Hard copies of 'The Irma Diaries' are here

Persons can collect their pre-purchased copy or purchase the book and get it signed at the Book Signing event slated for tomorrow, March 15, 2018 at 5:30 P.M. at Camden Gourmet Market, Tortola Pier Park (TPP). Persons can expect to enjoy a fun evening, including a reading by the author, a brief presentation of books, music and mixing and can treat themselves to food and drink from Camden.
In a very intimate, personal style, 'The Irma Diaries' captures the harrowing, yet amazing and inspiring and, at times, amusing accounts of 25 ordinary-turned-extraordinary people who battled through Hurricane Irma, minute by minute, and came out alive.
'The Irma Diaries' is written by local author, Angela Burnett Penn who was inspired to share these stories with the world as an avenue for the voices of small islanders who lived through this horrific event to be heard globally.
The book is intended to help people around the world connect, care and act on climate change, which will result in stronger Irma brand hurricanes. To help The Virgin Islands (VI) adapt to this new reality, 25 percent of book profits are being donated to The Virgin Islands Climate Change Trust Fund and another 25 percent donated to the survivors who contributed their stories.
More about The Irma Diaries and the book’s author can be found at www.TheIrmaDiaries.com. Persons who are not able to attend the Book Signing can collect their pre-purchased copies or purchase a copy at Serendipity Bookshop on Main Street, Tortola.

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