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Guyana steps up monitoring @ ports of entry to guard against Mpox

- Vaccines now available
September 18th, 2024 | Tags:
During a previous outbreak of Mpox a few years ago, two cases were detected in Guyana, and both persons were successfully treated. Photo: News Source Guyana

With a National Task Force in place to look at preventative action to guard against Mpox, Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, has announced that increased health monitoring is also taking place at Guyana’s ports of entry to guard against Mpox.

Mpox is a zoonotic disease caused by the monkeypox virus that can spread through direct contact with infected individuals, animals, or contaminated materials.

There is a current outbreak in parts of Africa, forcing many countries globally to put systems in place to protect their citizens.

Minister Anthony said in addition to increased monitoring at the ports of entry, Guyana has already purchased the vaccine to protect persons from contracting the disease.

“We have also bought vaccines and we have in stock, the vaccines against Mpox. And we have issued a set of criteria that can be used for persons who might more be at risk and for those persons, we will be able to administer the vaccine”, Dr. Anthony said.

He noted that more than 200 doctors from across the country have been trained in detecting Mpox, as well as the treatment procedure.

The Health Minister recalled that during a previous outbreak of Mpox a few years ago, two cases were detected in Guyana, and both persons were successfully treated.

He said guidelines have also been published for the doctors to follow.

Persons are being encouraged to be vigilant and look out for any unusual rashes or lesions that may appear on their skin, especially if individuals have a travel history to areas with reported cases of Mpox.

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