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'Gumption' pledges $150K to public schools; Doesn’t want gov’t officials involved

On the heel of a sit-down protest by teachers of Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) over working conditions on Friday, September 15, 2023, local businessman and philanthropist Allington O. Creque aka ‘Gumption’ is pledging $150,000.00 to assist teachers, under one condition- that the money is not handled by government officials or the Chief Education Officer. Photo: Facebook
On a social media post on September 16, 2023, Mr Allington O. Creque also said he was disappointed that ‘so much is not right’ for the new school year when school was out for two months. Photo: Facebook
On a social media post on September 16, 2023, Mr Allington O. Creque also said he was disappointed that ‘so much is not right’ for the new school year when school was out for two months. Photo: Facebook
Teachers of Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) staged a sit-down protest over working conditions on Friday, September 15, 2023. Photo: VINO
Teachers of Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) staged a sit-down protest over working conditions on Friday, September 15, 2023. Photo: VINO
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI- On the heel of a sit-down protest by teachers of Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS) over working conditions on Friday, September 15, 2023, local businessman and philanthropist Allington O. Creque aka ‘Gumption’ is pledging $150,000.00 to assist teachers, under one condition- that the money is not handled by government officials or the Chief Education Officer.

On a social media post on September 16, 2023, Mr Creque also said he was disappointed that “so much is not right” for the new school year when school was out for two months.

Noting that lack of communication was one of the issues, Mr Creque said the Government, Parent Teachers Association, Head of the Teachers Union, headmasters, and teachers should all feel ashamed.

The local tour operator then pledged $150,000.00 towards assisting with relieving some of the issues at public schools across the Virgin Islands.

“I’m asking all the teachers with the headmasters to get together and send me a list from the head of the teacher's board to email with an official teachers union heading of a list of things you’ll need.  Each public school and its needs.

No Gov’t official must get involved- Creque

Mr Creque said his only request is that schools do not include or involve any Government official or the Chief Education Officer.

“Once any Government officials [gets] involved or the CEO with the spending of my personal $150,000 I will pull out and I’m serious as much as Damain [Percival] was serious about scamming good people of the Virgin Islands.  No cash but direct payments to the sources,” Mr Creque said.

The ‘Good Samaritan’ noted that he is out of the country for another 16 days but whatever he could do “with my card I’m ready to begin [to] execute.”

The local businessman also used the opportunity to again express his disappointment with the government for the controversial free non-stop concert in June 2023.

“I rather my hard-earned money goes into the right things and will benefit the community, not like a $2.5k concert that I will never ever agree with that had an 83% loss vs gain. My funds in my accounts just building numbers and those numbers are not my happiness because numbers never stop and if was chasing numbers for happiness it will never end. Bob Marley said it best,” Mr Creque wrote.

He always reminds people that he is a high school dropout, but Allington O. Creque aka ‘Gumption’ is still one of the biggest advocates of education in the Virgin Islands, to the point where he is putting his money where his mouth is to assist and motivate teachers in the Virgin Islands.

45 Responses to “'Gumption' pledges $150K to public schools; Doesn’t want gov’t officials involved”

  • Good effort (17/09/2023, 10:31) Like (49) Dislike (1) Reply
    Kudos. This is great. God Bless you young man. Appreciate you.
  • vi (17/09/2023, 10:32) Like (45) Dislike (2) Reply
    I totally agree with Mr. Creque, well said and done.
  • Hat off (17/09/2023, 10:37) Like (28) Dislike (2) Reply

    Well if allya MS wasn't shame before allya should be shame now. Allya just stop charge me tax. I sick of this *#$*@

  • Boss. Calm down. (17/09/2023, 10:43) Like (50) Dislike (18) Reply
    Your intentions are very good but your reckless and careless with your money.. Select a school or two and find out what's to be done and you take on those tasks yourself with your own work men that you pay. See that the task is completed and your money is spent as intended. Its either your way or no way. Anyone you give your money to will dip their hand in it. .Learn.!!!
    • Why you mad? (17/09/2023, 11:25) Like (19) Dislike (17) Reply
      @boss. Calm down? Just keep off of of Gumption please and thanks.
      • @Why you mad? (17/09/2023, 17:59) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
        Nobody is mad. The individual is simply giving what I consider great advice by telling the fella to use the money and directly do what needs to be done allowing no chance for anyone to slip any into their pockets for personal use which is not what the funds are intended for to begin with. I don’t see anything wrong with that hence why I commented “Exactly” because I completely agree.
        • smh (21/09/2023, 08:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Gumption asked for a list and he will ensure they get what's on the list.
    • @Boss. Calm down. (17/09/2023, 11:33) Like (17) Dislike (7) Reply
    • @boss calm down (17/09/2023, 20:44) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      I agree. However, I mist acknowledge he is a good guy.
  • The watchdog (17/09/2023, 10:48) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man good the green backs bossie
  • WEW (17/09/2023, 11:07) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply
    We should start paying our taxes like this. Bypassing the government
  • Citizen (17/09/2023, 11:08) Like (52) Dislike (14) Reply
    This one must eventually Plan to run for politics!?! Everything he does, saying to help people, has to be a public spectacle. He decided to give Damien money, now have his name dragging. You should have never given it if it would bother you so much what happened to it. Give and don’t look back. In this case, call the principles of each school and offer them a budget. Let them meet with their teaching staff for things to put on the purchasing list. If it’s fame you’re looking you will still get it, Tortola is small. It doesn’t always have to be a show if you are giving from a good heart. Found in Matthew: “When you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Even if you don’t believe the good book, it’s a good way to live.
    • Seamore Bush (17/09/2023, 17:40) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      Perhaps just say thank you for your assistance and leave it at that.
      Why must Gumption have a hidden agenda?
      I see many good deeds from this man and if we all did a bit this island would be a better place.
      Love not hate.
    • @citizen (18/09/2023, 12:20) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      You are correct but you must understand the rich colonial people are working through him to look good they are working with a local. He is doing good but being used to assist in the destabilizing plan.
  • Real Talk (17/09/2023, 11:36) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Gumption for the 9th (17/09/2023, 11:41) Like (19) Dislike (7) Reply
    We no longer supporting Vincent
  • Front man (17/09/2023, 11:42) Like (27) Dislike (10) Reply
    Branson to the rescue!
  • follow the money trail (17/09/2023, 11:45) Like (30) Dislike (25) Reply
    Firstly, we will have to investigate that money and it source.
    • Do your homework (17/09/2023, 14:45) Like (19) Dislike (5) Reply
      @follow the money trail have you ever been on that dude website? None of us can afford his tours. Check his pages and do the Maths. Anyone who believes Gumption still need Branson’s money is a clown. You’ll need to stop hating on Mr. Creque he’s not the issue.
  • Blind Man (17/09/2023, 11:46) Like (20) Dislike (9) Reply
    This guy is a true humanitarian more businesses need to play a part in the development of the schools everything should not rest on government, this should be one of addition attached to companies coming to set up in the BVI to adopt a school for a 10yr period to take some of the strain of government.
  • SHAME (17/09/2023, 12:21) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    All the millions government collecting from money gram and western union the country is still in a mess. It messier than before . I wonder if poor people tears and prayers are causing this.
  • Nice (17/09/2023, 12:32) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
  • Take care of Home Pal (17/09/2023, 12:53) Like (14) Dislike (24) Reply
    What happen to the North Sound basketball court ? Are you forgetting your humble begginings ? Lets start with Home first and the rest of the BVI after bro . Tiny steps before big leaps
    • Lilly (17/09/2023, 17:54) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      Ask Vincent about the basket ball court. Gumption donate where he feels like.
  • nigel (17/09/2023, 12:58) Like (25) Dislike (18) Reply
    You go Gumption! Spend Richard and Larry money like it is yours. LOL

  • Mustang (17/09/2023, 13:36) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Normally, the House of Assembly should officially accept all gifts equal to or exceeding a certain dollar value. Nevertheless, since Gumption wants a hands off of government, the MEC and he needs to develop and work out a plan of action. Clearly, there is a lack of confidence in and distrust in government. This is not a good look and government needs to focus on building/re-building the electorate confidence and trust in it.
    • @Mustang (17/09/2023, 15:29) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      @Mustang, indeed all gifts above a certain value should be officially accepted by the HoA. But what value and has such a value been be codified? There should be a maximum value set limiting civil servants accepting gifts from the public. Second, this open lack of confidence and trust in government is huge and earth shattering or just a storm in a tea cup? Laws needed requiring politicians to disclose who they received gifts from. Senior civil servants and others should on an annual basis required to report their assets and investment.
    • Quiet Warrior (18/09/2023, 21:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What is the BVI government policy and procedure for receiving gifts, grants, etc? Mustang statement is a reasoned approached on receiving gifts and is good accountability and transparency.
  • tola (17/09/2023, 14:34) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I'm.with you gumption
  • 02 (17/09/2023, 14:43) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    So you say he has access to them billion
  • PT09 (17/09/2023, 14:44) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Calm down Are you telling the man how to spend his money, if you want it done your way why don’t you meet his pledge of a 150K and do it your way.
  • Why (17/09/2023, 15:20) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    Everything this man do he have to put on VINO smh!!
  • Lucky (17/09/2023, 16:40) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    i am proud of the gumption he is a young man from the soil that is looking out for the kids of the country. people dont hate on him for doing what we all could have come together and do lets now be a community and look out for the youths of the country.
    guidance, love, unity, respect. and leadership. we as a community can offer this to our kids and fellow men and women to make this small bvi a better place.
  • whatever (17/09/2023, 17:52) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Are you just mad tola don’t run by dominant last names no more are u really don’t do anything for people with them big last names booooo are u feel hurt Irma don’t expose are u your nobody do something Mon only the bank know are u to pay back loans with 12.5%
  • I just wondering (17/09/2023, 18:22) Like (3) Dislike (11) Reply
    If you willing to pledge that amount. Why you willing to kill a man that's struggling for $2500. Because you just prove you don't need that money back from him. So why put him on blast more if you going to do so much for the government
    • Principle (18/09/2023, 13:34) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Its not the amount its the "Principle" That's sometime ayu don't get.
  • BOTTOM LINE (17/09/2023, 20:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • SO U (17/09/2023, 20:41) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
  • Hey gumption (17/09/2023, 21:46) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
    Hey gump. Why u got so much green but u ain’t got no car? U always hailing for rides up n down gun creek hill in VG man. NEVER say thanks. Just jump in de back like we are all ur taxi’s. Maybe invest in some wheels. Jus’ sayin.
    • Asked (18/09/2023, 12:53) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      @hay gumption truth me told. Most of you’ll have car’s that still belongs to the bank. Many of you have an $1500 iPhone but don’t have on credit. Many of you have expensive bags but not even a $20 inside. A lot of you’ll don’t understand Gumption and I don’t think he cares to be understood by people. From what I seen Gumption seems very happy and content with his lifestyle.
  • Observer (18/09/2023, 01:19) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    Gumption, your intentions are good but you need to be realistic. No matter how you feel about the government's inability to manage its affairs you must understand that you cannot get in the mix without the government being involved. This is tantamount to giving money to a household and dictating what food the parents should buy to feed the children. You could partner with them and work out a plan on how this contribution could be managed but you cannot insist that the government takes a hands-off approach. You mean well but you must first check your hubris at the door. I am sorry but irrespective of your contributions and your intentions, you cannot keep the government out of the mix. Your contribution does not give you that right. You are sounding just like another entitled Virgin Islander.
  • ⁷sure shot (18/09/2023, 08:26) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dont ask the Government what you could do for the Country,Ask them what you could do for the Country, without their involvement.
    That is the only way to move on.( in these times)
    Mr Haycraft did it and not one of us said a thing, But here is a Young, Blessed person doing something similar and all of us want to tell him how to go.
    Boy(sorry if that mode of address touches you wrongfully) do it just the way it pleases you, you did not have to care.
    When England was offerring us their money, they placed watch dogs and regulations. Why should it differ with you.
    HAVE THINE OWN WAY my Brother.
  • Bands (18/09/2023, 09:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    the man have bands he aint gone give his last 150 doe positive movement
  • thank god (18/09/2023, 09:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is wonderful to see someone taking action to help the teachers of the Territory. May god bless Gumption . What are great deed.
  • Remember this man! (19/09/2023, 07:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is the kind od PUBLIC SERVANT that the BVI needs. He tring to figure out what wrong from the people who know. Then getting them money direct.
    All we have is politicians who see a cookie jar. They forget the problems.
    God Bless You!

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