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Guess what happened while we were spreeing?

- Truth for the… Saturdays 6pm – 7pm on ZROD 103.7FM & ZVCR 106.9FM
August 10th, 2015 | Tags: Alred C. Frett healthcare NHI Colonialism slavery
Alred C. Frett. Photo: VINO/File
By Alred C. Frett

Are we celebrating Freedom or just learning to accept Misery?

Slave Ships are in the Harbour, Leaders still sign Documents in Secrecy and Citizens are unsure whether they have been bought or sold… As Celebrations pass into History, folks still complain about the price of things within the Village and Children charged to celebrate their Emancipation - Some claim to know I am against this and are asking why have I not spoken out this year?

That answer is simple – If they already know my position but choose not to help themselves, then it is futile for me to keep on reminding them… Our focus should be on those able to learn rather than whose inaction confirms that they are comfortable indulging in lies and excuses even if this means exporting our meager Monies and Resources and wasting the lives and futures of the Children.

At the same time they need to be aware that the gratification of avoiding Reality, preaching Humility and simply going with the flow are short lived because Dead Fish also go with the flow and the practice of Humility means pretending to be stupid so they can be liked by those they hope will think they are smart even while they are really selling themselves as incapable fools.

Ironically, this same trick is used to con the Meek into believing they will inherit the Earth when all they get is a Gravesite… Similar Tricks were used to break our Ancestors and have them follow as sheep… However, some resisted the Injustices and while we thank them for the Spots of Freedom they provided, we should never forget the betrayal of those who sell their own for personal gain.

When Masters get us all onboard Schools become Prisons:

No Child should suffer such consequences... Unfortunately, over 90% of our Problems are passed on from generation to generation because of Teachings and Traditions that condition us to accept Might as Right and lose faith in ourselves… As Victims of Slavery, they keep us stuck in Poverty with lessons that this World is not our Home and Justice and Rewards will only come after we are dead.

However, History shows Might is most often Wrong and those who lose faith in themselves are destined to fail… We finally recognised Education as the Key for escaping Poverty and Inequality… Unfortunately, our own leaders were used as Foot Soldiers in a Mission to change the Locks and create Conditions that would prevent our Children from learning and earning - This is wrong.

This is why I always focused on ‘Leaving No Child Behind’ by maximising their Education and Decades ago I spoke of Junior High Schools as a concept where ‘out district’ Primary Schools could be expanded to accommodate 1st and 2nd Form equivalency Classes – This would allow our Pre-teen Children to study at these levels and be better prepared before attending High School.

Apparently our Leaders never understood this concept and over the years we lost some brilliant Kids as Education steadily regressed to the point where Leaders now feel the need to apply Procedures and Spiked Fencing that essentially turn our Public High School into Prison… This along with the proposed Americanised approach is a sure way of further retarding endless generations.

It is no secret that the Monies politically squandered on High School Prison Walls and Extended Years should have been used to build needed Class Rooms and it is ironic that the Class Room Block I was pushing to rebuild when they called to fire me is still there, undone and worse off than before – (located on the right as you enter the Grounds – Maybe the then Principal remembers).

Diseases of Slavery can never be cured by the Medicines of Colonialism:

Added to this threat of under-educating our People, leaders are also focused on a fullblown Health Care victimisation or National Health Insurance Scheme scheduled to be forced on a financially drained People within the year - Snap Election made them feel so unstoppable that they now openly admit the objective of this Scheme is to finance mistakes of the “HSA” and New Hospital.

As usual, this never had to happen but unknown to you, the UK and Local Politicians had connived to merely renovate our Old Hospital while creating a Health Service Bureaucracy… I opposed both of these and became the lone Force behind a New Hospital for our People - Actually I won and we got it started but as soon as they succeeded in removing me as Minister of Health it was stopped.

As you recall, they went back to UK’s Plan, fully establishing the Health Services Authority and squandering our Monies on a non-functional monstrosity referred to as the Old Hospital Annex… Nonetheless, you would also recall that even from outside I never stopped fighting for this New Hospital to continue and with the help of you the People it did and finally arrived over ten years late.

Clearly, the Annex along with delays, variations and overrides in constructing the New Hospital resulted in the Final Project being overpriced, overdue and unaffordable… Furthermore, one would think that Leaders would learn from such mistakes but they seem even more intent on over-loading the Backs of the Poor while jockeying to misname the New Hospital as their Political claim to fame.

Such devious moves appear to be carefully crafted by External Advisors who have nothing to lose and see August consumed by Emancipation Celebration with our People being too intoxicated to be concerned about more serious matters – They therefore selected September as the Month for their first strike while planning to clobber us in January after our Christmas Rum Celebrations.

The Price of accepting Poor Governance is the Cost of suffering under it:

History shows this same pattern being used throughout Slaveryand Colonialism – Both Pre-Slaves and Freed Slaves were easier to capture at Parties and Churches where Brains were numb and Eyes closed from Alcohol and Prayer - By time they awoke and Eyes reopened, Master’s Plan would be so far along that the Victims lacked the Balls and Brain to stand against the Unfairness and Injustice.

It is well known that ‘If they can’t rule you then they can’t fool you’ so even in this 21st Century, Laws are made by the Powerful and enforced on the Weak to achieve 18th Century Objectives - Big Countries still invade Small Countries, Religion still ensures Oppression, Wealth is still seen as the Right of a Select Few, Education is still kept from the Poor and Discrimination has never left us.

Globally we see bad Political Decisions cause Social Turmoil in long established Countries and whether it is UK’s failing National Health Insurance that makes them less humane or Puerto Rico’s failing Economy that threatens to close Schools and create Prisons, we often ask how come they never saw it coming… Guess what; Today we face similar situations and need our own answers.

We may be repeating dark passages of History and Truth may not always set us free but it is real and we cannot survive without it in our quest for Freedom… There is no denying how much the Systems are hurting our Children and making them as disposable as the days of Colonialism and Slavery – All left to be decided is whether we follow their bad Agendas or try saving ourselves.

PS: I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes 

7 Responses to “Guess what happened while we were spreeing?”

  • one eye (10/08/2015, 23:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Ode (10/08/2015, 23:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree with you, Alred, it is sad that, "We may be repeating dark passages of History and Truth may not always set us free but it is real and we cannot survive without it in our quest for Freedom." However, it seems that greed is taking over and some of our people either relish their apparent gains, some cannot recognize what is happening or some have become so comfortable that they could not be bothered and languish in complacency. Do we dare intrude on their Ode to Joy.
  • Forbidden Truth (11/08/2015, 06:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ode. Ode to you. People in the VI do not like to hear your type of talk so they prefer to stay complacent in their I'll gotten gains of prosperity n freedom.
  • pat (11/08/2015, 14:06) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    this man again yall?
  • Local (11/08/2015, 17:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This the truth
  • Endorse (13/08/2015, 19:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Endorse the VIP alred the party of the small man

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