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Haiti probing first suspected case of Monkeypox

- if confirmed case would be first in the country & first in C’bean WHO warned of new outbreak
June 4th, 2022 | Tags: Haiti Monkeypox health infection virus
Health authorities in Haiti are investigating what they believe is a suspected case of Monkeypox, which, if confirmed, would be the first in the country and the first in the Caribbean since the World Health Organization (WHO) raised warned of a new global outbreak. Photo: Internet Source/File
SAINT-MARC, Haiti - Health authorities in Haiti are investigating what they believe is a suspected case of Monkeypox, which, if confirmed, would be the first in the country and the first in the Caribbean since the World Health Organization (WHO) raised warned of a new global outbreak.

The case was reportedly detected in the Saint-Marc area, about 85 kilometres northwest of Port-au-Prince in late May 2022.

Due to the nature of the tests, specimens from the patient had to be transferred to a lab in the United States, and Haitian authorities say that they do not currently know exactly when the results will be returned.

Second suspected cases surfaces 

Dr Samson Marseille, director of the Department of Epidemiology in Haiti, said an alert was received about another possible case in Cap-Haitien (north).

The health workers who treated the patient believe that it is considered a case of sarcoidosis, a disease similar to scabies because he lives in an area with an incidence of that ailment.

However, health authorities are contacting this patient if an investigation is necessary, added the Epidemiology director. The woman in question has not been isolated but remains in touch with health authorities as her condition develops.

Haiti's Epidemiology Department is urging the population not to panic in light of the possible presence of monkeypox in Haiti, citing the disease’s low fatality rate, despite it being very contagious.

According to the World Health Organization, the monkeypox outbreak is “unlikely” to become a pandemic like COVID-19, despite its rapid spread over the past month.


21 Responses to “Haiti probing first suspected case of Monkeypox ”

  • R** Gr*t (04/06/2022, 19:28) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply

    Monkeypox is a b*****man virus. They need to ask who bud he got it from. Tek it from me, its from getting bud. I need to be cautious about it.

  • Third Eye (04/06/2022, 19:46) Like (30) Dislike (16) Reply
    The vaccinated got a lot of problems coming their way. Can’t produce breast milk, always fatigued, losing consciousness, heart problems, miscarriages, easily falling sick. Let’s see who get this monkeypops
    • To 3rd Eye (04/06/2022, 22:37) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
      I’m vaccinated and boosted and I haven’t had any of those things you mention. No health problems, and I’m a senior citizen. Haven’t even had a cold since before the Corona virus pandemic.
      I continue to wear a mask in indoor public spaces.

      Don’t go spreading hogwash about vaccinations.
      • @To 3rd Eye (05/06/2022, 07:14) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        That may be true but remember the vaccine was a experiment so not everyone gonna get the same thing. In other words you could of had a placebo shot.
      • @To 3rd Eye (05/06/2022, 07:40) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        I don’t know about all the symptoms but my boss loses consciousness and as for me im now always sickly and fatigued. I had high energy before this.
      • @To third Eye (05/06/2022, 10:56) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
        I am 39 years old and is fully vaccinated and booster, I Continue to follow protocols from day one and will continue to do so. I would appreciate if the ones that is against the vaccine and choose not to be vaccinated to stop spreading exactly, hog wash about vaccinations. How many vaccines they had to take when they were first born, they are feeding their children milk that was made in a lab, they are popping birth control pills and having other birth control devices planted in their arm and their uterus releasing toxins in their body to prevent pregnancy and they want to blame everything on the COVID VACCINE?
      • @3rd eye (05/06/2022, 13:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Well you speak for yourself others of whom I know
        And also is my relatives
        Some got away with the vax thus far and many didn’t go on Vaers
        But wait CDC does and did report many side effects I wonder why JJ was pulled off ???

        The very doc that was promoting it is now retracting and actually asking the opposite now his patients are suffering and he feels bad now heard he can’t sleep well .....
      • Caribbean Gal (05/06/2022, 14:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Well said
  • it (04/06/2022, 20:06) Like (1) Dislike (12) Reply
    From the weekest genes of man kind ....the white rase
    • To it (04/06/2022, 22:39) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      The spelling is:



    • @cousin IT (05/06/2022, 07:59) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Really? Heard that a black man that cannot produce boy sons BACKS IS WEAK.
    • @it (05/06/2022, 19:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • pat (05/06/2022, 01:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oh father send help
  • Wicked People. (05/06/2022, 04:47) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
    These people going around planting their evil seeds all over for their own benefit, hoping they will grow and multiply, so they can make more billions, but our God is unto them. Not only our God but a lot of smart leaders also, Watching them. It's our God that said, the heart of men are desperately wicked,,.Trusting WHO is the world biggest mistake, Their Boss is Bill Gates,, they are paid very well. They have to find ways to bring money into the boss account. That's common sense...So sad that poor innocent people have to suffer because the rich are thirsty for money..
  • end times (05/06/2022, 06:37) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Covid 19 is fading out after some involved made global profits

    Another global pandemic is on the rise Monkeypox simply stay tuned

    Revelation must come to past

  • BVI Next (05/06/2022, 08:01) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Watch, a whole lot of people in the BVI is going to catch monkey pox.
  • Stratgegic (05/06/2022, 08:44) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    They'll use this nonsense to say this is how it spread through the Caribbean. With all the recent surge of Haitian immigrants fleeing from their home country. We already have many problems with our borders but I can see right through this. I've read an earlier comment about someone saying that they haven't been sick since taking the thing. It's like a game of Russian roulette and some batches are more toxic than others. There are many papers and peer reviews on this. I think anyone who has a brain and common sense can use google. Pfizer has been releasing their documents after a court order, those bombshell reports also prove from their own words that the products don't work the way they intended and the related side effects to the thing. Everyone made their choice and sadly this game will leave a lot of people over time with messed-up immune systems. Everyone in the medical field stands to profit, wink wink. Be aware of recently enhanced cancer tumors because non of the standard toxicology test was performed and that's a huge red flag my friends. Might not affect you today but maybe months or a year or two. As usual will be blamed on some other under-lying cause because this miracle drug can do no harm,
  • yuk (05/06/2022, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    The sodoms disease

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