the UK’s intent is to flood and overwhelm the BVI with Britons to become the majority, vote and win election, take over, making Virgin Islanders the minority in their homeland. Well, Virgin Islanders are already a minority. I see a blog today stating that a majority of BVI population is not interested in independence. That is true but the majority of BVI residents are not Virgin Islanders; the majority of BVI residents are expats.
    • @Manjack (06/10/2023, 18:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are talking sense but remember when our heroes were living they faced the same accusations by the UK & their Governor and many people in BVI. Only when you die you are all of their hero.
      • @@Manjack (07/10/2023, 15:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        To @@Manjack, true, but they got more and better outcome than this guava crop of Virgin Islanders. For example during the Great March of November 1949, an estimated 1,500 people from everywhere in the BVI turn out. Administrator JAC Cruikshank, one of the worst UK Rep, was forced to listen to the marchers. What did they achieve, 1) reinstating of Legislature which was disbanded in 1901. 2) attaining the first modern constitution, 3) achieving the right to vote directly for the first time for four at large members to the Leislature, 4) attaining universal suffrage, etc. Further, Noel Lloyd through PAM protest reclaimed Wickhams Cay and 4/5 of Anegada for Virgin Islanders. Today, one cannot get 10 people to show up for a protest, this lack of interest emboldens the Colonialists to do as they like. They will awaken when they are totally a powerless minority in their homeland. Moreover, the Bible says a man does not receive an honor in his own country. Many of our country men practice self-discrimination. Being a shamed of instead of being proud of who they are.

    • RealPol (06/10/2023, 21:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Manjack, a powerful truth serum. Some may be uncomfortable drinking it but can we truly say we have taken the baton from them, their having given us a good start to continue the race to continue the fight, the struggle.
  • rattie (06/10/2023, 13:20) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    We hungry
  • Youth (06/10/2023, 13:37) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    This must be commended.
  • Debate UK strategy also (06/10/2023, 13:44) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    A lot of people do not realize if the UK suspends your constitution they are in control fully which means they are in control of Immigration. This is significant because through a set of non electer UK public servants like the Governor and others he will put in place can pass laws and policies to make all UK residents automatically BVI residents. This means at anytime any of the 5 million UK residents can come and live and flood out the BVI and each OT. This will out number each country so the issue of independence will be dead as they will always have the majority to vote it down. This is one of their intentions so BVI and all Caribbean OT watch the game. STAY AWOKE.
  • Education (06/10/2023, 13:47) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    History shows that whenever the UK realizes an OT is developing and making advancements towards independence they always come up with a well organized plot to claim corruption and get the people divided with no trust in each other and their leaders so the movement can be thwarted in a way it looks like the people doing it when really it is them. People are up to their games. Release the OTs because the UK has failed to raise their children and they had to raise themselves now they want to come to force them to be children again because they are claiming they do not like how they turn out. This is not only ignorance but oppression. Free the people now not later. We the people build the BVI together with little or no help from the Uk.
  • Preserve democracy (06/10/2023, 13:52) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Elections in the BVI allows for democracy where the people's voices through their votes are heard. They vote who they want to represent their affairs. If these people are not working in their best interest then the people have the power to vote them out in the next general elections and vote in new leaders. Neither the UK nor their Governor has ever ran for office in the BVI and asked the people to select them to run their affairs. So no order in council should give such powers to non-elected people to run the affairs of the BVI people or any other country. It is not right. It does not represent good governance nor democracy. It is high handed and a modern day slavery whip, law, and action. We must educate our people of these facts and we must stick together to preserve not just our democracy but to preserve democracy itself. Such anti democratic actions should be banned worldwide as these actions are wrong no matter the reason.
  • Remind all that getting hand starts sweet (06/10/2023, 13:58) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    Most people who cheat on their spouse usually testify that when it started and for a while into it everything sounded sweet and everything was sweet. They showed more caring for them than their spouse. They looked out for their well being more than their spouse. They even took care of them in terms of money and honey than their spouse. Those that leave their spouse to go with their fling end up realizing that the grass is not greener on the other side. As matter of fact they turn out to be worse than their spouse and what they did to them they found out they were now doing with others.

    This is how the UK have some of you behaving and thinking about your own people and leaders. But believe me when I say for those who want the UK to take over thinking life will get better & be better you will regret the day it happens because their history shows where ever they took over they made life worse not better for the people. Becareful of their nice words now. Beware of their end game by playing the corruption and abuse of power card. Be mindful of anyone who claims everyone other than them are bad, corrupt, and greedy. BVI Becareful. This is a well organized plot to suppress and enslave using modern day tactics. We are proud of who we are and where we came from and where we are going as a VI people.
    • Truth (06/10/2023, 17:39) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      You've captured the sentiment precisely. It's particularly disheartening when those in authority suggest we lack individuals with the capacity for genuine oversight and unwavering integrity. On the contrary. The innate honesty of our island community often stands head and shoulders above that of many populations in these so-called 'developed' nations.
  • Exactly!! (06/10/2023, 14:12) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yes! by God's Grace they laid the foundation for the Virgin Islands to become the thriving economy it is today, independent of the United Kingdom (UK). I won't say self sustaining, do not forget the God of our forefathers, it is He who protects and sustains us. It is time that we go back to Him and bow the knee in humility so that he can purge the land of all ills and the darkness that surrounds it.
  • Citizen (06/10/2023, 15:38) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    the vip loves people we elected them again you watch.
  • still (07/10/2023, 09:42) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    St. Ursula's day to most religious people in the Virgin Islands. Saints always trump human ancestors when celebrating the past.
  • asking for a friend (07/10/2023, 19:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The people are not happy, but we will be in a better position than before. The gov say that they are the heroes and are working for the people but will the people get what they initially wanted.

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