HoA cannot ‘rubber-stamp’ Governor's Bill; 'We will do what we have to do'—Premier
Following the fiery debate on the Bill during the 15th Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth HoA, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) accepted many of the positions raised, saying “The members of the House spoke clearly. I am not quite sure how anyone can argue against many of the points which have been made.”
Premier Wheatley said some very strong and salient points were raised by members, who he said spoke with conviction on behalf of their Constituents and in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands.
With this in mind, the Premier said he was adamant in the spirit of democracy it can never be expected that the HoA, “can simply rubber stamp a Bill which has come from the Governor's Office, through Cabinet here to the HoA.”
He nonetheless conceded, “we are, where we are, and we will do, what we have to do to the Bill, and then as it pertains to assent that will be another process but certainly we must stay true to ourselves and we will have to cross that bridge when it comes.”
Bill must reflect 'our modern society'
Addressing members of the HoA at the close of the debate, the Premier- speaking specifically to the point that he merely tabled the proposed legislation on behalf of Governor Daniel Pruce- said, “I think it would be much better if the Governor's Office recognise that it would be easier to take a more collaborative approach work together and get the Bill to the HoA in a way that reflects more collaboration.”
He was firm; however, in calling on members of both sides of the aisle to work in a bi-partisan fashion at the committee stage, after which the completed Bill that will eventually be sent to the Governor’s Office for assent must reflect the laws of natural justice and modernity.
With this in mind, he charged members saying “We have work to do to ensure that we have a Bill that offers the adequate protections, that reflects our modern society, that does not seek to simply remove obstacles from this CoI (Commission of Inquiry) which has just passed, to make it easier to accomplish certain things in certain ways but one that is fair all around to all concerned.”
We are not inferior to UK- Premier
Reflecting on the positions laid out during the debate, he told the Speaker, “From what I have listened to, I believe we have identified the areas to make this bill a much fairer Bill, a much stronger Bill and a much more modern Bill in keeping with where we want to go.”
According to the Premier, “to accept anything less than that, is to believe in the fact that we are inferior to the people of the UK and other persons in the world who have Parliaments, who make laws and I do not believe that we should be treated in an inferior fashion.”
He cautioned nonetheless, “that we have to do our part and get the Bill to the Governor for assent to meet our obligations under the COI and I believe very firmly that the HoA will do what it has to do.”
12 Responses to “HoA cannot ‘rubber-stamp’ Governor's Bill; 'We will do what we have to do'—Premier ”
"We are not inferior to the UK - Premier.
Yes we are: Politically, socially, financially, internationally reconisible, etc., etc.,
The above do not mean that we should accept every thing the UK seeks to push on us, but the way our political Leaders have being behaving , especially over the past ten (10) plus years, especially over the last five (5) plus, as I see it, our politicians, or rather do not have our best interest at heart.
In the coming 42 days it will be September 1st.
Will all 48 CoI requirements be completed by then? Time and work will tell.
Them man always bringing the people of the Virgin Islands in them thing when they want to hold onto power or not be held accountable
Y'all dont listen to the people of the virgin islands.
The people asking for better roads, better infrastructure, better price control, better government and local services, better wages, better bank interest, more opportunities for our youths, more acceptability, more transparency, better use of tax funds, better healthcare
Maybe y'all consider "the people of the virgin islands" as close friends and family.
Why don't yall do a little survey and see how the majority really feel?
The bill is making sure that there are lest obstacles next time there's a coi and y'all rdy to cry out mercy
I realized yall quick to jump up and work and agree on things that keep you in power and in good financial situations. But when it comes to working together for improving this 3rd world country it seems you shove you head in the dirt..... craziness honestly
They are simply upset that the bills allows the you UK more options to handle our delinquent uncooperative government...
That what this noise is about..
How politicians really power hungry, greedy and egotistical