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Gunmen attempt robbery @ Leverick Bay

Information just reaching our news centre is that there has been an attempted armed robbery at Leverick Bay on Virgin Gorda where the annual Poker Run is being held today, May 26, 2024. Photo: VINO/File
LEVERICK BAY, Virgin Gorda, VI- Information just reaching our news centre is that there has been an attempted armed robbery at Leverick Bay on Virgin Gorda where the annual Poker Run is being held today, May 26, 2024.

According to reports reaching our news centre, at least three gunmen were seen attempting to commit a robbery.

There have not been any reports of injuries.

Police Commissioner Mark Collins confirmed to our news centre there was an armed robbery attempt at Leverick Bay.

There were also reports of a hostage situation; however, it was labelled as false by Mr Collins.

Our news centre is working on more details for this story.

37 Responses to “Gunmen attempt robbery @ Leverick Bay”

  • The watchdog (26/05/2024, 14:07) Like (5) Dislike (30) Reply
    Thanks vino unless it's not on this site I don't believe it, love your solid reporting
  • Real Talk (26/05/2024, 14:14) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Make sure dem dead utter nonsense
  • one eye (26/05/2024, 14:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lord there goes my prize cash
    • lawdy (26/05/2024, 15:18) Like (11) Dislike (19) Reply
      Vg people so lazy go look work from robbing
      • VIslander (26/05/2024, 21:58) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        I would like to take a second to respond. We all need to stop generalizing. All persons from a particular family or vicinity are NOT the same. STOP IT!!! Nuff said.
      • VIslander (26/05/2024, 22:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @lawdy. Just a word of advice, if you’re not too thick to comprehend. All persons from a family or vicinity are NIT the same. Stop generalizing. STOP IT!!! Nuff said.
  • Hum (26/05/2024, 14:22) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Welcome tourist
  • See (26/05/2024, 14:52) Like (16) Dislike (9) Reply
    Endless supply of lazy animals
    • Enslaver (27/05/2024, 01:36) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      The only "animals" robbing people are your two-legged kind. As far as horrible people go, all criminals are disgusting and should be jailed. Instead of working, they choose to steal, disrupting the lives of those who work hard for their income. I hope there were cameras to catch these thieves.
  • resident (26/05/2024, 14:53) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    why weren't cops on hand from the start
    • To resident (26/05/2024, 16:29) Like (11) Dislike (10) Reply
      The same reason the cops ain't in your bedroom. This is a private event opened to the public. If Levericl or any other establishment want police presence they got to request it. The gunmem planning añl the time and only dem know their next stop. Police wasn't there but alot was recorded. We pray for the one person who was injured and thank God it was not worse
    • @resident (26/05/2024, 17:55) Like (19) Dislike (25) Reply
      The Government should have consulted the police before allowing the Music Festival and Poker Run on the same today. Policing 2 major events, on top of their normal day to day job, is not possible for a force as small as the RVIPF.
      • @@resident (27/05/2024, 08:10) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
        Yes. It is important they consider the nature of the beasts that they are dealing with...the imported defective humanities slithering to and fro and unfortunately,p copulating and reproducing their defective DNA.
  • facts (26/05/2024, 15:17) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply
    I ain't care who don't like it. Let me had been next to that woman who on the video thats going around saying only tola people does theif. Dirty mount ***** she got my blood boiling hot
    • To facts (26/05/2024, 22:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Turn your energy on those with the guns who coulda spray the whole place in a blood bath today if things had gone out of control. Your beef is with some stupid comment? The real problem is not your issue but a comment is your issue. Can't make this piss up. Let your blood boil because it have guns coming through this place like uncle ben rice and chicken wing, we have so many unsolved murders and no clue who the peroetrators are, businesses are being robbed and a VG v Tola comment has you upset . Check yourseld
    • I agree (27/05/2024, 11:17) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      She sounded very disgusting and in fact she sounds like an Antiguan or Vincy talking about "are we"
      • @I agree (27/05/2024, 14:54) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        Yes it is those from the islands up and down the Caribbean who clean the toilets of the hotel and tourism industry in the BVI. They are the ones who wash the dishes and clean the grounds of the establishments. So yes, we sound disgusting because we say "ah we" and B.V.I people say "ay you". When we have to use proper grammar, we use it, but put a B.V.I person to have a proper conversation with decent English and youall cannot speak a proper sentence. The only document youall can grade yourselves on is your birth certificate.

        Now respond and tell us go back where we come from because that is your strongest weapon. I might just be your apartment tenant that you relying on
  • SHAME (26/05/2024, 15:18) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why rob from yall own even virgin Gordians have no shame
    • @,shame (27/05/2024, 08:24) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      The intent and the habitual process is to destroy your own and self as a means of perpetuating the black victim narrative.
  • 2024 (26/05/2024, 16:20) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    only now the police will get busy because one should not mess with certain establishment
  • hmm (26/05/2024, 16:24) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bvi landers at it again. I from here boi, i tek wa i want. Lmao. Low lives
  • So (26/05/2024, 16:32) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    Is it a Poker Run or a Poker Gun?? Either one appears criminal!!
  • wyatt earp (26/05/2024, 16:45) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    And they're becoming bolder and bolder. Some people ignore crime cause they feel only those who are involved in illegal activities get killed, but always remember bullets tend to stray. I await the day when someone pump some of these pestilence full of lead.
  • Cancelled (26/05/2024, 16:58) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some people a friend knows heard about this and the other murders and cancelled their trip. Decided to go elsewhere, the word is getting out how crime ridden the BVI is becoming. We need better community support, better police, better judges and MUCH harsher sentences as a deterrent.
    • simply (26/05/2024, 18:27) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      We need better quality imported immigrants from countries where the body count of brothers murdering brothers along with every other crme imaginable is not in the thousands per year.
  • Maria Louisa Varlack (26/05/2024, 17:10) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    every thing is now ruined in the british virgin islands. for over 56 years ago events such as these current events never took place in the british virgin islands. law enforcement and politicians have turned a blind eye has to what is taking place in the british virgin islands. very soon the entire territory of the british virgin islands is going to be in ruins.
    • @Maria (26/05/2024, 17:58) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      I agree that the Government see Law Enforcement as a low priority. However, the Police do not turn a blind eye, they are just stretched to the limit.
      • @@zmaria (27/05/2024, 08:21) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        It seems impossible for them to comprehend accept and take action against the animals that they have imported installed and turn loose in this not too long ago a world of civil humanity.
        This same establishment which has fed their hungry ashes would not be in existence if the BVI was a land of
        behaviour like their home countries.
    • Native Tongue (26/05/2024, 19:03) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Did you take your meds today?
  • BVI stand still. (26/05/2024, 17:36) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    One day all of these gun men robbing will try to rob the wrong place and they will end up like a greater over a broken bottle of red wine.
  • Vision (26/05/2024, 18:20) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Isn’t camera around that place out a photo someone must know who them be same people them walk amongst us
  • WOW (27/05/2024, 03:09) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    well well
    black folks were victims of crime for years up in here touch a white establishment and everyone upset
    • @wow (27/05/2024, 13:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Lacks ckntinue to be victims even more because Bl is commit more crimes and their victims are predominantly way or another..employment socially economically they are the victims when tourists stay awah,when there are no investments when they are not hired or paid less...all a result of Black crimes on the businesses.
  • A Capitalist Who Loves the BVI (27/05/2024, 13:13) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Once again, strict firearms laws that prevent only LAW ABIDING CITIZENS from keeping and bearing arms benefit only the criminals and make good citizens easy targets.
  • @wow (29/05/2024, 19:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You think everyone upset because this is a "white establishment", or maybe more likely because these robbers so brazen they attempted this in broad daylight, at an event where hundreds of locals, tourists, black, white, old, young, babies and everything in between were attending?? Maybe that's the reason people are upset, or are you so blind yourself you only see race issues where there aren't any?

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